Meridia???!!!!!!! anyone have a story??

mrsbarton Posts: 78 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
My doc gave me meridia about 2 months ago..i went and had it filled then chickened out on taking it....she has gave me another RX for it and im going to start it this week! has anyone ever taken this?? How did it make u feel? how muhc weight did u lose? how long were you on it? what diet/work outs did u also do! any davice would be great! i have lot TONS of research on this med but i would love to hear personal stories!!!! thanks!:smile:


  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    i dont know what that is... what is it?

    just curious
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I have taken Meridia 10mg daily for the past two months. After the first 2 weeks, I lost about 3-5 lbs, and then the weight loss pretty much halted. My weight didn't change (up or down) for 3 weeks. Once I really started watching my food choices, calorie intake, etc, and exercising, the weight started coming off again.

    Personally, I don't think it's worth the money, unless you're going to make changes in your diet and exercise as well. If you are going to make these changes, I think the Meridia definitely helps "take the edge off" of cravings and keeps me from feeling ravenously hungry in between meals.

    I'm probably going to get it for one more month and take it every other day to ween myself off of it slowly. Weight loss is all about changes and I think most of them have a huge psychological component. Once you know that you can only eat X amount of calories every day, it'll get easier and easier and you'll start to feel more satisfied with that amount.

    Good luck!
  • I have never taken Meridia, but my Dr. put me on Topamax for appetite control. It really worked for me but as Whittrusty said you have to make the diet and exercise changes with it as is just a tool to help shrink your stomach.

    I lost about 25-30 lbs on Topamax before....then I was off work and got I am back down 13lbs again.
  • mrsbarton
    mrsbarton Posts: 78 Member
    I have taken Meridia 10mg daily for the past two months. After the first 2 weeks, I lost about 3-5 lbs, and then the weight loss pretty much halted. My weight didn't change (up or down) for 3 weeks. Once I really started watching my food choices, calorie intake, etc, and exercising, the weight started coming off again.

    Personally, I don't think it's worth the money, unless you're going to make changes in your diet and exercise as well. If you are going to make these changes, I think the Meridia definitely helps "take the edge off" of cravings and keeps me from feeling ravenously hungry in between meals.

    I'm probably going to get it for one more month and take it every other day to ween myself off of it slowly. Weight loss is all about changes and I think most of them have a huge psychological component. Once you know that you can only eat X amount of calories every day, it'll get easier and easier and you'll start to feel more satisfied with that amount.

    Good luck!

    YES im going to be doing excersize and eating right..i have always done workout and eat right.. i have lost 7 pounds in the last 2 months by doing that but i feel i need more of a push!! but of course..working out and eating right... i actually have been thinking about doing the 30 day shred again.. only this time finish it lol.. when i did it before i only did it for like 2 weeks.. im thinking this time since im going to be on the med for 3 one month level 1 one month level 2 and one month level 3 and u know adding in a few extra things so i dont get bored!!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    My doc gave me meridia a few years ago, but failed to remember an interaction with another drug i take for migraine prevention, so I several uncomfortable days of not being able to keep anything down, and then I was out $90 (rather be headache free).

    My friend took this and although she was also doing Weight Watchers and exercising, it made her feel like food wasn't such a focus. She lost 50 lbs total (but again, with WW and exercise as well).

    They tried me on dopamax....oops topamax for my migraines...but it made me really, really dumb, tired, and spacey, and that wasn't worth being headache free OR losing weight (most patients lose 10% or so).

    Hope this helps.

    PS: My doc told me to fill Meridia at Walmart pharmacy, which tended to be much cheaper than CVS, etc.
  • mrsbarton
    mrsbarton Posts: 78 Member
    My doc gave me meridia a few years ago, but failed to remember an interaction with another drug i take for migraine prevention, so I several uncomfortable days of not being able to keep anything down, and then I was out $90 (rather be headache free).

    My friend took this and although she was also doing Weight Watchers and exercising, it made her feel like food wasn't such a focus. She lost 50 lbs total (but again, with WW and exercise as well).

    They tried me on dopamax....oops topamax for my migraines...but it made me really, really dumb, tired, and spacey, and that wasn't worth being headache free OR losing weight (most patients lose 10% or so).

    Hope this helps.

    PS: My doc told me to fill Meridia at Walmart pharmacy, which tended to be much cheaper than CVS, etc.

    How long was she on it for?
  • mrsbarton
    mrsbarton Posts: 78 Member
    anyone else?
  • DavisSande
    DavisSande Posts: 2 Member
    I was on Meridia between 2004-2006 (?) for about 3-4 months. This drug, unlike most appetite suppressants work with the seritonin levels in the body instead of metabolism. What does this mean? It works with your brain to make you "think" your not hungry. The first two weeks, I experienced headaches, a few heart palpitations, sweating, slight nausea (water helped alot). The longer I took the medicine, the symptoms slacked up a little...but never went away totally. I lost about 25lbs total. I also changed my eating habits and exercised. You wanna know what I think? IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!!! I'm finding that total transformation of eating habits/exercise and just plain ol' accountability for the food we eat works the best. MAKE THE CHANGE FOR YOU...FOR A LIFETIME!!! I can speak on this because I've been on so many diets/pills...etc. NONE OF THEM TRULY WORK!!! IT'S A TEMPORARY FIX!!! YOU CAN DO IT HONEY!!! I'm doing it now and I feel soooooooooo much better!!!

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!! :happy:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    Are you taking it for an appetite suppresant? My doc told me to take Chromium Picolinate 260 mcg which is a vitamin.
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    Are you taking it for an appetite suppresant? My doc told me to take Chromium Picolinate 260 mcg which is a vitamin.
    Sorry, that was 250 mcg
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I took it a few months ago and within the first 10 days I noticed a dramatic loss. It was a sample from my doc. So I figured they were awesome and filled the script. They have a generic now that is cheaper but still $80/$90. I used them for the whole month and nothing! Maybe a pound here or there but nothing like the first 10 days. I just talked to my doc and they have given me another 10 pack. I plan to start them again next week and see what they can do. If it helps I maybe do it in bursts. 10 days on and then 10 days off and so on. I am horribly addicted to junk and it really helped with the cravings for sure.
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