Looking for mfp friends who offer/need motivation!

I'm struggling with disciplining myself, both food & exercise. It's hard when you live in a isolated town with expensive healthy food, and cheap unhealthy foods (canned goods, added sugar items, junk food, etc).

Looking for some friends who can help motivate me to stay on track and who also need some motivation of their own!

Add me if that's you! :smile:

Good luck to everyone with their goals! :happy:


  • jmsharp1
    jmsharp1 Posts: 29
    Hey girl I know what you mean! I live in a tiny town and know no one! Looking to lose 50+ pounds of my own. Started 30 day shred 3 days ago and need motivation myself! I've assigned my children the task of bugging me until i workout...should have thought longer about that before I did it! Now they' re driving me bonkers! Friend request sent
  • KatGreenGo
    Hello Kat,
    I can relate to living in an isolated town where the healthy food is skyrocketing everyday. I have to travel over 40 miles to get to an city where I can buy my groceries at a decent price, It's a lot easier to grab that quick junk food too.. I am new to myfitnesspal this is my third day and so far its been a challenge but with mfp i am succeeding. I hope you have a great day and stay motivated and positive today!
  • ashlih84
    ashlih84 Posts: 1
    Hi! I totally understand. The whole retraining myself to change the way I eat, along with the exercise is just about to drive me crazy. After working 10 hour days then doing the whole ''getting ready for the next day" with the kids makes me feel as if I really have no time for any type of exercise or eating right. Although, I fully realize that where there's a will there's a way and with the right support peers that might just be what I need to find the will that I need. I hope you have a great day and stay motivated to reach the goal you set.
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    Anyone can add me if they like.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Hello there Kat! I KNOW exactly how you feel! I live on an island with one way in and one way out and that means everything is more expensive including the food! Ugg it gets frustrating! I have spent more on food in the last 3 mos than I ever did when I was eating out more! Go figure! Anyway feel free to add me! I am very busy but very active here in MFP! Best of luck! :)
  • katjabbs
    katjabbs Posts: 18
    Thanks for your offers of support. and I hope I can be just as supportive and helpful also! :happy:
  • anniegail1961
    Hi Kat: I hope you will find your motivation to continue on this journey. You deserve to be the best you can be!
    Something I do to stay motivated is to go to the library and read alot of inspiring books.
    It gives me new information to put in my brain-and to keep me thinking positive, rather than thinking of what I'm not doing right.
    It's an Attitude thing!!

    May I suggest these books:

    1) Something Else to Smile About---Zig Ziglar

    2) Life's Little Instruction Book-511 Reminders for a Happy and Rewarding Life--H. Jackson Brown Jr.

    3) Use What You've Got--Barbara Corcoran

    4) Any book- by Anthony Robbins He'll motivate you!

    5) My blog-maybe my journey will inspire you! I welcome your friendship. I need motivation too!

    Best Regards!

  • bf1110
    bf1110 Posts: 72 Member
    I know excally how that feels. I would be more than happy to help motivate u and would love ur support in return.
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    you don't need to be in a small town to face that problem! I live outside of Washington DC and found that to be my challenge as well.

    Although, I admit I did not want to exactly start eating healthy and so I purchased some healthy and some unhealthy and found i was just buying twice as much food (well, nearly so) .

    I'd suggest switching at small steps like going to whole wheat breads. Adding more fruit/vegetables into your diet.

    Then look for "recipes" that are healthy. Your friends that have an open food diary could help.

    If you, or anyone, wants to add me they are more than welcome. I'm more than willing to share some of the things we do here. (I have a lot of healthy recipes and have been adding items into the diary as i prepare them - I am willing to tell anyone what I do to prepare the meals and the specific ingredients if y'all got questions i am quick to reply to emails too)
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    Always looking for motivational friends as well.
  • Kgetshealthy
    I can always use/offer motivation too! Feel free to friend so we can work on our goals together! Whoo hoo!
  • keninf
    keninf Posts: 215 Member
    Hi All- I can always use more friends for inspiration- I try to log daily and make sure I am honest with my intake whether I was good or a bit naughty :)
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Friend request sent. I can offer support. Lets work together to reach our fitness and weight loss goals :happy:
  • sabermax
    sabermax Posts: 69
    Feel free to add me if you want!!!
  • Chantillylaise
    Chantillylaise Posts: 9 Member
    Absolutely know that feeling! I'm working 5 long days a week and then come home to my husband and 3 children and it's exhausting. I almost gave in to temptation last night but I logged into MFP and didn't. :)