Any TurboFire Results??

KEAVES13 Posts: 90 Member
I am starting TurboFire Monday the 22nd and would love to see any results you have had from it! I am going to be doing the prep schedule for the first nine weeks and then the regular after that...Thanks in advance for the motivation!! =))


  • peachy_keen
    peachy_keen Posts: 43 Member
    I LOVE TurboFire and was a Turbo Jam junkie for years. I am two weeks into the program (restarted after a shoulder injury), but am doing a hybrid of that and DDP Yoga. My cardiovascular performance is greatly improved, as is my stamina (the HIIT workouts are tough, but effective). Music is great too. I'll be able to post some pics in a couple of weeks (once I figure out how to do it).

    Because I am doing the hybrid, I may not be the best person to go by, but I can say without a doubt that TF is a great program. Congrats on the start!
  • KEAVES13
    KEAVES13 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks!!..I'm excited to start, and because I am sooo out of shape, I'm gonna do the prep first..I am hoping not to get discouraged..I've had the program for about a year and a half now and thought it was too hard for me, until I saw kakes80 on here and realized it is time for no excuses..With a lot of hard work and some modifications, I am confident that I CAN do it :o)
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks!!..I'm excited to start, and because I am sooo out of shape, I'm gonna do the prep first..I am hoping not to get discouraged..I've had the program for about a year and a half now and thought it was too hard for me, until I saw kakes80 on here and realized it is time for no excuses..With a lot of hard work and some modifications, I am confident that I CAN do it :o)

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU! I sent you a message btw :)
  • Yetta729
    Yetta729 Posts: 68 Member
    I am on my second round of Turbo Fire and I love it.
    Tried many other work outs but TF is my soul mate work out.

    I started with the Prep Schedule as well ... I am not the most coordinated person so it took me a while to get the hang of it but it truly is fun. the music keeps you going and Chalene knows just when to tell you "you're not tired"

    Have fun
  • I am on week 20 of the advanced schedule and have lost almost 20 lbs, lost inches, gained muscle and a lot more endurance! I love it. I just ordered Chalean EXtreme and will probably do a hybrid of the 2 after I do Chalean EXtreme all the way through on its own. Best calorie burn ever!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm on week 14 so haven't taken "after" pics yet, but since I started I've gained 2 lbs, lost 5 in and dropped by BF%

    I'm not eating a deficit so don't freak out and think you'l gain. :wink: I'm in maintenance, or whatever you call it when you gain a little weight but get a little smaller.

    It's a tough workout though. I was doing Zumba, hiking, running (short distance), resistance bands and calisthenics* before i started and it still kicked my bum. I'm excited and anxious about the last few HIIT weeks coming up.

    * I continued the calisthenics (mostly squats, pushups and dips) throughout Turbo Fire.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I am into my 3rd week of my second round. really the first round shouldn't count because I only did the first 4 weeks then took two moths off lol but I lost 12 pounds in that 4 weeks. I am going hard again like I did the first month (february and march I had several family crisies that threw me for a loop) If you give it your all and you eat right with it you will see amazing results and this is coming from someone who doesn't have much to lose. At 5'6" and 156 lbs I am in a normal BMI range already hoping to lose another 15 or so :)
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    Oh and I have lost 4 more pounds thus far. 16 pounds total thanks to a healthy diet and turbofire!
  • KEAVES13
    KEAVES13 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks so much to all of you!! I'm soo excited to get started! =))
  • I have 2 pics posted in my profile if you want to see them (can't post here right now, at work)... but I haven't seen the scale move much, but clearly see a difference in my figure and have been able to squeeze back into my saved size 8 jeans this past week (hoping by 60 days they will fit comfortably again) down from size 12! My eating habits are not perfect either... I caved last night had a slice of pizza and mozz. sticks.. but I just keep pushing myself and making sure I keep up with the dvds each day.

    Tip.. put the scale away.. take pics and measurements, you will see the changes here first! 2nd, if you need to adjust the schedule and move your day off, it's ok to do that! Just don't put two HIIT workouts on back to back days.

    Hope you have a successful journey!
  • PinkGemini612
    PinkGemini612 Posts: 63 Member
    I don't have results yet, but I'm doing a P90X/TF hybrid! I requested you!
  • virgolove34
    virgolove34 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm doing it now and hope to see results..
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I love Turbofire! I recently finished up the 20 week program with amazing results and a new found love for exercising and healthy living! Now I'm trying to focus on strength and muscle sculpting, but Turbo is my soulmate workout!

    My results. Forgive me for the photo quality. I ended up losing around 25 lbs and about the same number of inches.
    I'm 5'8" and started from a healthy bmi so I wasn't expecting too much change.
    Starting weight 161, 12 week weight 142, 20 week weight 136.6
  • michelleraebaker
    michelleraebaker Posts: 42 Member
    I am currently doing P90X but once complete want to start Turbo Fire, so I am always creeping peoples results. Just wanted to tell you your pics look amazing, I can see a huge change in just 30 days. I think you may have motivated me to click the purchase now button!!!! Thank you!
  • Yarabago
    Yarabago Posts: 33 Member
    I started working out with Turbo Fire 4 weeks ago and I have lost
    A total of 7lbs. I love it.I dont follow the schedule they provide but
    I have been doing it my way and its amazing :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here are my before / afters doing TF. I did it for roughly 5-6 months to get to my goal weight, lost 60lbs. (Gained a few back over the holidays last year after keeping it all off for over a year lol) But I did my own schedule - started out slow doing workouts 2-3 times a week, then moved up to 6 days a week over the following months.



    Stick with it, put in your best effort, and track your calories - you'll do great! :) I didn't even track my calories until I needed to lose my last 10-15lbs and I think I still did very well just watching what I ate and making better food choices. Good luck to you! :)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I love Turbofire! I recently finished up the 20 week program with amazing results and a new found love for exercising and healthy living! Now I'm trying to focus on strength and muscle sculpting, but Turbo is my soulmate workout!

    My results. Forgive me for the photo quality. I ended up losing around 25 lbs and about the same number of inches.
    I'm 5'8" and started from a healthy bmi so I wasn't expecting too much change.
    Starting weight 161, 12 week weight 142, 20 week weight 136.6

  • Thanks for posting! I started this week as well, on Tuesday! I just finished day 2 today, tomorrow is rest day... I am doing a hybrid of Turbo Fire and Hip hop abs... I hope to get great results as well!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I love Turbofire, it is upbeat and fun. I do it with Leslie Sansone now because my endurance is higher and I am stronger, the first month doing it last year at 264 I lost 10 pounds. It was to hard at that weight for my back so I switched to 30 day shred and walking and over a course of almost a year I am down 40 pounds (would have been more but I was nursing). Now I popped in the DVD AGAIN and did the 45 minute class and Abs class and feel awesome. I am going to switch between Turbofire Cardio classes with abs and Leslie Sansone Walking Dvds and resistance training 5x a week and see what happens.
  • kmykelley
    kmykelley Posts: 7 Member
    This makes me even more excited to get my TF delivered!! It should be here tomorrow (**fingers crossed**) and I'll be following the schedule. I'll post before and after pics for sure when I'm done!!!
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