

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello everyone...it seems like every other day at reading/posting is as good as I am going to get this week. My sister and brother-in-law are in town (up from Tulsa) from yesterday till Saturday. So, it's visiting and catching up with them that I am tuned in to at the moment. A friend dropped by last night with two tubs of homemade cookies that his 92 year old mother (lives in Minnesota) had baked for my DH. How FOUR of them wound up in MY mouth is beyond me as they were definitely not sent to ME. I solved the compulsive eating problem my removing them down a flight of stairs and into the freezer! It's almost painful or embarrasing how easily I can trick myself into better behavior!

    Welcome to Patty from Texas and Robstella...the more the merrier!

    Jeanie, how clever you must feel. Hitting him in the billfold is so much nicer than hitting him over the head!!

    Ainslieglen, it's nice to hear from you and you needn't feel shy. I feel this is a very safe forum of very NON-judgemental ladies who run the gamut from funny (hilarious actually) to loving and very wise!

    Barb and Mimi...on the roasted veggies I also add cubed zucchini and/or summer squash in the mix...you can get really creative and it usually always comes out great!

    Robin, and anyone else out there losing...great job on the weight loss!

    Laura, belated congrats on the birth of Eli...how wonderful that you were able to get the Skype up and running!!

    Thanks to all who sent kind words and thoughts my way...and, as always, thanks to everyone for being here and being part of such a great group of ladies!
  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    well got on the scale and it did not move , but we have had a birthday and unhealthy choices this week . so im glad i did exersise because i would have put on . so a better week for me next week .

    hope every one as a good weekend eat the veggies every one
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: A very quick good evening to you all ....one of these days I'm going to get around to replying to individual posts but not tonight ...sorry!

    :drinker: The scales were on the slide again today ....another ....4oz!!

    :happy: And ....I've tried on one of the evening dresses I bought for the cruise and actually had to take it in a bit for it to hang correctly. It's hard to describe but the long and the short of it ...especially as me being short was I think, the problem....where the back of the dress went over my "rear" it ruched up. I thought it was because my b*m was too big but no!!!...to obtain that smooth silhouette we ladies want, I had to take it in about an inch. It was never quite right but now I feel good in it. It has a scarlet lining that shows through a sheer black devore type top layer. A simple strappy long line with a low back with diamante strings to the neck fastening....confused? ...Maybe I'll get a photo on! Little bolero and all!!

    :happy: And ...at the moment I'm all dolled up ready to go out once the carer has come. #1DIL's sister is having a graduation party, #1 son is doing the disco and I'm popping along for an hour or two. Ooooh! ...might even feel human again!
    My cooking prep calories came from assisting with the vol au vents.

    :flowerforyou: So ...I do hope all's well with you all.....that all of the aches, scrapes and pains are on the wane. Keep losing and keep posting. It makes my day to know you're all out there.

    :heart: Jackie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey, I haven't posted in a while but I am popping in every and reading a post or two.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings ladies!!! I am just popping in also. I haven't had time to read the last days posts but want to let you know that I am not MIA!
    I am officially on vacation starting tonight, for a week and intend to do some real resting. Been real busy with work and trying to fit in helping DD with her moving into a new house!....we're just pooped!!!
    My weight is in check.:drinker: I post everyday and exercise almost every day. :flowerforyou:

    Everyone hang in there! This website has changed my life :flowerforyou: and so I can honestly say that going on vacation and out to eat a lot.... is no more a threat!!! I am learning to be smart and make healthy choices and add execise into the agenda.:wink:
    So have a great week and I'll try to catch up when I can!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have iced my knee three times today, sat quietly with a beading project and amabout to leave the house for a ten minute walk to the nearby lavender farm where I will probably buy a small serving of honey lavender ice cream which will put me over my calories for the day unless I overdo it and walk too much.:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: I was so sure I'd be eating this ice cream on a day when I'd burned a ton of calories line dancing and walking at the dog park. oh, well :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Before I begin I want to apologize for complaining, but I just want to put my thoughts down so I can let them go. I do not understand why I always must sabotage myself. I am my own worst enemy. I am so trying to understand this about myself, so I can stop. The moment my life starts to get stressful and I have no time to regroup it seems I let every area spiral out of control. I know I am not being clear, I am just frustrated and upset with myself. I have never realized how I do this except now that I have been on here I am aware of my slipping away. If I do not make a large goal that I set up, I cannot accept less and instead almost see how bad I can make it. I see it with my weight loss, because I lose so slow and am not seeing the numbers go down. (my sisters called to let me know they are losing a a fantastic rate) I just stop exercising, watching what I eat and drinking water. I see in our family where there was just so much crazziness that we somehow thought it was normal. I see how each of us learned to cope differently, me I am a runner. If things get tough I run. My goal for my entire life has to feel safe. I do not want this to happen this time. I find even as I write this, I feel the panic in me. The urge to not come on here again. The fear of having people really know my weaknesses. And why is losing weight so tied up in all of this.
    Well, thanks, for providing a place for me to writer.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: Linda, today is the first day of the rest of your life......take a chance and do something different today.....your friends on this thread will listen to you.......if you listen to them, they will make suggestions that you can use to make the changes you know you want......don't compare yourself to others.....stay in the moment and don't let your mind drift into the future....read your goals and work on one of them right now.:bigsmile:

