is my diary healthy?

Hi I started using MFP a week ago and I have never really been on a diet before and thought it was time to lose weight because I'm becoming very unhappy!

I have a goal of 1200 cals a day but I sometimes tend to go over (the most being -187), I exercise every day as I walk home from school for 40mins and I am always full. My net is sometimes less that 1200 but I am comfortably full anyway.

I used to eat chocolate, croissants, biscuits, sweets, coffees and a lot of cheese in huge portions and I now eat mostly fruit and veg all day and I try eat a bit of bread a day too which fills me up and eats up some calories.

I am 5ft 9 and currently weigh 197.8 pounds. Is my diet going to help me lose weight or do I need to eat more to lose more? My goal is 2 pounds a week!

I also take multi vitamins to make sure I'm meeting most of my daily needs!


  • Live4theLift
    Lower your sugar and fats but increase your protein intake
  • superginge1
    superginge1 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes I never noticed how much sugar honey has in it! One question though, is sugar from fruit as bas as sugar from a yogurt for example?

    I have had days where I have eaten lots of fruit and hardly anything else with sugar in and it still says I'm over!
  • Paco4gsc
    Paco4gsc Posts: 119 Member
    Hi there,

    I looked through your diary, and really, it's very healthy to my eyes! There's a good mix of fruits and veggies as well as protein and other good stuff. You also are not making the common mistake of not eating back exercise calories, which is great! I honestly would not worry if you are a few or even 187 calories over goal, because you'll still be in a deficit and lose weight regardless. 1200 net calories may be a bit on the low side since your BMR is 1742 calories according to MFP (there is so much debate on this) so if you plateau, that may be the reason. At that point, you could bump your goal up a little.

    Good luck.

    EDIT: From what I've read, added sugars (honey, sugar, syrups, etc.) are "worse" for you than natural sugars (fruit) because our bodies break them down much faster. Unfortunately, MFP doesn't distinguish between the two. If you know most of the sugar is from fruit, I wouldn't worry about it going over the "recommended" amount.

    EDIT2: Her protein is fine. The daily recommended for girls her age is 46g. More won't hurt though.
  • Autumnsun26
    Autumnsun26 Posts: 83 Member
    Sugars should be around 30

    Fats I would try to stay around 50

    And your protein needs to be upped try a protein calculator so you know how much you should be in-taking
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think it's better to start with higher calories because then you have something to cut back. For example, you start with 1600 and lose weight for 2 months, then the 3rd month you lose nothing. You can cut back to 1500 at that point if you want, no harm done. If you start with 1200 and your weight loss stops, you can't cut calories lower than that or you risk significant decrease in your metaboloic rate as well as malnutrition.

    P.S: I think your food choices are pretty good. No glaring problems I see.
  • hollyanneu2
    I started last week as well and my calories intake was like 1240. Someone pointed out that this is incorrect and about 95% of women all shapes and sizes were given that 'default' number.

    I had to change mine using an outside source that was much more reasonable and accurate...

    I am 5'7".

    This link will show you how to calculate your caloric intake for healthy weight loss. You can correct the number in your settings.
  • superginge1
    superginge1 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for your help!

    Do you think it would be better for me to aim for 1 1/2 pounds loss a week rather than 2 which would give me 1400?
  • sexymuffintop
    Thank you for your help!

    Do you think it would be better for me to aim for 1 1/2 pounds loss a week rather than 2 which would give me 1400?

    I think you should work out your TDEE and minus 20% from it. 1400 still isn't enough in my opinion.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    Thank you for your help!

    Do you think it would be better for me to aim for 1 1/2 pounds loss a week rather than 2 which would give me 1400?
    definitely. even 1 lb a week is good. patience is key,
    at 1200, you might lose in the beginning but you'll stall pretty fast.
    i'm 5'6 and i eat anywhere from 1400-1600 every night (except maybe on saturday, then it's 2000 lol)
    i've lost a solid lb a week. sometime's it's a 1.5lbs!
  • superginge1
    superginge1 Posts: 8 Member
    I calculated my bmr and this is 1745 and based on my activity it says I should east 2,704.75 cals a day (20% less to lose weight). 2100 cals just seems like a lot to eat whilst dieting and it is very difficult to eat that much in a day because fruit and veg fills me up so much!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I eat 1800 cals a really isnt that hard to eat that much. Add things like avocado, nuts, olive oil, peanut butter they are all calorie dense and also very good for you. I also agree to increase your protein. :)
  • sexymuffintop
    I calculated my bmr and this is 1745 and based on my activity it says I should east 2,704.75 cals a day (20% less to lose weight). 2100 cals just seems like a lot to eat whilst dieting and it is very difficult to eat that much in a day because fruit and veg fills me up so much!

    It's not hard, honestly. Just put some thought into your meal plans. Protein naturally has more calories than fruit and veg, make protein the mainstay of your diet and your heading the right way. Add whole fat rather than diet versions of foods you enjoy and you will hit your target easily. Put it this way, would you rather lose weight eating 2100 calories daily or 1400? I know what I'd choose....