Really want to start running...C25K?

Hey guys,

Had a baby 5 months ago & thus far have managed to lose weight without exercise apart from general baby-care & walking everywhere! But I really want to start running - been considering doing the Couch to 5k programme but find it hard to envision having time in the day!

Any mums/dads out there who have kiddies doing the programme? How are you finding it?


  • KarenWantsABikini
    Hi Siobhan,

    I am doing the c25k, and knowing that it only takes approx 28 minutes out of my day, i make sure that the kids are fed and attended to, the family are all doing their own thing, i then get my headphones on and hit the treadmill for my very own 28 minutes.

    Good luck, you will love it, its addictive.

  • rawad
    rawad Posts: 8
    From all I've read and heard, runnign is one of the most time-efficient forms of exercise. C25K is a brilliant program, and it really works! I don't think there are too many exercise programs that are shorter than 30 minutes, are there?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm not a mom but did complete C25K in Feb. It was the best decision of my life. I love running. Taking time to improve your health and fitness will improve your relationship with your child. Have you thought about a jogging stroller so that your child can go with you?