Im eating myself to death.

Hi all, my name is Wanda. I am a 46 year old female. I am on this journey to lose weight and get healthy. I had weight loss surgery about two years ago and I've lost quite a bit of weight since then. The problem however is that I am an emotional eater and I never seem to be satisfied. I have gone through counseling for this an I have been working out on a regular basis. I do the Rockin Body 4 days a week and I stay under my 1500 calorie a day goal. The problem is that I am not losing weight at all. I stopped getting on the scale because it never moved. For one solid month I followed my program to the letter and not one pound came off. I have tried every fad, diet, quick weight loss scheme there is and I think my body has decided to just hold on to the weight. I try to stay away from all the bad stuff, even when Ive earned extra calories from working out. I try and reward myself once a week but then my clothes feel like they are going to split at the seam. Can anyone give me some advice on some things I can to do curb the appetite while my body figures out what it's wanting to do? Just for the record, I did not have gastric bypass so I can eat regular foods.


  • s2konstantine
    s2konstantine Posts: 12 Member
    If you have been dieting for a long time, your metabolism adapts. Basically are bodys are incredibly adept at survival. What you might do it is calculate your TDEE ( and make that your goal for 2 weeks. This will let your body know that food is available and it's okay to let go of fat.

    If you are interested, here is a link on taking a diet break:

    As far as apetite, I would drink a ton of water. More than 4 litres a day. Ofton, I drink zero calorie beverages like Powerade Zero.

    Fasting has worked wonders for me. Basically stop eating at 8pm, and skip breakfast the following day. Eat your first meal instead at 12pm. So you only eat from 12pm-8pm daily, this has loads of benefits you can research (it's called intermittent fasting).
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    If you have been dieting for a long time, your metabolism adapts. Basically are bodys are incredibly adept at survival. What you might do it is calculate your TDEE ( and make that your goal for 2 weeks. This will let your body know that food is available and it's okay to let go of fat.

    If you are interested, here is a link on taking a diet break:

    As far as apetite, I would drink a ton of water. More than 4 litres a day. Ofton, I drink zero calorie beverages like Powerade Zero.

    Fasting has worked wonders for me. Basically stop eating at 8pm, and skip breakfast the following day. Eat your first meal instead at 12pm. So you only eat from 12pm-8pm daily, this has loads of benefits you can research (it's called intermittent fasting).

    i would be hesitant to call that intermittent fasting but many people do. There are several different variations. What he is referring to sounds like leangains, there is also fast 5, 5:2, JUDDD ect. and then actually intermittent fasting which is eating nothing for 24hrs every other day.