Somewhat confused!

Hi! I have just joined myfitnesspal and a little unsure regarding calories remaining. I have 712 calories left for the day but am over in protein and sodium. I am finding difficult using the remaining calories without going over in the other categories. Can a person go over in the other categories as long as they remain under in calories? If so, why do they show if you are over in the other categories?


  • Hi!
    We've all been confused, especially about the best way to lose weight.
    Can/should you eat more? Yes, you should. That's a pretty big deficit in calories. You might want to eat some fruit or veggies with dip to use up some of those calories, instead of more protein and sodium. However, if all you have available at this moment is more protein, then that's what you have to eat. Just make sure you're truly measuring and weighing everything so you aren't eating more than you think you are. I tend to do that :)
    Ok, so, MFP's primary number is caloric intake, but the remaining numbers are there for you to be used however YOU want them to be used, and that's one of the beauties of using MFP. For example, if you followed the Weight Watchers plan, you wouldn't even need to know your calories, but you would need to know the protein, carbs, fat and fiber numbers to calculate your points. If you were following a diet that only needed you to track your carbs, you could do that. If you needed to be on a low-sodium diet, you could just make sure that number fell within range. But, if you are like me, and you are primarily following just your caloric intake, then the rest of the numbers will be more of a guideline that can help you reach your goals.
    For me, I do believe you need to keep an eye on all the numbers - but not get too caught up in them if you are losing weight. For instance, when I go over in sugar, but my only sugar calories that day came from have a frozen or fresh fruit smoothie (no calcium added), I don't give it a seconds thought. But, what I find awesome is that I can go back and look at my food intake for weeks and see what worked to lose weight and what didn't. And, what works for me, won't work for everyone.
    So, if you are full and don't want to eat any more, then don't eat. But, research has shown that eating too few calories on a continual basis will actually make your body hold onto every calorie and put your body into fat storing mode.
    Good luck and I hope this helped in at least some small way.
  • pamla77
    pamla77 Posts: 36 Member
    good question, maybe somebody can provide a better answer than me but here's all i can offer...

    I pay most attention to the calories and fat numbers. I am ALWAYS over in protein but I am not concerned with that as long as my protein choices are "smart" ones. (lean, not fried or breaded...etc.)

    Sodium is the one I had the most problem with to begin with because I didn't realize how much sodium was actually in A LOT of foods, especially canned soups, sauces, pickles, deli meats and such. I've been adjusting as I go to bring my sodium numbers down. I haven't looked at your food journal so I don't know what you eat but i would just giving up some of the things that seem to be making that sodium count go over the top.

    I haven't had any blood pressure issues as of yet so I don't obsess over the sodium number, however it is good to be aware of it and prevent future problems the best I can.

    feel free to add me too ! :)
    and best of luck!
  • :happy:
    Exactly. Use the numbers that you need to for what goals you have in your weight loss. All of them can help you, but some of them may not be as important to you, based on your health and goals.
    Love this site!

    good question, maybe somebody can provide a better answer than me but here's all i can offer...

    I pay most attention to the calories and fat numbers. I am ALWAYS over in protein but I am not concerned with that as long as my protein choices are "smart" ones. (lean, not fried or breaded...etc.)

    Sodium is the one I had the most problem with to begin with because I didn't realize how much sodium was actually in A LOT of foods, especially canned soups, sauces, pickles, deli meats and such. I've been adjusting as I go to bring my sodium numbers down. I haven't looked at your food journal so I don't know what you eat but i would just giving up some of the things that seem to be making that sodium count go over the top.

    I haven't had any blood pressure issues as of yet so I don't obsess over the sodium number, however it is good to be aware of it and prevent future problems the best I can.

    feel free to add me too ! :)
    and best of luck!
  • I seem to ALWAYS be over in the protein (and usually sugar) numbers with a decent amount of calories left over. (Always under in sodium, fat, etc) I think they give you a basic for the day & depending on your health and what you're trying to do (weight loss, muscle gain, etc) depends on what you should really be focusing on.
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    Hi! I have just joined myfitnesspal and a little unsure regarding calories remaining. I have 712 calories left for the day but am over in protein and sodium. I am finding difficult using the remaining calories without going over in the other categories. Can a person go over in the other categories as long as they remain under in calories? If so, why do they show if you are over in the other categories?

    If you are hungry, eat. I don't eat all my exercise calories back if I'm not hungry, especially if I exercise later in the evening. Listen to your body. I don't sweat over macro's and going over this and that, I go over vitamin A by 4, 5 x when I snack on carrots, cholesterol when I have eggs and protein if I have tuna. Just watch sodium and sugar.
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    and watch fat x
  • More confused than ever yet? :)

    Everyone seems to follow one thing or another. I'm just glad you're here and you're questioning what you need to do because it does open up some interesting discussions and gives you a lot of opinions / options.

    Be well and good luck!