Food confession: New favorite

Okay so since I've gone "cleanER" I've found these things called LaraBars and OMGoodness where have you been all my life! Well I have 3 that are my favorite that I can only have 1-2 of in my drawer at all times because they'll be gone in nanoseconds..
the Lemonbar--OMGosh its like a lemonbar the kind with the powdered sugar(only without it)
chocolate chip cookie dough-- totally for those chocolate cravings that are so so
and chocolate chip brownie--those OMGosh chocolate cravings that I NEED and I NEED IT NOW!!!
I confessed...
Do you have a confession?


  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    If you love LaraBars, have you tried Quest Bars? Love them.
  • brentalanrhodes
    brentalanrhodes Posts: 82 Member
    My new favorite that I can't get enough of is Rice Cake with Pb2, Honey and Cinnamon. Good for you and AWESOME.
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    If you love LaraBars, have you tried Quest Bars? Love them.
    I have not tried Quest Bars...I don't know where to find them..
    I have trouble with digesting somethings, due to the lapband
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    My new favorite that I can't get enough of is Rice Cake with Pb2, Honey and Cinnamon. Good for you and AWESOME.
    Sounds good, although I can't do the rice cake because of the lap band one thing I can't handle... I"m glad you found a new healthy favorite
  • brentalanrhodes
    brentalanrhodes Posts: 82 Member
    Sounds good, although I can't do the rice cake because of the lap band one thing I can't handle... I"m glad you found a new healthy favorite

    Well that stinks.. Is it because it expands or something?
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    yep, expanding issues..
  • smbaye
    smbaye Posts: 5 Member
    I have just discovered Crunchmaster Multi-seed crackers (original)! I eat them with hummus and they are delish!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I am in LOVE with Lara Bars too!!!! I am in food heaven and use these as my new "candy bars" because they really do taste like I'm eating something I shouldn't lol!! They are too good. Also, I found Health Warrior Chia Bars. I love the Coconut one (110cals), and the Peanut Butter Chocolate one is good too (100cals).
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    I have to say I love LaraBars, too. The Apple Pie is my favorite. They are a yummy treat/snack. I usually buy them by the box to save a little cash. =)
  • My new favorite are Pop Chips!! just bought a 24pack from Amazon. I love all the flavors but i'm partial to the vinegar and sea salt :)

    And, Bittersweet chocolate w/almonds from Trader Joe's (the pound plus bars). Eating 1 square right now. Very delicously satisfying.
  • ThatDamnRobyn
    ThatDamnRobyn Posts: 47 Member
    That sounds so good! -- ETA - I was referring to the peanut-butter-honey rice cake, but I forgot to quote the post I was referencing.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member has awesome larabar recipes if you want to make your own :]

    a new favorite of mine, well newish within the last 6mo is spaghetti squash. i can eat it with some garlic powder and pepper, or with ricotta. the grocery was out so when they have it i need more! i want to make a "lasagna" type dish
  • Skinny Cow or Weight Watcher's Giant Fudge Bars. 100 calories - 4.6 oz. Love them. Oh, and the carmel flavored rice cakes - 8 of them for only 60 calories - yes!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I love Larabars! I love the tropical fruit tart one. Can't get enough of them!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member has awesome larabar recipes if you want to make your own :]

    a new favorite of mine, well newish within the last 6mo is spaghetti squash. i can eat it with some garlic powder and pepper, or with ricotta. the grocery was out so when they have it i need more! i want to make a "lasagna" type dish

    I love this idea! I am going to have to try it, sadly without ricotta (I can't have dairy) *pout face*. But maybe with garlic and some other spices might be really good.