This is what happens if you don't eat enough.

spike1380 Posts: 82
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I went to bed at 11:30 last night, about 4 hours earlier than I usually go to bed. I didn't get out of bed until 4pm because it was too hot and muggy to leave the a/c. I hadn't eaten since about 9:30pm Thursday because I had been in bed the whole time.

I ate 1 strawberry pop tart (190c) at 4pm when I finally got out of bed. I ate dinner (bbq pulled pork with cheese on a Flat Out wrap (about 500c) and a diet soda around 9:30. About 20 minutes after I ate, I went for a jog/walk around the block to test out the HRM my boyfriend gave me today (a cheap one from Walmart - can't afford a Polar yet). The HRM said I burned 191c in those 15 minutes.

I came back into the hot house and about 5 minutes later, my sitting heart rate jumped up to 124, my head started throbbing and my legs turned to jelly. I went to the bedroom to lie down with the a/c but it didn't help so I took a cold shower for about 20 minutes until I stopped feeling like I was going to die.

I'm now back on the couch, not feeling like I'm going to die but I am feeling sick. My heart rate is back down to 77. I know I need to eat something because my net is still over 800 and this time it's NOT because I exercised too much. I know I should have some cherries at the very least, for the sugar, but I really feel like crap and don't want to eat anything.

I am never ever going to do that again. Staying in bed all day is not an excuse to not eat. I should have gotten up and had a sandwich or something. And exercising on only about 600 calories for the entire day is a good way to make yourself sick.


  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    Oh no - hope you are feeling much better soon!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Sounds like a lot of it could have been the heat. I don't know where you live but it was 111 yesturday and humid and today I think it was like 106 its 8:30 in the evening and its still 90 my air is broken so you really can't get comfortable. Be careful in the heat and I just heard tea keeps you more hydrated than plain water.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    On wednesday i only ate 1300 some calories (i normally eat 1700-2000) and i REALLY felt it the next day...i'll, extremely hungry yes i definitely agree it is important to eat enough throughout the day!
  • That happens to me toooooooo ... I forget to eatttt =( Then I'm dizzy ... etc etc etc It's awful

    Thank God the body alarms us ... hope you'll continue feeling better =)
  • sharrypdx
    sharrypdx Posts: 8
    Part of it may be what you are eating. Lots of refined sugars in the diet you mentioned. Eat some bananas and oranges. Then grab a HUGE salad -- maybe with a bit of chicken on it. Drink a ton of water. If you don't get better soon you ought to think about going to the doctor or E.R. and get checked for heat exhaustion. Good luck!
  • nahhan12
    nahhan12 Posts: 79
    It could be a mixture of the heat and the diet soda. I learned in one of my classes at college that the sweeteners in diet sodas make your body produce a ton of insulin (because it tastes like real sugar). So shortly after drinking one your blood sugar plummets due to all the insulin and no sugar to digest. That mixed with the heat and walking would be enough to make someone pass out or feel sick.

    I hope you're feeling better!
  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    Thanks for the input everyone. It's definitely not heat exhaustion. I've (unfortunately) had that many times and it didn't feel like this. We had a thunderstorm before I ate dinner and that really helped with the heat but it was still about 80° in my house when I came back in from my trip around the block. We actually just bought 2 a/c units today but it was storming so they haven't been put in yet. It's bad enough being uncomfortable but when the heat starts making my boyfriend's asthma act up, he buys a/c units. LOL

    I'm definitely well hydrated. I already drink a minimum of 9 cups of water a day and when it's hot or I'm exercising, I drink even more. I didn't used to drink a lot of soda but for some reason I've been craving it lately and I've been drinking 2 or 3 cans a day, in addition to the water. I definitely needs to cut that out. The feeling did feel a lot like a blood sugar issue (my stepdad tested my sugar when it happened once at his house). I poured myself a glass of OJ but I forgot it in the kitchen.

    I just ate the second pop tart in the pack (by the way, I HATE pop tarts. My mom left them here today and I went for them because it didn't require any work). I also about to eat some yogurt. I'm definitely feeling better already. I still feel a little shaky and my head feels off but I still feel so much better than I did when I first posted.
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Glad you are feeling better.. Yes it does sound like a Blood Sugar issue.. I'd get checked for diabetes, especially if it is in your family.. Never go that long without food.. Have something at least every few hours.. Doesn't have to be big things just something to keep the blood sugar numbers steady.. Enjoy the cool air!!
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Maybe you need an electrolyte drink to replace the salts you are losing through the heat and exercise. A Pop Tart is a waste of calories. Much rather have a huge tuna or chicken salad. Hope you feel better soon x
  • laniux
    laniux Posts: 3
    I just had a lap banding surgery February 4, and since I am only allowed to eat 5 oz every meal, I was always short on my calorie intake. My caloric intake everyday can average to 600 to 700 a day. I am taking y multi vitamins and my calcium. Its been 5 months since the surgery. With my fitness pal, my excercise and my diet. I have lost almost 30 pounds.
  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    I stopped being lazy and I got the OJ from the counter. That made a massive improvement. Now I just have a pinchy feeling behind my left eye but otherwise I feel fine.

    I have been tested for diabetes 5 times and it's always been negative. It doesn't run in my family. Actually, no diseases run in my family - on either side. We all have bad eyes and bad teeth but other than that, we're pretty damn healthy. I have my reflux and my mom has her high blood pressure but that's pretty much it. Other than me, the whole family is also normal to underweight.

    Every time this has happened, it has always been determined that I can be pretty irresponsible about my eating habits, especially when it's hot.

    I caused this myself. I hope someone here sees this and learns from my stupidity. That was definitely the worst attack I've ever had and it's been over 12 years since the last time (hasn't happened since high school) so I forgot how bad it feels.
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