Stuck in one spot

I am 130 lbs which I know is perfectly healthy for a 5'5" 20 year old, but I used to be 124 and it was because I was really motivated for staying on track with what I was eating, and the consistency of my workouts. It was that few pound difference that could be seen throughout my body, and I had achieved losing 6lbs in one month. My entire body was lean and fit, and it helped take away from the insecurity I have towards my overly large muscular thighs.

After finals were over, I gained 7lbs and can't seem to stop the extra snacking and meal "add ons". In addition, I had to drop my workouts to 2 times a week for studying.

And although my boyfriend is the most wonderful guy ever, he always tells me he likes my body the way it is, and gives me the "okay" to eat those extra snacks. Short term I feel okay, but after I feel like I've taken two steps back.

I need to get that motivation back to push me to achieve and MAINTAIN my goals.
Please help!


  • jhodge051907
    I did that when I was in college, ate out alot with my boyfriend, didn't work out, didn't have too much to lose to be at my ideal weight. 10 years later, a husband, and 3 kids, I started THIS weight loss journey with 100 lbs to lose, rather than 10. I've lost 40 of it so far, but maybe the motivation to not get TOO out of control might help. It's WAY easier to lose 10 lbs, but if you keep on the road you're on now, you'll have alot more that you'll need to lose. Hold on to being healthy, because it only gets more difficult.
  • rvaug031
    rvaug031 Posts: 11 Member
    I did that when I was in college, ate out alot with my boyfriend, didn't work out, didn't have too much to lose to be at my ideal weight. 10 years later, a husband, and 3 kids, I started THIS weight loss journey with 100 lbs to lose, rather than 10. I've lost 40 of it so far, but maybe the motivation to not get TOO out of control might help. It's WAY easier to lose 10 lbs, but if you keep on the road you're on now, you'll have alot more that you'll need to lose. Hold on to being healthy, because it only gets more difficult.

    thanks! and good luck with the rest of your fitness and weight goals!
  • ndowns22
    ndowns22 Posts: 20
    Would you be interested in joining my TurboFire Challenge Group?? It starts in May and is a GREAT way to stay on track, focused and motivated. I coach you for FREE along the way to keep you accountable! Add/Message me, I would love to chat more about it if you are interested. :)