Pasta tonight! Ideas?

Tonight I want to cook a healthy meal. We want pasta for dinner. Does anybody have any good healthy ideas for what I can make?


  • Wakhiza
    Wakhiza Posts: 9 Member
    Pasta can be very healthy. I would recommend using a whole wheat or whole wheat blend pasta. The secret to making it nummy is cooking it a bit longer, ie, if it says 8 minutes on the box, I would go ten. Also, instead of adding butter to stop it from sticking after cooking, try adding a little Smart Balance.

    You could either make your own sauce, or there are some good commercial sauces out there. The healthiest are, sadly, more expensive. There are several brands that have no sugar or anything added, just veggies and a little olive oil. You could also just saute some diced tomatoes, peppers, onions, and/or whatever else strikes your fancy in some olive oil (minced garlic = YUM) and put that on your pasta.

    I am doing medifast, so I cant do this kind of stuff right now, but in a previous life, when I had lost a bunch of weight and was eating healthy like I was supposed to, this was a big favorite for my family!