What's the best weight training plan for women at home?

Hello, I have been weight training at home, and currently do 2 excersises for each muscle group. After much research, i see that lifting heavy with less reps will do the trick, but i simply dont have bigger weights and cant buy them now. Currently my biggest weights are 2 8lb dungbells, which are really heavy, but ive noticed they are becoming easier to lift. This is my plan, please tell me if you know a better one, how many times a week i should train my upper body and lower body etc, should i weight train my lower muscles once a week? im hoping to have a success by june. Also feel free to check my diary.

Mondays - upperbody.

Chest - Incline Press with 2 8lbs dungbells. 4 sets, 10 reps.
Chest flys (the same)

Back - Bent over row - (same)
Deadlifts (same)
Lat pull downs with door extensions.

Shoulders - Shoulder Press (same
Lateral Raises (same)

BIceps - Hammer Curl 4 sets, 12 reps
Curl - (same)

Triceps - Overhead extension 4 sets 10 reps
Tricep extension kickbacks 4 sets per arm 7 - 10 reps.

I get all my excersises from this websites http://www.strength-training-woman.com/strength-training-exercises.html

Do you have any better ideas or imputs?

thanks and God bless.


  • npayne90
    npayne90 Posts: 83 Member
    Sorry didn't finish hahaha.

    Tuesday - OFF

    Wednesday - Lower body

    lunges but today my muscle was hurting when i went down.
    ham and glutes - bridge pose
    step ups
    standing calf raise
    leg curl.

    all about 4 sets 10 reps

    should i really train my lower body once a week? im ok with that, but just want so opinions.

    Thusday - Upper body

    Friday - off

    Saturday - Upper body.

    Sunday - off (or lower body? what do you think)

    before every workout, im doing the warm up part of INSANITY. Im also eating high protein low carbs.