black bean burgers... watch out!

so i'm on vacation with my family right now. it's the hardest thing to eat healthy because you're always eating out and you can't always look up the nutrition info if it's a little unknown place. anyways, i ordered a black bean burger today at a restaurant thinking that would be a safe enough bet. i decided to not eat the bun and replace the fries with fruit. i was feeling great about it until i got my burger and it was covered in falafel. falafel is basically FRIED chickpeas. i was so mad. i had asked the girl if it was a healthy choice and she said "oh, most definitely!". then when the manager brought out the food i looked at it and asked if it was fried and he said "no, of course not." i was so upset when i got home and looked up how falafel is made. FRIED CHICKPEAS?! never again. anyways, just wanted to warn everyone of the dangers of black bean burgers... they may not always be the healthier choice.


  • kaciemustlose
    Double Bump....thanks for the heads-up!!1
  • jnsangel33
    jnsangel33 Posts: 49
    What a bummer!!! SS that happened to you!! :( Also bummed about this post because I just recently realized how much I love black beans and thought you were posting some new, amazing, healthy burger..... Ah well...... enjoy the rest of your vacation!! Stick with fruits and veggies.. You shouldn't go wrong there!! :)
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    black bean burgers are also fried, just fyi. falafel isn't bad for you, unless you eat it all day, every day. just enjoy your sandwich.
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    whew. good thing i hate beans! what restaurant was this at, btw? while i'm sorry to hear about this happening to you, i have to definitely give you praises for at least attempting to make the right choice and go with something healthier. you could've ordered a regular burger instead or some ridiculously overpriced salad with gobs of heart stopping dressing and toppings. and you didn't eat the bun-- i've NEVER done that. ever. you just have to be more careful these days. get aggressive and paranoid. make sure nothing else is included without your knowledge. did it mention anything on the menu about the burger topping?