i just can't stop eating :( :( feeling so down



  • Amie_Girl
    Amie_Girl Posts: 80 Member
    I feel your pain. I am on day 3 of my diet and exercise. I am always hungry! I want to eat everything! I think it's just all in our heads, really. We're used to gorging ourselves. It's what our brain wants (and our empty tummies). I heard that over time your stomach shrinks to a normal size and you won't feel so hungry all the time. If that's any consolation.

    A lot of it is willpower. Get rid of those foods in your cupboards. You don't need that kind of temptation! Why torture yourself?

    I find that quitting being fat is a lot like quitting smoking, which I did nine months ago. 75% willpower, 25% distraction. Do something else. Go for a walk (that gets you away from the kitchen). Exercise, clean up, whatever you can do.

    Good luck! I wish you the best. I hate to see how hard you are struggling. I was there too.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I took a nutrition class a year ago, and it really helped me realize that sometimes my problems with cravings are physical - and that really has helped me lose most of my 'out of control' eating. Granted, there are times I still eat things I shouldn't because I'm having a bad day, or just because it's there - and then I get frustrated too. But I don't have the after work - I've just got to have something to eat or I will die - cravings like I used to.

    This is where I took my nutrition classes - I think they are only in Minnesota - but their website has good articles and podcasts from their radio show and some recipe and other information, you can also buy vitamins and other stuff from the website with free shipping. http://www.weightandwellness.com/ , I think you can even do a phone consulation with them if you were interested.

    What I learned that really helped me was to try to keep my blood sugar more constant throughout the day by eating 'in balance -(protein, healthy fat, healthy carb)' and making sure I eat every 2-3 hours, then instead of being starving so I eat too much and then shoot my blood sugar up too high and then having big cravings when it comes crashing down - I'm able to stick with my planned meals and snacks more easily. If you have any interest in more detail about the plan I learned - I'd be happy to send it to you in a MFP message - I typed it up for another friend on MFP before and have it saved. Just let me know.

    IF chocolate is often a problem for you - supposedly that may mean you are lacking in magnesium. I take a magnesium supplement every night before bed (because it also helps me fall sleep) - it's called Natural Calm and you can find it on a lot of places on the internet - including that weightandwellness website
    p.s. having 1oz of really dark chocolate every day is ok on their plan too, and takes care of the chocolate cravings when I have them

    Lately I've been stuck myself (lost 30 pounds after taking that nutrition class ... but have been pretty much maintaining the last year or so - and I have another 70 pounds to lose), but I feel a lot better than I ever used to, and I know eventually I will get off this plateau and will be able to lose more weight.
    So I'm just saying - hang in there ... there are lots of people on MFP that have felt the same things you are ... don't beat yourself up about it, just try to figure out what might be going on physically or emotionally that is sabotaging your healthy eating.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    You can do this. It isn't easy. If it was everyone would be slim. I have a problem with bingeing. I cannot keep anything in the house, that will set me off. Get rid of it. Set some reasonable goals and get some MFP friends who will support you. Take it one day at a time. Good luck to you.
  • ronnyharry
    I guess you have a few problems that well distanced from simply over-eating, have you treat CB therapy good luck
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Can't fix an issue that's not identified. You need someone (a professional) to help you identify it first.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • NC1994
    NC1994 Posts: 24
    wow thanks so much for all your kind words everyone! i just posted that as a bit of a rant really, i never expected people to reply!

    i live with my parents and they eat very unhealthily so its hard to resist the foods! and i have tried leaving enough calories for a small chocolate bar later or something, but then that just leads me to eat even more afterwards - i never feel satisfied! but then i also find it really difficult to quit junk food cold turkey, so its trying to find that balance i suppose.

    im eating 1400 calories a day, which ive worked out is the right amount for me to lose weight.

    i think alot of the problem is my chronic fatigue. i just dont have the energy to find a hobby or do something else. eating doesnt really take a lot of energy so its just easy when i'm bored. ive told myself i start walking my dog etc but i just never can.

    i think its just been a rough day today and hopefully tomorrow will be better :)
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I second the suggestions to see a professional and check if you have depression. My boyfriend has chronic fatigue and his doctors suggested he be checked for depression. He is lucky enough not to be depressed but apparently, it is not unusual for people suffering with chronic fatigue to also have depression.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Ugh, ME TOO. All the time!
  • gogogo53
    gogogo53 Posts: 17 Member
    Binging is a sign that you have cut your food intake too much.
  • buffermarie
    buffermarie Posts: 54 Member
    I can totally relate to this! For years I suffered (still working on it) from binge eating disorder.
    My body would go through the motions of preparing tons of food - like enough to feed a small town - and eating it. ALL of it.
    My mind would be screaming "What the F are you doing?! You are not even hungry!" But my body just did its own thing.
    There were times that I thought I was going to die, suffocate from the food I consumed. Many tears, many fears, many pounds.. many regrets.
    I ended up in cognitive therapy (am still in it) and it really has helped me.
    I hope that you can do the same. Please friend me, I would love to be a real support for you!