Seeking Fellow MFP Users Who Have had Bariatric / WLS

Hello There!
I'm a fairly new user of MFP and I absolutely LOVE it. Actually, I'm a bit obsessed with using it now. It really helps me control what I'm eating. Now, I want to add some friends to make this journey a little more interesting and FUN!

My situation is a bit unique compared to most MFP users though. I had bariatric surgery in January 2013 so my caloric intake is much less than the average person (about 1000 per day). I'd like to partner wih others who have had WLS and have some of the same goals / challanges as I do.

Bariatric surgery was only a tool to help me achieve my fitness goals, now comes the daily work of better food choices and exercise. Let's track together :) Any takers?



  • scoopsgalore69
    scoopsgalore69 Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me. I haven't had the surgery yet but will before this year is up.
  • Hey There Scoops! :laugh:

    I just added you.

    I look forward to helping each other through this weight-loss journey. Congratulations on your decision to have WLS. It can be scary and exciting all at the same time. I had the gastric bypass 2 months ago but if I can help you by answering questions or just listening; let me know.
  • taetae97
    taetae97 Posts: 1 Member
    I had the gastric sleeve done on 3/4/13. You can add me ;o)
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    I am a 4yr post op, so we do not have the same goals or caloric intake and I no longer follow a bariatric diet. I do follow the guidelines of supplements and the 30/30 rule. But I am WAY too active now to only take in 1000cals after losing and maintaining 125lbs lost :)

    I just wanted to say I wish you the best of luck!
  • Azhei
    Azhei Posts: 8 Member
    I am a 4yr post-op. Lost 154lbs and gained back 50lbs due to stress, and medication. I had an RNY - not too many problems with what I can eat (unfortunately). Looking at possible plastic surgery to get rid of a lot of droop - but I want to lose the 50lbs gained first.

    Hugging a computer is what I do and I was never that active, but I just started doing DDPYoga which I'm hoping will get me moving. Once the good weather is here I'll be biking to/from work.

    I love MFP - I was obsessive about tracking when I was a new post-op, then some sabotage by my mother who thought I was too obsessive etc., and so I stopped - worst thing ever! Tracking keeps me accountable and I like that.

    Good luck!
  • I'll be having the RNY on 4-17 so I'm on my way to a new life. I've already lost 31 lbs prior to my surgery. I started at 258. Today I started on my liver reduction diet...I love all the help that I could give or receive to be successful on my new adventure. Thanks
  • amarkle86
    amarkle86 Posts: 27 Member
    I got the lap band June of last year. Anyone feel free to add me! :smile:
  • sjayeturner
    sjayeturner Posts: 2 Member
    HI !

    I just had the gastric sleeve on 02/28/13, I would love to get aquainted so we can share things that we are going through, I am new to this as well, but like you I love it and am already obsessed with counting my calories :) Hope to hear from you soon !
  • .
  • Hey There!
    I just added you. How is your recovery going? Is it still tough to get your liquids in throughout the day? I can say that my first couple weeks after surgery were so HARD!! Please know that this journey GETS BETTER. Hang in there :)
  • WONDERFUL! 4-years post op and over 100 caloris gone, never to return - YES!!!! I can't wait to get there with you. Thanks for stopping by with some encouragement
  • I'll be having the RNY on 4-17 so I'm on my way to a new life. I've already lost 31 lbs prior to my surgery. I started at 258. Today I started on my liver reduction diet...I love all the help that I could give or receive to be successful on my new adventure. Thanks


    So excited for you!!! EXCELLENT JOB on losing 31 pounds before even having surgery. I'm sure your liver is already nice and pliable :smile: I had to do a liqud diet for 2 weeks before surgery and lost about 15 lbs.

    Looking forward to partnering with you as we use MFP. I'm fairly new to this but I LOVE it so far.
  • Hello I had the VSG March 1 lost 33 pounds and looking to get fit and to be healthier. I am on this lifetime journey and I do know that the surgery is only a tool. Its all about changing the way we live and the way we eat.... so I am hoping that this site would be an added benefit to the VSG tool.... I am currently training to do a 5k walk/jog June 15th. I literally walked 1.5 miles in 1.5 hours...that is slow but my knees were in the race of the tortoise and the Hare...the Tortoise :smile:
  • vachic
    vachic Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 8-1/2 years post op for a RNY. I got down to 133 for about 3 days when I fell in love, but have creeped back up. Some of that is due to snacking, feeding my grief over my son dying, and a 2-1/2 year bad case of anemia (which makes you retain fluid) that we finally found out last September, after 4 units of blood, was due to a bleeding ulcer.

    I'm OK where I am now, but would love to lose about 10-16 lbs. more and get fit. I'm not there.
  • wizwitch
    wizwitch Posts: 82
    I had a RNY Gastric Bypass on September 18, 2001. Went from 320 to 150 then went to 170 and stayed around that until August of 2010 when I was laid off of work, so my depression kicked in triple time and I went up to 230, CW is 221.

    Good luck to you.
  • Susan823
    Susan823 Posts: 18 Member

    I'm thinking of having WLS; I have struggled with my weight for years. I lose it and gain it back; I'm at an all time high for weight right now and I'm just sick of always feeling tired. I would also like to get off of the HBP meds and chol meds. I'm an emotional eater too so I'm not sure if WLS is right for me. Anyone have any advice they would like to share?
  • Susan823
    Susan823 Posts: 18 Member
    I went to an information session last night for WLS and it was very helpful, I really enjoyed it. It was great to have people like me that already had the surgery there last night to speak about how much weight they loss and how they are now after WLS.
    I'm still looking for some friend on here to keep me motivated if you have had surgery or not.

  • Susan823
    Susan823 Posts: 18 Member
    How did your surgery go?
  • tackbb
    tackbb Posts: 4 Member
    I have not yet had surgery, but am in the process leading up to it. I must diet for 3 months with dietician assistance before they will give me the surgery date.

    Feel free to add me, I am going to try and stay active with this site to track my progress.

    - Trevor
  • Paijj
    Paijj Posts: 11
    I'm 4 years post-op....lost 110 lbs...gained back 25. Want to get back my original 110 lb loss. Feel free to add me!