I really need help !

I have been on a diet since I was 8 years old. I have been thin and fat. For a while I stayed the same weight 8st 7lb for years until I had my son 14 years ago. Since then I have been overweight 12st 7lb to 12st 13lb. People call me the queen of diet and exercise as although overweight I am fit and I do actually have a six pack but my fat over the muscle stops you seeing it. I went to a physio recently and she said she was having problems sorting me out as my muscle was to strong for her to manipulate ha ha so I suppose that was something

My question is.......I am 46, 5ft 7in and I do follow a 1200 cal diet and I do exercise. So why is my weight not coming off?

I have fat % of 37.4, water % of 35.7, muscle % of 33.7 and bone density of 7.1

I have recently followed a 900 cal diet for a week together with a 25min tone exercise which you do along side it and guess what......I gained weight !

All I want is to lose 2stone.......why is it so hard for me ?

Please does anyone have any suggestions to help me lose this weight.......by the way I have tried no carb, low carb, low fat, and dextox. I eat fresh food and my downfall is a few glasses of wine at the weekend.



  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I'm sorry that I can't help but I wish you good luck and good advice on here!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: your story sounds a lot like mine! have you tried increasing your calorie count? do you eat a lot of veggies, fruit, & protein? or do you eat a lot of fast food?
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    My recent suggestion from a personal trainer was upping my calories. It FREAKS me out, but I'm going to give it a try. He said I may have just slowed down my metabolism and it needs a reboot. (new calorie intake, new foods, new workouts) Have you also been checked for any thyroid issues? That, combined with your age, could be why it's so hard for you to lose weight. Good luck!
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    I think at 5' 7'' you should be eating way more to lose weight and fat....you are under eating...This is what everyone will suggest...Are you eating your exercise calories back...if not you need to eat...Try upping your calories for a month and re-access, please have patience...I feel what you are going through.....as your body is starving it is not letting go the fat...please calculate your TDEE and eat TDEE-20% to lose fat! Hope it helps!What exercises are you doing! Do you measure your portions...I hope your not overestimating your calorie burn..
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Don't pay attention to calories you consuming (at this time). I think you need to stop and understand what your body needs to lose, maintain what you have or even gain. Search for following forums with these key words.

    Here is a link I bookmarked a while back: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/848374-large-collection-of-info-for-beginners-2013-edition

    I started with 36% BMI about 1.5 years ago and currently at 17% with 90LB (6st) weight loss.

    And finally, back to the calorie number. Use food diary to add your foods, also add your exercises to help you manage your progress. Once you know what you eat and you know your calorie deficit you need to lose, you can see how many calories you can have. For example, I lost 60 pounds in 1 year and 3 months. But changing my diet and exercise in the past 4, I lost additional 30 without really trying. I eat 2000 calories per day - look at my food diary.

    Good luck in your journey. We are here to help you!!!
  • Sharonsja
    Sharonsja Posts: 7 Member
    I am also 46 years old and taking it one day at a time. i cannot consume any alcohol - i immediately gain weight. I agree with some of the other comments - record everything you eat. have you also check your portion size?
  • VanCityFit
    VanCityFit Posts: 105 Member
    It sounds like you have some metabolic damage from years of yo yo dieting.
  • sexysexy1
    sexysexy1 Posts: 16
    I normally at between 1200 and 1300 calories a day. I measure my food and eat lots of veg but limit my fruit to 2 a day

    I have only dropped to 900 as I saw a feature whilst surfing the net and thought nothing else has worked so I will give it a go
  • sexysexy1
    sexysexy1 Posts: 16
    as I work out quite a lot I have a polar FT7 which I use everytime so I know my exercise calorie total is correct. as my work day is long I do half a hour monday to friday and hour and half on saturday and sunday. I do boxerise, taebo, high intensity cardio and in the summer I also run. my mid week exercise is generally tone only using 4lb weights and just for fun I throw in dance workouts
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    eat more! LOTS more
  • sexysexy1
    sexysexy1 Posts: 16
    by the way I only have 1 takeaway a month and that is chinese. apart from that I cook from scratch.

    I have no medical problems but my doctor has said to me that as I have dieted for so many years my body has adapted and he said if the bomb went off I would survive as my body uses everything I put in it and can cope and run normally on a very low calorie intake

    I am a uk size 16 top - purley muscle shoulders and back and uk siz 14 bottom half
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    Others have mentioned it above, but it looks like you have gone into starvation mode and you actually need to increase your calorie intake to get your metabolism going again.

    Work out your TDEE requirements with this calculator and go with it for a while - you should never consume less than your BMR, which is the amount of food you need to just stay alive, even if you do nothing at all.


    Eating more feels counter-intuitive, but it really works - I promise x

    If you need a supportive friend, send me a request
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    Definitely eat more. I am younger than you , but the same height. I have to keep upping my calories to slow down loss. Currently I am eating over maintenance calories and still tend to lose. I think that slowly increasing your calories and lifting heavier weights will help. It's also not all about the scale. I want to keep getting functionally strong. I am getting there too. The changes on size are a bonus at this stage.
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    What is your average Sodium intake/day over a 30 day period?