SOOOO Hungry!



  • jourdanerin
    The passed couple days, no matter what I do, including drinking water, I just feel like I am starving! I don't want to just snack, what can I eat that is low cal but filling? My cal limit is 1300 cals a day, I walk 2 miles every day. I also don't understand how MFP comes up with calories lost, or any app does for that matter.. For example, I use MapMyWalk for my walks and my 2 miles takes me about 36-38 mins and the app says I lose 373 cals (somewhere in that area) but when I put my walk into MFP, 38 min only equals about 200 something cals burned.. how do I know which one to use? Bleh so lost!

    snack on veggies (baby carrots, cucumber, etc) they are low-cal

    I read somewhere that 1 mile = approximately 100 calories. You can run, walk, skip or jump it. The faster you complete the mile - the faster you burn 100 calories. Of course this will fluctuate depending on your body size but it's a good guessing point.

    Seems to be a good average between all the calorie calculating apps! ( I run with Nike+, walk/climb stairs etc with MapMyFitness, and log exercise in MFP. I will usually pick the lower # or average the two)
  • Nicolecopperboom
    Thank you all again. I went to that scooby or something website, my TDEE is 2893 and it says I should eat 2314 calories. All this stuff is so confusing to me. bleh!
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    FAT! healthy fats. coconut butter, EVOO, almond butter, etc :D
  • LosingitinWY
    LosingitinWY Posts: 29 Member
    I eat large salads as meals. Make sure you use vinegrette not dressing.

    I have a late breakfast that way I don't need a morning snack.

    Hope it helps.

    I just found a new lime vinegrette. DELISH!
  • LosingitinWY
    LosingitinWY Posts: 29 Member
    The passed couple days, no matter what I do, including drinking water, I just feel like I am starving! I don't want to just snack, what can I eat that is low cal but filling? My cal limit is 1300 cals a day, I walk 2 miles every day. I also don't understand how MFP comes up with calories lost, or any app does for that matter.. For example, I use MapMyWalk for my walks and my 2 miles takes me about 36-38 mins and the app says I lose 373 cals (somewhere in that area) but when I put my walk into MFP, 38 min only equals about 200 something cals burned.. how do I know which one to use? Bleh so lost!

    I like SF jello. A whole box is just 20 calories. It's filling, flavorful and obviously way low in calories. (I'm sure there are people who will say the SF is bad for you so make your own decision :)
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Try raising your limit. I like celery and cucumber as a munchy, super low calorie snack. Protein like greek yogurt or string cheese is more filling, though.
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    natural fruit juice in a blinder
  • phillipakj
    phillipakj Posts: 10 Member
    Hie, maybe you are eating foods that are so high in refined sugars and carbohydrates. Also if you eat food without fat at all, it is less filling and after a meal you get hungry again- try adding some healthy oils to your dishes. Try to cut on the sugars and refined carbohydrates and instead eat more low starch vegetables like eggplant, broccoli, zuccini, pepper, and carrots. You could just grill the vegetables and add olive oil. I normally eat such a dish with grilled salmon and I become full for a long time. The trick is to fill up from mostly vegetables and proteins which has good oils (nuts, salmon, mackerel fish, olive oil etc). I am on a 1200 calories diet and since I started eating more vegetables and fish I am always full and always consume less than my calories limit everyday. (of course I add my exercise minutes). I hope this helps. Good luck!
  • olliecbr900
    He explains everything.
    Also watch THE SKINNY ON OBESITY on you tube.
    Basically when your hungry your stomach produces a hormone Ghrelin which tells your brain when your hungry and tells you to eat. When you have had enough food your fat cells produce a hormone Leptin which tells your brain when your full. In your diet glucose can be metabolised by all the cells in the body. But SUGAR (food company have 50 different names for it on the labels) can only be processed by the liver and in doing so PREVENTS LEPTIN FROM BEING PRODUCED, so it doesn't matter how much you eat you will never stop the body feeling thats its hungry.
    Because everyone is count calories and not looking at the nutritional quality of these calories, this is where the problem arises. We think we are being healthy eating low fat foods, but for the food industry to remove the fats the flavour also goes. Hence filling it full of carbohydrates and sugar and salt for taste. Problem the way the body processes the types of carbs its the same has fats. So low fat food is a myth, because you gain weight with them. Rule of thumbs processed foods and sugars and sweeteners need to be avoided. Mainly because they interfere with the leptin signaling to tell you when your full.
    Following this your cravings for junk food disapppearing along side your excess weight.
    Reading Lustigs info on a calories is not a calorie is an eye openers too. Regarding exercise the more muscle mass you have the greater your resting calorific burn will be when your not exercising. Would be impossible to burn all the calorie off that you eat with exercise. So with this knowledge you don't have to guilty or harsh with yourself. If you have problems with blood glucose levels, Lustigs explain the important role of fibre and how it prevents sugar spikes though out the day. Now why mention this. Because when you have any sugar spikes or blood glucose rises your body releases insulin to store this excess energy away has fat. So controlling you blood sugar levels from spiking will reduce insulin secretions and will reduce fat storage.
    And fibre plays an important role in this slowing down the glucose blood absorption in the intestices and hence no need to send to storage (fat).
    Ensure your food has a higher fibre to sugars ratio. Increasing your fibre will sort out your micro nutrients vitamins and minerals etc.
    So together with a little knowledge about food, and exercise your body weight will sort itself out. Note If you change fat tissue to muscle tissue using exercise your body weight won't go down. But your body fat, muscle, bone compostion has changed. So a precentage body fat measuring device will be helpful here.
    Last thing eat when your hungry because your body adapts and down regulates your metabolism to conserve energy, whilst increasing your desire for food and increases the reward pathways for problematic foods high calorific foods.
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    FAT! healthy fats. coconut butter, EVOO, almond butter, etc :D

