

  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Thank you for all the great replies!! I am ready to do this for myself as well. I just feel that my kids are my main motivation. My biggest issue is food planning. Since I have 5 kids, I am always trying to fix things that are easy and fast. In addition to food planning, I just DO NOT eat enough. I skip breakfast a lot and smoetime I don't even eat dinner. HELP!!!! :sad:

    You can still eat whatever one else eats... Just get a scale, read the label, and log the calories. It's easier to control cravings and overeating at single meal if you eat several small meals a day. However, as long as you stay at deficit it won't matter how/when you eat those calories so you can eat when/how you see fit. Like I said before, start small. Start with weighing your food and logging it. Then try to make slightly better choices, focus on on meal and/or snack a day as a healthier choice. Gradually increase until your whole daily food is healthier. Start with light exercise like walking and gradually build up. Walking is free and the kids can come if needed. Or the kids can play at your local play ground and you can do laps around it.

    Remember weight loss is about maintaining a calorie deficit. Nutrition is about eating better healthier food. Better nutrition can be a gradual process while you lose weight. In fact if you like junk food, there is nothing forcing you to not eat it to lose wieght. Lots of people on here eat loads of junk and still lose weight because they keep a deficit.
  • amymarieking
    amymarieking Posts: 5 Member
    hi, have you considered doing a workout dvd in the morning before the kids get up? i am currently doing the 30 day shred & feel awsome! the first few days were a killer but ur body gets used to it! and honestly i feel great even just after a couple of weeks!!
  • amymarieking
    amymarieking Posts: 5 Member
    try a protein shake in the morning after a 20 min workout then some cheerios with coconut milk & bannana, then prepare the night before tuna or chicken and make a whole wheat pasta salad and then for dinner fish & veg or lean meat and veg! nuts for snacks and also fruit to snack on! i find if you eat every hour ( something small) u wont be so hungry and binge out!! hope this helps x
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member

    I have been on MFP for a while but have not yet got up the courage to actually start. I am 0ver 300lbs and have to lose it for health reasons but the thought is scary. I enjoy food and use it as a comfort - are you the same? Perhaps we can help each other?
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi there! I have a lot more than 100 to lose. I would reccomend you start by logging everything you eat. You will begin to see where you are spending far more calories than you thought. Read as much as you can about healthy eating and go to places like eating well.com and find some new healthy recipes to try, lastly build a great support group here! Please add me if you like.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    I have about 140 more to lose and taking it one day a time and logging everything I eat makes a big difference. Feel free to add me any of you. Togther we can do this.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Hey we all can help each other i have like 73 pounds to lose.i lost 17 pounds already i have 2 kids.when i started in feb i just started walking.it was a start for me.i live in apartments and in the way back and our mailbox is in the very front i would walk to check the mail every day for a few weeks then i tried to walk to the nearest store which was across the street.i even used cleaning as an exercise because i wasnt the one cleaning moat of the time my boyfriend was.i was basically sitting on the couch or ib bed with my kids.but what made me choose to lose this weight was when i hit my highest weight which was 193.in feb i was 188.it does gey hard and i wanna give up but the wonderful people on here and my kids, dad and boyfriend kept me going.so if anyone wants to add me please do so.we can beat this.
  • You got this!!! I've lost over 55# so far and have a TON of energy! I just made a few changes and the weight is coming off!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Hi There!

    Welcome, I have about 100 more pounds to lose as well, as many have already said best thing is LOG everything, and make small changes at a time. When I first started logging I hadn't realized I was drinking over 800 calories a day just in the extra cream in my coffee, juice, etc.

    Here to support you and anyone else that needs it!
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    There are so many success stories on this board! Amazing inspiration!

    I know it seems daunting at the beginning but it does get easier as you go along and see the numbers drop. I am 8.8 pounds away from reaching 100 pounds lost but my goal is 130 to lose! A whole person! I just remember seeing that number at the beginning and feeling like I would never lose all that weight. But here I am, just 8 1/2 months later!

    You can do this, just be consistent with logging all foods, at the same time, don't deprive yourself. This is a lifelong journey that needs to be sustainable and keep you happy. Just eat in moderation and fill half your plate with loads of veggies.
  • ashme579
    ashme579 Posts: 21
    I just started a new job about a month ago and I went from a job that had me on my feet the whole time, to a sit-down cubicle job. I haven't yet figured out how to keep myself active through the day and I'm worried I'm going to start gaining more weight instead of losing like I'm trying. I'm glad there are other people with this same issue!
  • caitlyn012284
    caitlyn012284 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there!! I too am a mother with a desk job and am finally losing weight because the time was right for me. I have over 100 pounds to lose and would love to help motivate and get help with motivation along the way. We all have the same goal and I feel like we can be pretty powerful all working together!! :)