Hey yall I thought it would be nice to have a thread where we could share tips that has really helped us lose weight. They can be food or exercise related!

My tip to everyone trying to work on portion to cut up your food when able to into smaller bit size pieces that way your body thinks your eating more than you really are!!!


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Use a smaller plate and you will be satisifed with smaller portions.

    Also, when you think you are "hungry" and it hasn't been that long since you last ate, have a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If you still feel hungry after that, then probably you are, but make a good choice of what you eat.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Cook food instead of buying premade...just whenever you can. Not only is it healthier but cooking burns more calories than takeout. :)
  • hawaiibound
    hawaiibound Posts: 158
    i shop the ouside aisles at the grocery store...thats where all the produce and fresh foods are. I only go down the center aisles for staples once in a while.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Take your time eating. Put your knife and fork down between each mouthful. Don't pick them up again until you have chewed and swallowed what's in your mouth. Concentrate on your food. Don't eat whilst watching tv or reading.

    Try to always leave some food on the plate. Even if it's just a forkfull. This symbolises that you are in control of food, rather than the food being in control of you.

    And if you REALLY want cake/chips/sweets etc, then HAVE IT. But make sure you are hungry, make sure your savour it, and make sure you stop when you are full!
  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    :happy: Think you are too busy to exercise? That was always my excuse! Now I sneak in mini workouts & some "me" time. I don't watch much TV, but when I do I always want to snack. So now, I will only allow myself to turn on the TV if I am doing physical activity. I DVR my favorite shows & save them for when my daughter is napping. Then I do push ups, sit ups, lunges, & weights while I watch. Definately keeps my hands out of the chips, plus I look forward to working out so I can watch my shows.
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    never shop when you are hungry as you will pick up stuff on impulse as you "want it"instead eat before you go and have a list and try to stick to it, and plan your meals/snacks as you write your list that way you will never have that "empty fridge so need take-out" moment.
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    everyone has great tips!!!! Awesome!!!
  • saintsteffers1
    For my sweet tooth craving
    I make a pint of sugar-free jelly, by adding a little boiling water to melt the crystals, and then I make it up to the pint mark with a tin of peaches in juice, or cherries in juice etc, and I keep that jug in the fridge, and whenever I get a craving for sweet things that I cannot get rid of any other way, I have something that really satisfies my sweet craving for the same calories as an options hot chocolate drink (for a quater of a pint, thats less than 50)

    This really helps my sweet tooth craving, I'd have reached for the chocolate so much more if I hadn't had this made up in my fridge!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i ditched my car 3 years ago and bike everywhere i need to go. in the winter, i walk or bus it. that pretty much gives me permission to eat whatever i like (within reason).
  • peggy1952
    peggy1952 Posts: 46
    WALK daily.
    Pickles are a craving killer.
    Turn off the TV ( you will be surprised there are other things to do)
    Try to eat simple foods, such as a protein, a fresh vegetable, and fruits.
    Sweet potatoes can be your friend.
    Don't buy anything that you cannot keep your hands off, mine is crackers and cheese, can't have it in the house.