    you can do this :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • chicletgirl
    chicletgirl Posts: 113
    Before I begin I want to apologize for complaining, but I just want to put my thoughts down so I can let them go. I do not understand why I always must sabotage myself. I am my own worst enemy. I am so trying to understand this about myself, so I can stop. The moment my life starts to get stressful and I have no time to regroup it seems I let every area spiral out of control. I know I am not being clear, I am just frustrated and upset with myself. I have never realized how I do this except now that I have been on here I am aware of my slipping away. If I do not make a large goal that I set up, I cannot accept less and instead almost see how bad I can make it. I see it with my weight loss, because I lose so slow and am not seeing the numbers go down. (my sisters called to let me know they are losing a a fantastic rate) I just stop exercising, watching what I eat and drinking water. I see in our family where there was just so much crazziness that we somehow thought it was normal. I see how each of us learned to cope differently, me I am a runner. If things get tough I run. My goal for my entire life has to feel safe. I do not want this to happen this time. I find even as I write this, I feel the panic in me. The urge to not come on here again. The fear of having people really know my weaknesses. And why is losing weight so tied up in all of this.
    Well, thanks, for providing a place for me to writer.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Today (Thurs) did Jari Love's Extremely Ripped DVD. I'm always surprised at how much I sweat during this workout. Actually, guess I sweat a lot. I usually do pushups on my knees, but my knees were sweating so I had to put a towel under them. Got her Ripped to the Core DVD today, came in the mail. I ordered Food, Inc. and didn't specify that they be shipped separately. Am looking forward to watching Food, Inc.

    Went to lunch with a friend today to Jason's Deli. I have to admit, I'm a bit proud of myself. I had the salad bar, had spinach, greens, tomatoes, cukes, broccoli, cauliflower, red onion, pepper, mushrooms, raw carrots. Then on the side had some shaved turkey. I did think the turkey was a bit on the salty side, and I just looked up the nutritional info. It IS on the salty side. For dessert I had their fresh fruit cup. Honestly, I was FULL. I could have gone up for seconds, but I don't know where I would have put it. Just had water to drink. You know, I didn't have any desire at all for any kind of dressing. The gal I was with was surprised at that. So far today I've had 112oz. Just made some zucchini brownies. Update: after being so very good, I backslided and had a few cookies. But you know something? After 2 or 3, I really didn't have any desire to have any more. Going to have to watch it tomorrow. Those refined carbs really get to me

    You know, I just realized that the last time I got my period was 1/27. Looks like I'm going to have to be that much more watchful that I don't gain lots of weight because it'll be that much harder to lose.

    We're going out to dinner tomorrow with some friends. Fortunately, Bryan works at this place so he suggested the black bean patty which he says is really a veggie burger. He also told me that the lettuce they have isn't the iceburg but a broad leaf lettuce and that I can get the burger on lettuce, so I might do that.

    Barbiecat - so glad to hear your feeling better. It won't be that long before you'll be line dancing again. 7,000 steps in pain, what an inspiration you are!

    Rebel - WTG girl on the bike ride! That poor woman on your team. She may lose the weight fast, but she'll also gain it fast (plus some). I'm really shocked that her MD is OK with this. Unfortunately, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

    tiarapants/Amanda - what IS mahjong? Some people around here talk about it, and I've always been curious. I know it has something to do with tiles, but that's about all I know. What is the main goal? Congrats on the weight loss! I'd be upset too if I walked only to find out my appt. had been cancelled.

    jam/Jeannie - trust me, even when kids grow up, when they're home it still looks like a tornado went thru the house when they are here. Bryan is here for another few months. I swear he thinks that we have a "magic" sink -- you put the dirty dishes in and they come out clean. I must admit, he's a very good cook. My father was a very good cook also. Guess Bryan got the cooking gene from him. Unfortunately, Bryan also inherited the gene for being a messy cook. Honestly, last night he made something, I don't know what it's called. Had sauerkraut, stewing beef, carrots, red onion, beer. It was really good. But he thickened the sauce with flour. No problem....except that he spilled the flour on the stove (and the floor). This a.m. he made eggs for breakfast. Honestly, when he was done, I had to clean the stove! Well, at least he does cook.

    rjshae/Randy - ANOTHER good reason to get to the Trader Joe's. Guess, tho, I should have a bit of room in my pantry.

    SuzyQ - that's wonderful about your dh. Wish I could get my dh to watch what he's eating. He likes his pop tarts, cookies, etc.

    Welcome robstella and pbradshaw. Don't rush the weight loss, slow and easy. You CAN do it.

    Tomorrow (Fri) I'll go to the Y early for yoga and then take the deep water class. It's just too hot to do something out of the water. Did the yoga and water class today (Fri). We're supposed to go out to dinner with some friends.

    Got the show "Food, Inc." in the mail today. Don't know why Amazon shipped Jari Love DVD and this one separately, I certainly could have waited a day. Now to watch it!

    When I look in other people's carts, it usually trigers my memory to buy something else.

    I like all this talk about the M&M's. Vince retired from Mars, so every bag of M&M's helps (even a little bit) to pay his pension.....lol

    mimi - Get that pic up real soon! I usually get the kind of dye that washes out. Only last time the gal made a mistake and gave me the permanent dye. Well, it COULD be worse, that's for sure.

    I believe the scale in our bathroom is broken, it always says "low" which I believe means low battery. Vince has been talking about wanting to get a new one. If I buy one, I know it won't be the kind he wants so I'll have to wait for him. Tomorrow is my usual weigh-in day. Wish the WiiFit would give you your weight, not just how much you gained/lost since the last time. Update: Vince put in a new battery. Seems that the battery that the scale takes is the same size as the battery for his gun, so he had extras.

    rjadams/Robin - big congrats on the weight loss! The WiiFit said I'd gained, and it wouldn't surprise me if the gain was because of the salt in the turkey yesterday. Don't party too much -- you don't want to ruin everything you worked so hard for.

    My kids would wait until the absolute last minute before they'd clean their room. This always irritated me because their way of cleaning is "throw it out". That usually means that I have to go thru the garbage to see what they threw out.

    Got a really nice compliment today. I stopped at this one store, found a shirt I thought was really pretty. Anyway, when I went to pay, the gal gave me this discount so I asked her what the discount was for. She then told me that every Friday (and this I didn't know) anyone 49 and younger gets 15% off. That made me feel so good. OK, she may have just given it to me to be nice, but it still made my day

    Jackie - congrats on having to take in that dress. What a wonderful feeling!

    tcac/Linda - we are here for you, any time of the day, any day of the week. Just post to us.

    Went out to dinner with some friends. I had a spicy bean burger (no bun), lettuce, tomatoes and roasted root veges. I'm really fighting NOT to have something else right now since I'm under calories. It's 11:30, and I know that eating so late at night isn't good.

    Tomorrow - yoga

  • chicletgirl
    chicletgirl Posts: 113
    Before I begin I want to apologize for complaining, but I just want to put my thoughts down so I can let them go. I do not understand why I always must sabotage myself. I am my own worst enemy. I am so trying to understand this about myself, so I can stop. The moment my life starts to get stressful and I have no time to regroup it seems I let every area spiral out of control. I know I am not being clear, I am just frustrated and upset with myself. I have never realized how I do this except now that I have been on here I am aware of my slipping away. If I do not make a large goal that I set up, I cannot accept less and instead almost see how bad I can make it. I see it with my weight loss, because I lose so slow and am not seeing the numbers go down. (my sisters called to let me know they are losing a a fantastic rate) I just stop exercising, watching what I eat and drinking water. I see in our family where there was just so much crazziness that we somehow thought it was normal. I see how each of us learned to cope differently, me I am a runner. If things get tough I run. My goal for my entire life has to feel safe. I do not want this to happen this time. I find even as I write this, I feel the panic in me. The urge to not come on here again. The fear of having people really know my weaknesses. And why is losing weight so tied up in all of this.

