Trying not to get discouraged.......



  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    The closer you are to goal and the smaller the amount to lose, the slower the process is. Make sure your weight lose goal on MFP is only set to 1/2 pound per week, anything else is not realistic. You only have 10 lbs to lose, so instead of looking at it like a diet, just focus on my healthier choices and make it a lifestyle. Start cutting some processed food, replace more drinks with water, add more veggies, and get some more protein.

    Plus, it took you almost 6 months to put the 10lbs on, why do you expect to see it come off so quickly?

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Your stats are set at 1200, but your actual consumption over the last 10 days averaged out to 1025...unless you have a medical condition and your doctor recommends such limited consumption, that's just not enough food...maybe if you are in a coma and sleep around the clock...try eating more vegetables and fruits and more calories...
  • Cockney365
    Cockney365 Posts: 52 Member
    Only 10 pounds to lose (but currently at a healthy weight), it's been TWO weeks, and only eating 1200 calories.... and getting "discouraged".

    Come on, get real. Try focusing on health and permanent, sustainable lifestyle improvements. Get rid of the scale if you can't stop basing your success on that stupid number. Get outside, find something constructive to do. Or something.

    Or just "quit", cause that will really fix everything.

    Pretty sure there was no need for this response? Give her a break, not everyone has all the knowledge and info you or others may have on how best to lose weight/keep it off/be healthier. MFP defaults to 1200 if you set your weight loss at 2lbs a week, which doesn't sound unreasonable if you listen to what we hear about weight loss day in, day out, that '1-2lbs a week' is a healthy rate to lose weight. Added to this, when you hear of people dropping big numbers in a week, it's natural to get discouraged when you have stuck to the rules and lost nothing.

    We NOW know about TDEE, BMR, eat more to lose more etc etc but that doesn't mean it's common knowledge to new people. Everybody has to start somewhere, you were new once! There's a difference between tough love and plain rudeness
  • xaris01
    xaris01 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't forget that you need to EAT to lose weight. There are a number of days in your log where you are way under your limit.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    II'm 5'8 1/2. I'm at150 now. my goal is 140. I've put on 10 lbs. since October.

    Before October, were you losing weight or had you been successfully maintaining at 140? Did something else change starting in October (job, activity, stress, etc.)? Trying to determine if you had a stable maintenance weight and calories in/out or if you were just starting the maintenance process then.
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    I'll be honest. It is because your mindset is not right. Your expectation is unrealistic. There are no shortcuts, you might notice some stuff after two months, thats worth noting. Week in and week out, no you wont notice, your "noise" (ie the fluctuations for whatever reasons, salt level, water intake/retention, T.O.M, etc) is bigger than the gains could possibly be.

    Until your goal is "to lose weight" it wont happen. Only when your goal changes to "i need to take better care of myself for life" will you notice permanent changes. This is not an easy step, for some of us took years/decades. Learn from our blindness, do it earlier.

    I totally agree, loosing weight is great and it makes you feel good but you have to change your whole life and start excersising and eating better to live a healthier lifestyle, if you just diet to loose 10 pounds you will surely gain it back at some point. You should find a good doctor and talk to them about a good life style change and what is actually healthy and what isn't. I have been at this for almost 2 years now and have lost 48 pounds and I am so close to my 50 pound goal but I more want to be healthier and change my whole body to feel good about myself for my kids and my husband.
  • Pamelajeanne61
    Only 10 pounds to lose (but currently at a healthy weight), it's been TWO weeks, and only eating 1200 calories.... and getting "discouraged".

    Come on, get real. Try focusing on health and permanent, sustainable lifestyle improvements. Get rid of the scale if you can't stop basing your success on that stupid number. Get outside, find something constructive to do. Or something.

    Or just "quit", cause that will really fix everything.
  • Pamelajeanne61
    thank you for such an encouraging post!. If I knew the answers, I would,t have asked the questions.
  • sciontc2
    sciontc2 Posts: 15
    I would limit the diet pop to one a day or every other day. I love my diet coke with splenda. But it cause water gain due to the salt.
    try to leave out breads, cheese, any milk products for 1 wk and see if that jump starts the weight off.
  • Pamelajeanne61
    Thank you to all of you that responded. I don't know a lot about this, and that's why I signed up for this.
    I dropped the goal wt to .5 lbs. a week. I will. Cut down on the diet soda, increase my veggies, and protein, and also bump up my calories. I have been slim my whole life, and I try to stay around 140. It's where I'm comfortable. I'm on a couple of meds that possibly may have caused some of the gain, but I'm not sure.... It's definitely harder, the older you get!
    I'll try to be more realistic with my goals. And no..............I'm not going to quit.