
I found this board on a google search. I am new and looking to lose lots of weight. I am a mother of 5 and I weigh over 300 lbs. Iw ant to be healthy for my kids. I work at job where I sit all day. I need help to lose weight. I don't know how to plan my meals, which is a big challenge for me. Any help and tips would be appreciated!




  • sjr1016a
    sjr1016a Posts: 39 Member
    I work at job where I sit all day too! We will inspire and motivate eachother! Let's go woman! :-)
  • jojomomof5
    jojomomof5 Posts: 3 Member
    Alright!!! I am ready!! Thank you!
  • JmqeStar
    JmqeStar Posts: 4
    I just started two weeks ago even though it says January. Already I see what I was doing wrong, but with a family it is a struggle. My friend who is single is on here too and is doing very well. The plus side for her is that she doesn't have a husband bringing home chips, or a daughter cooking cookies LOL! Please add me I will do this with you too. I need to loose what you need to loose as well.
  • Npieces
    Npieces Posts: 24
    I am a Mom who needs to lose 100 pounds too!! I work a sit down and stand up job, to make it worse my hobby is sewing...no running there!! I got your back if you got mine and we can kick this fat *kitten* in no time!
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    First of all I want to say YOU CAN DO IT! I started out a year ago and have lost 65 lbs with another 35-40 lbs to go. It just takes a making a decision. Logging your food and water everday will help you see what you are eating. Measure everything for at least 6 months so that you really understand what a portion size is.

    Making changes in your life is the best thing you can do for you and your kids. Drop the pounds for you though.
  • alligator1225
    I have close to 100 lbs to loose too..... You need to do it for YOURSELF!!!! I've learn that in the past month. I kept saying I was going to do it for my hubby and my kids when I realized that I need to do it for myself. I logged on to this website months ago and forgot about it. Then My Diet coach ( a girl from work whos lost her weight ) has been helping me and she told me yesterday that I needed to use this website as a tool. She says if I weigh everything I eat, I will learn portion control and how much to eat at one time.:wink:
  • MzzzPalma
    MzzzPalma Posts: 11 Member
    Same here guys!! a mom, a wife and I have 110lbs I wanna lose. WE CAN DO THIS!! :) I also have a sit down job. But I have already changed the way I eat and am on an exercise schedule. Doing Zumba and Yoga. I already feel different.
  • rakens1
    rakens1 Posts: 10
    Hey Ladies - i too need to lose 50 pounds. I joined this site yesterday and love it. Let's do this together and become the fabulous people that we are meant to be. :smile:
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    You need to make a decision to do it for YOU! Being healthy has to start with yourself then it will benefit your family. I'm still learning and have a lot to lose as well. My first steps were to log everything in, I really don't like journaling but it has helped me identify my eating patterns and where I need to make changes. The next step is to get MOVING. I work in an office as well and it is not easy to get a lot of exercise during the day. I do try to take a 10-15 minute walk at lunch and have been walking the dog each night for at least 20-30 minutes. If you can get in at least 30 minutes of walking a day (it doesn't have to be all at once) it will help. As you progress through the program you will notice that you are starting to make changes without even realizing you are doing it. Once you start to drop some weight it will be easier to exercise and then you will really reap the benefits. You have made a good decision to join MFP, there are a lot of good people on here that are more than willing to help you on this journey, including me. I'll send you a friend request so that we can help each other on this journey to a new lifestyle.
  • gottogetinshape
    gottogetinshape Posts: 124 Member
    YOU WILL DO IT and we'll all support you through it. MFP is the best place to be. I'll send you a Friend Request. :)
  • takeisha74
    takeisha74 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started a few days ago myself, i need to lose over a 100lbs myself, pretty much what i did was cut my portions in half, for your side dishes, use a measuring cup cause your suppose to have a cup of veggies or whatever side you eat also i purchased me some special k products, its low in calories and tasty, i also work at a job where i sit all day so what i started doing yesterday in my office was some chair exercises
  • newGenn
    newGenn Posts: 11 Member
    Me too! We're all in this together!
  • kg047
    kg047 Posts: 95 Member

    Do it for YOU!!! As the other friends on here have posted already!

    I will help motivate and support you. I need the same. I will send a friend request. Take care.
  • PolarBear72901
    I also need to lose about 100 pounds. Right now Im shooting for the weight I was before my son. I was still over-weight, but I've gained 35 pounds in the last three years. Uugh!!

    Small steps is my new motto. :smile:

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. The more the merrier

  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Welcome. Congrats on making the first step which is asking for help and joining MFP.

    My advice:

    1. Log everything! Measure all food. Get a scale if needed.
    2. Do before photos and during photos
    3. Measure yourself and track them
    4. Do it for yourself first. Doing it for your kids isn't always enough, although it's still a good thing.
    5. Be patient. You will probably initially have great losses but it slows down and sometimes stalls along the way.
    6. Educate yourself in health and fitness.
    7. Baby steps. Small dietary changes at first, for example drinking less soda before quiting. Exercise - if all you can do at first is walk for small periods - then do that and slowly increase it.
    8. Learn to motivate yourself... by this I mean try not to make your exercise and food choices dependant on others.
    9. Plan - for example if you know a function or company is coming.... Plan your exercise ahead of time. If you know you are going for dinner - look online to see what your options are so you can make the best choice. Plan meals - for shopping or even precooking to simplify things during the work week.

    You can add me if you want. I'll cheer you on!
  • JennKend
    JennKend Posts: 11 Member
    HI! I am new here too and have a similar situation. I am a single mom to two boys one of which has special needs. I alos have a sit down job and homeschool my kids in the evenings and on weekends. I've decided it is time to take care of myself too. A friend of mine told me she was using this tool so I decided to sign up. I also have over 100 pounds to lose,
  • kaylacodner
    I LOVE how it measures your goal carbs, sugars, fat etc... SO helpful!
  • Hello my name is Stacey
    I am new to Myfitnesspal

    I am needing to lose 2 stone so I am able to under go my surgery and i need all the support i could possibly get

    Please add me, I will accept all and all the support will be appreciated and returned :)!
  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    feel free to add me, i am 30 and i have quite alot of weight to lose, not really figured out how much though i've lost a stone probably would like to lose another 4 :flowerforyou:
  • jojomomof5
    jojomomof5 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for all the great replies!! I am ready to do this for myself as well. I just feel that my kids are my main motivation. My biggest issue is food planning. Since I have 5 kids, I am always trying to fix things that are easy and fast. In addition to food planning, I just DO NOT eat enough. I skip breakfast a lot and smoetime I don't even eat dinner. HELP!!!! :sad: