Goals just don't seem to be enough...

Started at 87kgs and set myself a realistic (ish) target of 70kgs, I'm now at 73kgs, just a fraction from my target and I already know it isn't going to be enough... I've readjusted into 65kgs and even that, oy 8kgs away doesn't seem enough now I'm in the swing of things... Did anyone else have this problem coming up to their target?


  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    I think most people find this. They "think" they should weigh a certain amount, but once they're into the lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise the realize they can do more. Some people raise their caloric intake to be more in line with maintenance to see if or when their body stops losing.
    Allow yourself to be flexible :) Keep eating well, keep exercising, and see where it takes you :)
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    I think it's tricky trying to figure out what a goal weight should be. I guess you won't really know till you get to a place where you're happy with your body and feel good about yourself. (If that ever does actually happen)

    I know for me I've never been less then 198 in my whole adult life. I don't even know what it feels like, so I have no idea where to set my goal. Right now it's set for 230 because that's the weight limit for skydiving, but it's still pretty big so I'm sure I'll have to adjust it again.

    It's more about the feeling than the number anyway, right?