    Linda, its good that you HAVE a place to be able to vent. It sounds like you don't feel comfortable venting or as you put it "letting people know your weaknesses" anywhere else but here. So take advantage of it. Like Barbie says, "They're are a lot of ladies here to help you". Don't apologize for anything. It's good to vent, it's healthy to release those bad feelings rather than eat them away.(Which in case you haven't noticed doesn't work)

    I know what it means when you say you had a crazy family or life with them, that you assumed was normal, what everyone went through. Mine was hell, but I survived and out of everyone in my family I think I am the healthiest both physically and mentally by far! That my dear is the way you need to put things in perspective. You survived and look at what you have accomplished so far.

    As for the setting a big goal and being disappointed when you do not complete it or reach it, consider making your goals more attainable. Baby steps, not leaps! You will feel like you accomplished much more that way and feel better about yourself. Make smaller, more attainable goals.

    As for your sisters, I really don't know how well you get along with them, but it sounds like their telling you how fast they are losing or how much, frustrates you. Are they doing this on purpose, like its a competition, or subconsiously to sabotage you, is this the way you all have handled things like this, competing to see who is the best? I don't know if it is any of those. All I do know is that if after you look at it, and you see a pattern of destructive behavior, maybe you need to not discuss this subject with them or draw a line on what to discuss. Tell them how it makes you feel. However if this makes you feel like you are being weak then don't discuss it with them at all. My brother is extremely pessimistic, and when he would talk about anything it was so negative and always had me feeling crappy and bring me down. I had to eliminate him from my life. We just aren't good for each other. Family issues. You may not have to be this drastic, but you want to surround yourself with positive people, not negative. It would make me feel poopy too if I heard them estatically telling me of the thousands of pounds they are losing!!!:noway: What happened to courtesy and feelings? They are your sisters for pete's sake, shoudn't they be able to pick up on what makes you feel bad or recognize the triggers? Are they good for you?

    I was a runner too. It is extremely important to feel safe. There is a reason that you need this. And only you know why you do. I know why I did. You have to protect yourself. Maybe you never felt safe when you were small. Whatever the reason, being around positive, supportive people is essential! Make your house your home, and in that home have an area you can go to that is yours only. A safe haven. Start a gratitude journal, listing the things you are grateful for, Even if you can't think of a single thing that day to be grateful for, then write that you were thankful for getting out of bed today. I think you are supposed to write 4 or 5 things you are thankful for the day. I thought I saw on this site someone talk about this before. It is very helpful. The book that accompanies it and guides you to feel better about yourself or as they put it "Become your authentic self" is called, "Simple Abundance A Daybook of Comfort and Joy" written by Sarah Ban Breathnach. This helped me tremendously. And I felt so good about myself while doing the daily excerpts.Check it out.

    Okay I am off my soap box now. sorry about putting the quote on first. I accidentally hit the reply post button and sent it before I wrote anything.

    Hang in there.
  • chicletgirl
    chicletgirl Posts: 113
    Linda I goofed again on posting my reply to you. It is under the quote. I don;t know how to separate them. Sorry:blushing:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barb - I had to laugh. I use to be a productivity expert for a major corporation. I'm very good at figuring out the best and fastest way to do things, but I always believed in doing the right way the first time. Which is why I don't do that any more. lol

    Since many of you ladies liked my put things on a stick and grill them method to cooking, my other favorite thing to do is to stir fry everything in one big frying pan. That is what we had tonight beef chow mein stir fry. I buy the veggies and cut them up on the weekend putting them all in the fridge. During the week I pull them out, put something liquid in the mix. I found that I can feed the family on 1/2 of the normal amount of meat this way and force them to eat fresh veggies. If there is sauce on it, they will try it.

    Michele, glad to know my kids are normal. I must have been an exceptional child as I have always been neat.

    I admit I did not really read all the posts. Hopefully everyone is doing well and ready for the weekend. May we all eat well and stay within our calories over the next two day.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I like all this talk about the M&M's. Vince retired from Mars, so every bag of M&M's helps (even a little bit) to pay his pension.....lol

    So at last I figure out the meaning of that book title "Men (who retire) are from Mars and (their spouses) women are from Venus!! It is a good thing I didn't work there, or they would be out of business due to "shrinkage." I would be easily identifiable as the culprit--the only person who came to work and stayed because they couldn't fit through the door to leave:noway: --also, their breathe smelled of chocolate!!:laugh: :laugh:

    If your quote trouble happens again, you can choose the edit button that is available on the bottom right side of your post for about 15-20 minutes after it is submitted. It will bring up another posting window that shows everything in your post. In order to have a quote, at the beginning of the quoted material, you will see [ quote ] (NOT with the spaces, I had to add them or my post would have a quote in the middle of it and you wouldn't be able to see the coding I am trying to show you.) When you get to the point where you want the quote to STOP, the code to do that --again, without the spaces I am showing--is [ /quote ] In order for things to work properly, you have to make sure there is no quote coding at the end of your post. In your case, I can see what happened. When you began to type your response, you inadvertently started BEFORE the second ] in the coding at the end of what Linda had written, so your words were included with those actually in the quote.