    This, this, this, this, this. DO NOT be afraid of healthy fats! Have avocado on toast for breakfast, maybe with an egg, Try a nice tuna salad with EVOO at lunch & at dinner time throw a veggieful chicken stirfry in some coconut oil & then tell me you're hungry! :)
  • Nicolecopperboom
    The passed couple days, no matter what I do, including drinking water, I just feel like I am starving! I don't want to just snack, what can I eat that is low cal but filling? My cal limit is 1300 cals a day, I walk 2 miles every day. I also don't understand how MFP comes up with calories lost, or any app does for that matter.. For example, I use MapMyWalk for my walks and my 2 miles takes me about 36-38 mins and the app says I lose 373 cals (somewhere in that area) but when I put my walk into MFP, 38 min only equals about 200 something cals burned.. how do I know which one to use? Bleh so lost!

    snack on veggies (baby carrots, cucumber, etc) they are low-cal

    I read somewhere that 1 mile = approximately 100 calories. You can run, walk, skip or jump it. The faster you complete the mile - the faster you burn 100 calories. Of course this will fluctuate depending on your body size but it's a good guessing point.

    Seems to be a good average between all the calorie calculating apps! ( I run with Nike+, walk/climb stairs etc with MapMyFitness, and log exercise in MFP. I will usually pick the lower # or average the two)

    If you weigh 150 lbs, you can burn approximately 90 calories per mile.
    If you weigh 200 lbs, you can burn approximately 120 calories per mile.
    If you weigh 250 lbs, you can burn approximately 150 calories per mile.
    If you weigh 300 lbs, you can burn approximately 180 calories per mile.
    If you weigh 350 lbs, you can burn approximately 210 calories per mile.
    If you weigh 400 lbs, you can burn approximately 240 calories per mile.
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    I have been eating back my exercise calories. I am pretty sure I need to just go shopping and fill the house with healthy foods, like veggies and fruits. IDK, maybe my body just needs to get used to the lower calories? I just don't like feeling hungry all the time.

    Yes, fill your house up with healthy foods. From what I've been told, if you are hungry all of the time it's because your metabolism is speeding up which is good! Since I cut out wheat from my diet, I don't get as hungry as I used to.
  • NaturallyandProperly
    NaturallyandProperly Posts: 138 Member
    also, 1300 calories really isn't that much. Eat! :)
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I can't see what you're eating, but try eating more satiating foods which have a good balance of both fat and protein to keep you full longer. For example, a steak, burger, or piece of chicken will keep you full longer than a bowl of spaghetti.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    OP, what goal did you tell MFP? 2 Lbs per week? Your gross calorie goal per the scooby workshop makes sense if you're currently grossing 1600 with exercise calories per MFP and your goal is 2 Lbs per week. If you did TDEE - 20% on Scooby, that would equate to about 1 Lb per week on average so you'd get about 500 more calories per day than what MFP gives you..

    You may want to consider adjusting your calorie goal to something more reasonable and something you can stick with. Two Lbs per week is really a pretty aggressive approach and many people just can't sustain that kind of deficit long enough to take the weight off and keep it off. Better to go a little slower but have it be bearable IMHO.

    Also, look to up your protein and healthy fats to keep you feeling fuller. Lots of carbs just are going to give you a lot of calories but leave you hungry sooner. Case in point, a serving of these whole grain chips I like is pretty small...but it's about 120 calories...something like 10 chips; conversely, 4 oz of chicken breast also has 120 calories...which one do you think is going to leave me satisfied longer?
  • nannukka
    nannukka Posts: 52
    OP, what goal did you tell MFP? 2 Lbs per week? Your gross calorie goal per the scooby workshop makes sense if you're currently grossing 1600 with exercise calories per MFP and your goal is 2 Lbs per week. If you did TDEE - 20% on Scooby, that would equate to about 1 Lb per week on average so you'd get about 500 more calories per day than what MFP gives you..

    You may want to consider adjusting your calorie goal to something more reasonable and something you can stick with. Two Lbs per week is really a pretty aggressive approach and many people just can't sustain that kind of deficit long enough to take the weight off and keep it off. Better to go a little slower but have it be bearable IMHO.

    Also, look to up your protein and healthy fats to keep you feeling fuller. Lots of carbs just are going to give you a lot of calories but leave you hungry sooner. Case in point, a serving of these whole grain chips I like is pretty small...but it's about 120 calories...something like 10 chips; conversely, 4 oz of chicken breast also has 120 calories...which one do you think is going to leave me satisfied longer?

    I like this!

    When I started I did the calculations through MFP too. Even though I put for the goal to loose only 0.5 lb/week the calories were still too low for the amount of exercise. And you are right, trying to figure out the exercise calories is pain, so I chose this method instead: eat more to loose more. I follow advice from the two guys bellow (two good threads). Both haybales and PU know what they are doing. It makes sense to me, I can eat and not be hungry, I loose weight healthy way (steady if little slow) and I can keep doing this forever compared to diet. Check them out if you have time. So when people are talking about TDEE-20% it means you do not log your calorie or eat them back since it is already calculated in. When people use MFP the eat back their calories.