Food cravings anyone?

I should start by saying that before I started a healthy diet and exercise I ate whatever type of food and didnt exercise at all. I have noticed since I have been exercising that I am craving weird foods. Like for instance I am not really a peanut butter fan but now I crave it. Has this happened to anyone else? Just curious...


  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I've always eaten a relatively health diet - just too much mindless eating, so I haven't really noticed any particular cravings. Cravings often mean you're "missing" something - the trick is to determine if it's an "emotional" issue or a nutrient/nutrient balance issue. Since you're currently craving peanut butter, I would first look at what you are eating and see if you might be deficient in either fat or protein, because those are the primary macros that PB supplies. If you supply whatever is missing (not necessarily easy if it's and emotional lack), most of the cravings should go away.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Lately I've been seriously craving a blue cheese burger, and tonight I'm going to satisfy this craving because it's just not going away. But I'm not going to get it at a restaurant I'm going to make it myself so that I know all the calories and ingredients that are going into it. It's going to be my treat to myself.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I don't see a thing wrong with satisfying that craving, as you're dealing with it in a rational and controlled way (your choice would not be my choice, but...). I think everybody has favorite foods that might not be on the top of the "healthy foods: chart, but so long as you stay with moderation, there really isn't any totally "bad" food
  • thanks so much this is very helpful info :)
  • good for you, I dont blame you for making it at home, it will probably taste better anyway :)
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    When I get cravings, I try to ignore them for a day. If the craving doesn't go away, I satisfy it with about 1/4 of the amount I would normally eat. For instance, if I crave Culver's, I'll have a 1/2 a scoop in a paper cup instead of a big 2 scoop waffle cone!
  • When I get cravings, I try to ignore them for a day. If the craving doesn't go away, I satisfy it with about 1/4 of the amount I would normally eat. For instance, if I crave Culver's, I'll have a 1/2 a scoop in a paper cup instead of a big 2 scoop waffle cone!
  • thats an awesome way to do it. I tell you portion control is a battle!
  • krystlepon
    krystlepon Posts: 13 Member
    I have learned for experience that if I don't let myself have something.. I'll break down. I started freaking out and cry one day because I wanted some carrot cake. (might have been a little overemotional) I kept thinking.. I will NEVER be able to have carrot cake again! lol
  • I have learned for experience that if I don't let myself have something.. I'll break down. I started freaking out and cry one day because I wanted some carrot cake. (might have been a little overemotional) I kept thinking.. I will NEVER be able to have carrot cake again! lol

    lol...yeop this sounds like me!
  • Etienne54
    Etienne54 Posts: 88 Member
    Pastrami sandwich.. Gaah so dewishious!