    I hope that made sense. I am a bit tired tonight. Ran all over the place today and I am planning on crashing tonight earlier than I have been.:yawn: :yawn: I hope Mai Li decides to sleep through the night as I am NOT in the mood to be awakened at 3 am!!!:grumble:

    Have a good evening, all.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Today was a real emotional roller coaster ride for me. First I read about a major accomplishment in my son's life on facebook. This was such a slap in the face! Before he married , I would have heard this news via a very excited phone call from my son. It hurts so much to just be shut out of his life. When I called to congratulate him I had to talk to his voice mail as he rarely accepts my calls anymore. But I am determined to continue to love him from afar. Prayers would be be greatly appreciated.

    If that weren't upsetting enough, when I went to wrap my FiL's birthday present (a gardening hat hubby picked out) I found MY Daddy's old gardening hat and favorite sweater that I saved, while searching for a gift bag. I had to wonder what Daddy would have done or said about my son's behavior and what words of wisdom he might have for me. I put on his sweater and puttered around in it while I wrapped the gift.

    Good news is I was still so upset that I wasn't even hungry at the family birthday supper, so I didn't overeat. Perhaps not the best way to prevent overeating, but it worked fin my favor tonight .

    Hubby is pulling an all-nighter so I'm about to take some melatonin and see if I can sleep a bit. Things usually look brighter in the morning.
  • Corrine926
    Sorry to hear you had such a rough day, but sounds like you handled it in a very positive way. That takes a lot of strength and grace to pull off and still stay on track. Congratulations on your progress so far and hang in there. We went through some rough spots with our kids as they were learning to mature - spouses and all and eventually things are turning around. Keep the faith and lots of prayers....CM
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi all!

    First I want to say that I think I read all(or most) of the posts and was happy to see that despite day to day schedules and some set backs, for the most part our "gang" is doing well:smile: with a couple of exceptions.

    tcac(Linda): I can see that you're having a tough time right now. My heart goes out to you, and I'm so glad you can come here to your MFP sisters and get the support and understanding you deserve. I have found you like a ray of sunshine in your encouragement of others. You WILL get through this rough patch' Just please don't sabotage yourself. Keep logging and posting, and remember that you belong here. You are valued here. And there are lots of "sisters" who totally understand how hard it is to stay on course when you get discouraged. We GET it, we've all been there. Hang tough, Linda:heart:

    Suezzzque: Even so-called adult kids can wreak havoc with our feelings. Maybe it's more painful because they ARE adults and should know better. It's pretty mean for you to find out via facebook something that you would expect your son to have shared with you. It would be an emotional discovery for me, too. I don't mean to sound intrusive, but what is his wife like? Could she be a behind the scenes manipulator? It doesn't excuse his behavior, but may offer a reason for it. I hope you know that his rudeness and thoughtlesness will come back to bite him someday. I know you don't wish this for him, but I believe firmly that what goes around eventually comes around. I'll be thinking about you...positive thoughts!:heart:

    I was going to go on and on about myself for a while, but think I'll save it for tomorrow. Have a happy Friday evening:smile:

    Elizabeth(ainslieglen):flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I’m visiting my folks in the Bay Area (east of San Francisco) this week so won’t be able to spend as much time hanging out with my friends as usual. I’ll check in as much as I can though.

    No babysitting for me this week. Yay! I do miss them though.

    Got a tuneup of my haircut today. It’s a little more contemporary looking. My daughter-in-law-to-be called the old haircut a “snob bob.” (That was not directed at me BTW, but was said well before I got my haircut.) A large percentage of the women in Lafayette and Moraga (both kind of upscale places) wear that sort of a bob. I did NOT want to join the flock!

    I’ll get a pic up this week if I can persuade someone to take it. I’ll go for higher resolution this time than last, although I do like the way the lower resolution fuzzed out my wrinkles!

