Weight loss has stopped

I stay with-in my allowed calorie intake (1250) and I did not lose any weight during my 3rd week on this program. I started exercising this week ( my 4th week ). I'm getting very frustrated but keep on going. Any suggestion on how I can speed up this weight losw ?


  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Are you saying you're considering your losses to be 'stopped' because you didn't lose for ONE week?

  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    As said, patience, the initial loss can be quite quick, then it slows or stops, but it will continue downwards providing you stick to your calories

    I was "stuck" for a month, some for even longer, our bodies just do not do as we would wish them to
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I agree with patience! Also you don't have much to lose according to your ticker. The closer you get to your goal the harder and the slower it comes off.
  • Raghad_
    Raghad_ Posts: 1
    it gets harder as you lose weight! you might wanna make sure of your bmr using http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    maybe you're not feeding your body properly? and patience! weight loss takes time!
  • Josh_92_
    Josh_92_ Posts: 23
    Add me :)
  • hollybtierney
    I know I just been fighting my weight for many many years, this is the first time in my life that I've eaten this healthy this long 28 days. I've lost 30 since May 2012, plataued for several months, I would eat healthy for 4 days then binge for 3. My goal is to not allow food to be such an overwhelming battle. I'm standing firm and not giving into my cravings for comfort food.
  • hollybtierney
    Yeah lol, but its just week 3 thought I had a few more weeks before it stopped, sometimes I just get frustrated and... well complain, I seem to want things like yesterday but its really not that serious and like you said have patience.
  • hardheadedrican
    On top of tracking my calories and working out, i take a weight loss pill since i was stuck on a specific weight and lost 10lbs by the time i needed to at the end of the month :smile:
  • destro748
    destro748 Posts: 10
    You're body has become accustomed to the reduced calories. Bump up your calories every 5-6 days by a couple hundred. Should help fool your body and get it back to fat burning mode.
  • ocragal
    ocragal Posts: 45 Member
    We all have lulls when the scale is not moving and we feel discouraged because we are working so hard. Remember that the scale is only ONE measure of a healthier lifestyle. The scale is a number. Period. What are your other goals for this new lifestyle? Feeling better? More energy? Creating a leaner body with more muscle mass? Increasing bone density? Improving self esteem? Regaining control of your life through eating and exercise? Focusing on good nutrition for your body? Decreasing inches through working out? Surrounding yourself with friends who value a healthy lifestyle?

    There are so many other measures of success! Focus on all of the positive changes in your life since you made this decision. You will be surprised at the many "wins." The scales are only a number, and they will eventually move. In the interim, focus on all of the good decisions you are making for YOU!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Yeah lol, but its just week 3 thought I had a few more weeks before it stopped, sometimes I just get frustrated and... well complain, I seem to want things like yesterday but its really not that serious and like you said have patience.
    Its only one week where the scale didn't go down. That's nothing....especially if you just started exercising (the body retains water to 'repair' the muscles its been working)...you've changed things up, now give it time to work. You'll probably see losses again very soon....don't read into it that you've "stopped losing". Be positive :flowerforyou:
  • availles
    availles Posts: 11
    Have you considered an activity tracker? It might help you stay focused.
    If you email me @ availles15@gmail.com I can advise which one i use.
  • rderrickwhite
    rderrickwhite Posts: 69 Member
    You know, the same thing has happened to me AND it happened in a week that my calorie goal actually dropped. As everyone else said, patience is good, it could be no problem at all. Also make sure you are drinking PLENTY of water (I drink more than a gallon per day). If after a few weeks, there is no change, you might want to seek out some advice to adjust your macros...
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    you could be gaining muscle! :D
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    I agree with the other posters - patience!!! Also, if you have started exercising, have you been eating back the calories you burn while exercising? Your food/exercise diary is not open, so I can't see for myself. You should be eating back those calories, especially if you are going by the calorie limits set by MFP.

    Just my two cents worth of advice.
  • johnjr0
    johnjr0 Posts: 4
    Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. King has become a national icon in the history of American progressivism.[1]
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    You KNOW what to do
  • hollybtierney
    NO i don't eat back the calories I stay at my 1250, I do 45 min on the elliptical 4 days a week ( I just started Mon 4/22 )
  • LilKip
    LilKip Posts: 19 Member
    my 2nd week i GAINED a kg. (2pound) but then the 3rd week i lost it again and some. i been told its prob fluid. stick at it, dont panic :)
  • TeresaMcCullough
    TeresaMcCullough Posts: 9 Member
    Sometimes we all stall. Could be that time of month, that always slows me down. it could be salt in take or we just stall for a bit. Hang in there, I stalled to, those last few pounds came off slow for me, I walk everyday also. I cut out one of my snacks and walked a little more, this does help . Don't give up, and don't get mad and binge...I have done it too, if you binge, you will gain which will be more weight to get off. I went and had drinks one time, boy!!! I paid for it dearly...It took me a week to get off what I put on , and had to work harder, this month wasn't great for me, but I hung in there and pushed..Good luck...We all stall...