1% Fat Chocolate Milk Post Workout

I'm looking for opinions on the matter. I been drinking this after my runs and weight lifting sessions. I don't know if it's a placebo effect or not, but I feel really good after drinking it. Overall, it's not interfering with my fat loss. I just wanted to know what some of you had to say about this.



  • meganshort11
    meganshort11 Posts: 48 Member
    if it isn't interfering with your weight loss, and it makes you feel good drinking it, keep drinking it.

    i'm a firm believer in that you only have one life, and if your biggest guilty pleasure is a glass of chocolate milk, then you arent doing too bad. good luck!!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    This is actually a generally accepted post-workout drink. It provides your body with a bit of protein, and more importantly it replenishes the energy stores in your muscles that were spent during your workout. This helps your muscles recover and repair.

    I drink 2 cups after every workout, you want to keep it to about 80 g of carbs each time.
  • sarahDickson501
    sarahDickson501 Posts: 87 Member
    chocolate protein shake would proably be better, with 0% milk but that's just my opinion :)