when you reach your goal weight.

I would love to know how many of you who have reached your goal weight and were happy with it. How many of you felt like you still need to lose a bit more and maybe even how many of you felt you reached your goal body before your target weight goal.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i was happy with my goal weight for about 9 months, then i decided i wanted to lose a bit more bodyfat, and am about 10lbs heavier than my original goal, but with a lower bf%
  • PunyPete
    PunyPete Posts: 14 Member
    I reached my goal weight about August last year, and I quite liked the way I looked. I was (and still am) in the best shape of my life so it felt great. Over time though, you'll probably start hating the way you look again (I still look the same as I did in August) and now I hate the way I look more than I did when I was a fatty. Now I'm trying to gain 20lbs but finding it much harder to do than lose it.
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    Good work! Im 2lbs from my goal weight and like you I think I will then work on reducing body fat/adding lean muscle rather than losing anymore
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I reached my goal weight about August last year, and I quite liked the way I looked. I was (and still am) in the best shape of my life so it felt great. Over time though, you'll probably start hating the way you look again (I still look the same as I did in August) and now I hate the way I look more than I did when I was a fatty. Now I'm trying to gain 20lbs but finding it much harder to do than lose it.

    your post makes me sad....
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Ooh good question. Now that I'm getting close I'm worrying I may never be happy but we'll see. I'm still far better off than a year ago.
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    I reached my goal weight about August last year, and I quite liked the way I looked. I was (and still am) in the best shape of my life so it felt great. Over time though, you'll probably start hating the way you look again (I still look the same as I did in August) and now I hate the way I look more than I did when I was a fatty. Now I'm trying to gain 20lbs but finding it much harder to do than lose it.

    I put on about a stone after having two children bringing me up to 9stone so I was never actually big, I'll never be truly happy with my body again but it has def improved. Mostly thanks to lifting weights
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    Ooh good question. Now that I'm getting close I'm worrying I may never be happy but we'll see. I'm still far better off than a year ago.

    You look great in your avi!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I am happy with my weight, but I am not happy with the amount of fat that I still have. Right now I am working on reducing body fat while maintaining this weight, so I upped my calories and am doing more weight training. I won't sweat it if I go up or down a few lbs to achieve that.
  • birdsncrabs
    birdsncrabs Posts: 5 Member
    Carol, I'm glad you asked this question. It's something that was going through my mind as well. I'm 1 pound away now from my goal, so I've been thinking about this. I'm thinking that I need to shift into maintenance, reduce flab and increase muscle mass. Then after a few months re-evaluate.

    Pete, I think I understand where you're coming from. Compared to where I was, I am very happy with the progress I've made. But when your current body becomes the standard you compare yourself with, you can become somewhat harsher. For me, I know that I need to tone up the midsection, and re-add muscle mass that I've lost in the arms and chest. I hope that you gain your weight through muscle and not fat.

  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    I am happy with my weight, but I am not happy with the amount of fat that I still have. Right now I am working on reducing body fat while maintaining this weight, so I upped my calories and am doing more weight training. I won't sweat it if I go up or down a few lbs to achieve that.

    This is what I need to do aswel. I think I just fear the scales reading a higher number!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have reset my goals everytime I have reached one. Currently I am aiming toward a fitness level rather than weight loss. I know if I let myself quit because I have achieved an end goal, I will go back to my old habits. Always having a goal keeps me focused on health.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Two years ago I went from 200 pounds to the 160s and decided to stop there, in part to give my body a break after eating at a deficit for six months, but also because I was thrilled with my new shape and wanted to make sure I could maintain it. I felt normal. I usually wore a 12, sometimes even a 10, which meant clothes from the regular section of the store instead of plus sizes, my car seat belt fit totally differently, and my hips were now comfortable in an airplane seat. It was great!

    However, I was still technically overweight, even though not obese anymore. And I'm a slow runner. After about a year and a half at my new weight, I decided to lose some more in hopes of getting faster and getting rid of belly and back fat. Now 8 pounds from my new goal weight, and will probably stop again for a while when I get there and see how it feels.
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    Carol, I'm glad you asked this question. It's something that was going through my mind as well. I'm 1 pound away now from my goal, so I've been thinking about this. I'm thinking that I need to shift into maintenance, reduce flab and increase muscle mass. Then after a few months re-evaluate.


    Good work! This is the same as me. I need to do more weights and eat a bit more. I think it will be hard for me menatally to stop losing, I will miss that feeling seeing the number on the scale go down
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    I have reset my goals everytime I have reached one. Currently I am aiming toward a fitness level rather than weight loss. I know if I let myself quit because I have achieved an end goal, I will go back to my old habits. Always having a goal keeps me focused on health.

    Well done on reaching your goals! I think this is what I need to do aswel. Get my mind off weight loss and on to fitness and building muscle
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I hit it last year- I gained over the winter (10lbs) and am trying to get rid of the last 10 but I have no desire to go lower I think it would look nasty. I am happy with where I am
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    Two years ago I went from 200 pounds to the 160s and decided to stop there, in part to give my body a break after eating at a deficit for six months, but also because I was thrilled with my new shape and wanted to make sure I could maintain it. I felt normal. I usually wore a 12, sometimes even a 10, which meant clothes from the regular section of the store instead of plus sizes, my car seat belt fit totally differently, and my hips were now comfortable in an airplane seat. It was great!

    However, I was still technically overweight, even though not obese anymore. And I'm a slow runner. After about a year and a half at my new weight, I decided to lose some more in hopes of getting faster and getting rid of belly and back fat. Now 8 pounds from my new goal weight, and will probably stop again for a while when I get there and see how it feels.

    Good work!
  • jmuller06
    jmuller06 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm about 4 lbs from my goal weight and could be happy here....I think. :wink: My next mini goal is to quit smoking and I expect to put a little weight back on. So, my theory is once I lose these last 4 the no smoking starts. In the meantime, I'm focusing more on toning now and training for a race or two this year.
  • Melissakay1222
    Melissakay1222 Posts: 74 Member
    I hit my goal weight about a month ago and then decided to drop just a couple more pounds. Right now I'm maintaining and loving this phase! This morning I actually weighed in a few pounds below my goal weight so I now have some wiggle room for the weekend. :) Now that the hard part is behind me, I can concentrate on toning more. :) I find that you just have to keep tweaking as you go . . . until you are happy! :)
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    I'm about 4 lbs from my goal weight and could be happy here....I think. :wink: My next mini goal is to quit smoking and I expect to put a little weight back on. So, my theory is once I lose these last 4 the no smoking starts. In the meantime, I'm focusing more on toning now and training for a race or two this year.

    Congrats ! You look great
  • BlessedMommy3x
    Last January I weighed the highest I ever had of 242lbs. I set a goal weight of 170 last year (lose 72lbs) because that put me in a healthy BMI range. When I acheived that weight (took only 5 months) it looked healthy....but I still had areas that I needed to slim down. From there I stopped cal counting, but continued to exercise and lost a additional 17 lbs and hit 153lbs (89lbs total lost) . AT that weight I was 100% happy, I just wanted to tighten up/add muscle. BUT the exact month I hit that weight I found out I was pregnant again.Fast forward to now.. I just had my little girl just about a week ago, and am not cleared to exercise... But my plan is to not only get down to 153lbs again, but actually exceed it and hit 150 :-)