    I don’t have time at the mo’ to say more than a quick Hi, but I did want to say…

    CONGRATS Robin on an awesome weight loss. Woo hoo, outrageous, you rock, etc., etc., etc. I know you’ve been on the verge for a while. When you lose it, you lose it big!

    Amanda, when I opened the pic of your shoes, Olivia (almost 6), said, “Oh, I like those shoes. I want those shoes.” She continued to enthuse for several minutes. Pink is her favorite color. The red heart on the toe made them the absolute ultimate! Good for you for wearing something so out-of-the-box!

    Linda, stay with it. We are all here for you. There is no safer place. This might sound way too simple but, seriously, try loading up on veggies (and/or fruit) at the beginning of a meal and, when you need it, between meals. I call it my willpower for a reason. They’re low-cal and filling at the same time.

    When you are feeling stressed out, you might have to make a deliberate effort to eat them. Sometimes I have to put myself on automatic pilot and just do it, even though I don’t feel like it. But it works every time. I get my sanity back and am able to be much more in control of what I eat. It’s like the difference between going grocery shopping when you’re hungry vs. when you’ve just had a big meal.

    Susan, hugs to you. That is a tough deal.

    Yikes. Here I am still. I’m obsessed with MFP and, more specifically, with talking to all of you. However…as much as I treasure each of you…it’s time for bed! Please know that I’m thinking of you but I’m going to MAKE myself stop and pick up again tomorrow when I can find a few minutes (or more!).

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Suezzzque: Even so-called adult kids can wreak havoc with our feelings. Maybe it's more painful because they ARE adults and should know better. It's pretty mean for you to find out via facebook something that you would expect your son to have shared with you. It would be an emotional discovery for me, too. I don't mean to sound intrusive, but what is his wife like? Could she be a behind the scenes manipulator? It doesn't excuse his behavior, but may offer a reason for it. I hope you know that his rudeness and thoughtlesness will come back to bite him someday. I know you don't wish this for him, but I believe firmly that what goes around eventually comes around. I'll be thinking about you...positive thoughts!:heart:

    Elizabeth(ainslieglen):flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Honestly I really don't know what his wife is like because he met and married K after he left home and we've only been around her a grand total of 10 days in 3 years (at my parents funerals before they became engaged and the Thanksgiving after they got engaged) All 3 times we thought she was a great girl and so happy that she made him happy. He will be 29 next month and she is 26. We taught him all his life that a good husband prefers his wife and that if he ever had to choose between pleasing his wife or us, she should always be his first priority. Never dreamed that piece of advice would come back to bite us so hard! He has always been an easy going kind of person and we suspect he is just doing what he needs to do to keep the peace in his own home. Since they have married, we have planned 2 trips to visit but both times were asked to cancel by our son because she" just didn't feel comfortable with us yet." He has fully embraced her family, but has pretty much broken all ties with ours. Our daughter says she feels like she doesn't even have a brother anymore. K's family loves our son to pieces and thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. We thought we were gaining a daughter ~ not losing a son!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: A late Good morning everyone ...from a coldish and rainy N.Wales. Methinks we have had our summer!!

    :heart: Linda ....hang on in here. Life's troubles no matter what they are do affect us but on this thread we have a good punch bag ...take it all out on the keyboard!! no one will judge and remember a little loss or even a maintain is good. !!

    :flowerforyou: Suezq ....It's taken us quite a few years to get to know #1DIL ... Treading on egg shells comes to mind. I do hope you'll find away to "regain" your son and perhaps find the daughter in law you wanted. On a rare heart to heart with mine she said she had thought I was a bit posh and unapproachable and that she was scared she wasn't good enough. Sooo. hang in there too!

    :happy: As for me ...scales still said 153.5lb ....I had a nice few hours out last night and....duly backtracked and logged my food and drink. Not too bad ...and squeaked in with the calories. I did have some dancing calories to add ...#1son played some music especially for the "Oldies".:frown: It was tiring enough to see all the kids dashing around ...great to see them ...boys included all dancing with such confidence.... mind you I hadn't a clue what you could call the dances they were doing! Boy... does that make me feel OLD! Look out the local disco in 5 or 6 years time ...pity the parents worrying at home too!!

    :ohwell: There's not much planned for this rainy weekend ...same old , same old. I do hope you all have a good weekend whatever you have planned.
    :smokin: Stay focused, post and log.

    So ...BFN
    :heart: Jackie