Did I really burn 367 calories?

I just recently purchased a Polar FT7 HRM and strap. I was in the gym for a total of 2 hours weight lifting and at the end of the workout the watch said I burned 367 calories during those two hours. My RMR is 1,640 so I want to know how to figure out how many of those 367 calories were EXTRA calories burned while training and how many of those calories are what I would have burned if I went to the gym and just stood there for 2 hours. I'm trying to maintain my weight and I want to be as accurate as possible with my food so I don't want to eat 367 extra calories to make up for the deficit if I didn't burn this amount. Any feedback would be great! Thanks!


  • catrunsintowindow
    catrunsintowindow Posts: 77 Member
    Unfortunately, Heart Rate Monitors calorie counts are only accurate for steady rate cardio, not for things like HIIT and weight lifting. (Take a look here: http://www.sparkpeople.com/community/ask_the_experts.asp?q=75). So while you may have burned that much, its more likely that you burned either much more or much less.

    If you're maintaining and you're committed to a workout schedule, your best bet is going to be calculating your TDEE, not log any of your 'usual' exercise, and then watching your weight and adjusting your intake as you see variations on the scale and in your measurements. Not the easiest way, but by far the best.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    From what I've been told there is no accurate way to account for calories burned during strength training.

    HRM are great for telling you how many calories you burn during cardio, but don't really work well for strength training.

    I know this probably doesn't help your dilemma. Sorry, but just thought I'd let you know.
  • Thank you for the link to the article. I also found this link to calculate the TDEE: http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator. This seems accurate and pretty much what I am doing anyway. I have also put on 8lbs of muscle in the last year so I'm probably burning even more than that anyway. The one thing I did find interesting, but am not surprised, after using the HRM is that I do not burn as many during cardio as I thought I did. I was using this calculator (http://www.calories-calculator.net/Calories_Burned_By_Heart_Rate.html) I found online that I thought was accurate but after using my HRM I found that I burn 50 less than what the site tells me. So, I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing because it seems to be working! Thank you for your response!
  • Thank you for responding! I just need to remember I can't change overnight and no matter what any gadget tells me, as long as I put in the hard work and dedication, I will get results! I'm just trying to make sure I lose fat slowly at a healthy rate. It looks like you have come a long way in your weight loss so keep up the good work! You look great!