Been there, done that and back again

I am a stay at home mum of 4 wonderful children. I scratch cook, eat organically, and even though I am more than aware of my eating habits, I do not loose weight without consistant effort.
I have my children with me ALL day. (we homeschool) I find it incrediably hard to exercise outside the house. I don't exercise regularly, but I do garden and take the kids for walks.

I had 4 back to back pregnancies, and gained weight from just plain bad eating habits. I snack in the evening, have insomnia, like sugar but savory is my thing!

I am an Aussie mum, in Victoria hopeing to loose initially 10kg, stabilise and then a further 15kg later in the year.

I have been there, done that, and got the T-Shirt, I have done gym which I loved, but don't have the time for these days, with all my kids being with me all day. Most daycares do not cater to older children.

I am looking for people who are serious, regular users, that will actually look at my food diary, who will interact with me and want the same in return.
So please feel free to send through a friend request.



  • rireland39
    Just thought I would add, just in case you think I am one of the "crazies" my son is allergic to just about everything, hence the organic and scratch cooking thing. It has been a long long journey to work out that he is reactive to preservatives, pesticides and fungacides, sulphates and nitrates.

    As for the homeschooling thing, I am a Primary School teacher, so to me it makes sense to home educate. I am non religious (incase you thought I was homeschooling due to that) and pretty much your average Jane, but a bit on the fat side of life. LOL

    My kids are wonderful, but are still children and drive me crazy at times
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    welcome and good luck to you =)

    just a little idea you say you have insomnia with evening snacking and that you loved the gym how about finding out if there is night time gyms in your area? I know we have a 24 hour gym here but i am to lazy to go cuz its a 40 min drive for me but i work out at home. Just thought that way you can use your insomnia and beat the evening snacking with something you loved doing before.
  • rireland39
    Thanks for taking the time to respond, I live in country Victoria and there is no 24 hour gym within cooee of my place. Hell even the one 15km away shuts down over lunch and closes at 8pm.

    I believe that weight gain happens predominately through food, and so my way is to keep up my normal activity, throw in a few more walks, and just plain eat better and eat less.

    My insomnia is irregular and easy enough to manage with the occassional sleeping pill.

  • abideedum
    abideedum Posts: 71 Member
    Hi we are very different except for the fact we've both done it before and now need to do it again!
    I'd be interested in being your mfp friend. As you cook a lot from home it would be good for me to learn some new ideas and how to construct the meals (im a UK student, not an expert in the kitchen but do my best to eat healthy).

    Little bit about me; im down 25lbs so far with maybe about another 12 to go. I am slowly increasing my calorific intake as i am increasing my workouts. Doing C25K and loving it!! I like browsing other diary's for ideas and do comment if i think i can be constructive or the person could benefit from my input. I have an open diary and i log everything, even stuff i'd rather not let people know about! I'd say right now my diet is 70-80% healthy, still get drawn in by certain foods.

    So yeah if you fancy a timezone crosser then add me :D

    Good luck on your journey! (and anyone else reading this!)
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    Hi there and welcome!
    I have the 'allergic to all things chemical' going on as well, I know what a hassle it can be. As for losing weight, I cut back on calories (and still eating lots and feeling nice and full all day!) and just started walking when I first went on the whole weight loss spree (3 years ago, I weighed in at 282 lb back then). Take the kids, walking is good for them too ;) Doesn't even have to be long, 15-30 minutes at a nice pace is a good distance.
    I dropped to a nice 194 in 2 years, stable at that for a year now, and no effort at all!
    Before I found out about the allergies I tried just about everything, so I've been there, done that as well, just didn't get a t-shirt ;)

    Feel free to add me, I only share my diary with friends.
  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    I grew up in country vic and now living in Melbourne. You are welcome to add me and check out my diary if you think it might help. I have my macros set at 40 40 20 protein carbs fat but normally am over on protein.
    I eat pretty clean and cook for a family of 5. It good to see what other people do but Mfp is great because you can do things that suit you best. I like being in control and not following a program or plan. Tried weight watchers years ago and lost weight but struggled with it. Also, there's a group called Aussie Aussie Aussie which might help you find more Aussies to friend .