Down a pound and then back up?



  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member

    Thanks so much for your advice! I was so proud when DH and I got down to no more eating out after work at night, now I cook every night, even if it kills me! We belong to a gym, and typically we go 3-5 days/week. I do the Arc Trainer for my cardio (Cybex Arc Trainer) and alternate the exercises it does, then also do 10 lb dumbells for bicep curls, tricep curls, and shoulder press. I need to start doing squats and lunges again, I am such a wimp when it comes to those.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I weigh myself on Thursdays and record it each week. Last week I was at 189.4 and was OK with that, as I was 190.2 the Thursday before. Well, today I'm right back up to 190.2...WTH? I've been religiously counting my calories and logging anything that passes my lips, and what's worse, is I checked my weight each day of the week as a "keep on track" and was totally fine, down to 189.0 as of Wednesday , then back up today? >.< Angry face! I'm not sure if it's because I had a lot of sodium yesterday, that I have aunt flo visiting this week or what, but it has been super discouraging. My breakfasts consist of an EAS carb control shake every morning now, lunch kind of depends but we go to restaurants most of the time that are on the food list so I add from there, and dinner is homemade meat and vegetables each night typically. Yesterday I had an enchilada for lunch along with cheesy hashbrowns , both of which are high in sodium, but last night's dinner was a hand pattie'd hamburger, just one, on a bun with cheese, and I drank water with that even.

    I think I'm just looking for a "keep on it, you're doing fine" because right now, even though I'm ticked about my lack of weight loss, I'm proud that I stopped myself from throwing in the towel after stepping off the scale this morning. My gut reaction was a scoop of peanut butter, a huge glass of milk and a handful of oreos. What really happened? I went back to bed to get away from the temptation. Now I'm drinking my coffee, my shake is ready to go, and I'm trying to stay positive, but think I need a bit of help :(

    I just highlighted some things for ya ;) Cut back on the restaurant lunches - loooots of sodium and other cr*p you don't even know what is in there. Your weight is dropping, fluctuations are normal, don't get on the scale every day, honey, it'll drive you mad! Trust me, been there, done that.

    Umm - she didn't say she got on the scale everyday. She weighs on Thursdays...I think she is just on here for some support. Isn't that what this section is for on MFP?

    I think someone needs to go back and read before they comment.

    " I checked my weight each day of the week as a "keep on track" and..."

    Welcome to MFP.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you get discouraged every time your weight fluctuates up, then you are not a good candidate for a daily weigh-in.

    All kinds of things can cause your body to fluctuate on a daily basis.

    Cut back to weekly weigh-ins.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I hear you on the pressure to eat out in a work environment. I eat out at least 10 to 21 times a week depending on my work travel schedule. I lost 46 pounds in 2012, and did it with the same "eating out schedule".

    There are a thousand tricks to doing this, but the main one for me was absolutley no bread, potatoes, rice or pasta. I am a reformed empty carb junky.

    The second thing is everydrop of salad or sauce on the side.

    The third is when in doubt, order the leanest protein.

    Even at the deli, you can get SOMETHING.. hard boiled eggs or a scoup of tuna or chicken salad on top of lettuce and tomato.

    I also coax clients and coworkers to walk further when I am downtown. An extra 5 -10 blocks a day adds up!

    PS.... I weigh daily at the same time .. I note it but if it is up, more water, same calories, more walking.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I'd blame aunt flo. You retain water like mad at this time, i quite often find the scales tell me i've put on an extra pound or two around this time. Don't give up!
  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks again all for your feedback. To those who are being all "don't weigh every day", trust me I know that weight fluctuates every day. I've dieted and lost weight in the past using this same weighing technique, weigh in one day a week with body measurements etc. and the rest of the week if I think I have a day of being bad, step on the scale the following morning as penance. I use it as a motivational tool to stay on track. I only write down my weight on Thursday morning weigh in. If I jump up in weight on any given day it doesn't bother me. The ONLY reason I mentioned it is that it is part of my routine, not that daily weighing is what was confusing me. If I had left out the daily weighing portion, your response would have become completely pointless, as my issue is greater than weighing on a daily basis.

    Please don't strike out against people who are defending me in my own thread, that's terribly disrespectful and trolly behavior.

    Brown: I ATE A BANANA THIS MORNING!!! I skipped my shake and had me a banana instead, woot woot! I was running late so no time for cereal, but still, better than my shake ;)

    JD: I'm in the same boat with the aunt flo blamage, I'm really thinking that's the majority of what caused my weight to fluctuate so hard this week.

    PK: Thanks so much for the eating out suggestions. If you can lose and do it, so can I! :)
  • amatxuof5
    amatxuof5 Posts: 40
    Thanks so much ;) I'll try my cereal (plain raisin bran sound ok?) for a couple days, what does almond milk taste like? Is it similar to like, soy milk in taste? coconut milk etc? I've never tried any of them for fear of taste, I'm such a wimp!

    OMG I just looked at my shake, 360mg of sodium *face palm* thanks for mentioning that, totally didn' consider sodium in my shakes :(

    I LOVE the fat free vanilla almond milk. I make my Body by Vi shakes with it. It tastes nutty. I can't drink regular milk - it hurts my stomach. I have the same frustrations you do, but I know that my weight can fluctuate within a 2 pound range. I actually weigh myself every night AND every morning. I usually weigh 1 pound lighter in the morning than at night so I do it to see if I've lost anything. I started weighing myself every day when I read something in a book that suggested that and taking the average of every week to see if you've lost or not BECAUSE our weight can fluctuate so much, so the weekly average is a truer measure of your actual weight. But now I actually weight myself every day so that I don't let myself get out of control because I know I can gain weight super easily. I also know that I gain weight if I don't get enough sleep, so hopefully you are sleeping enough! Good luck! When I track religiously and don't lose I try to just tell myself "next time, tomorrow is a new day and I'll see a change then". And be proud that you have been tracking so well!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I work with my husband too, so I know it is hard to pack your own lunch and eat a good meal while he won't. My hubby won't eat a sandwich every day, and God forbid I suggest a microwavable meal. So, I just pack my lunch and offer to pack his, and if he says no, he's on his own for the day! It was difficult and it is still difficult sometimes to stick to my packed lunch while they are staring at me while munching burgers and fries.

    On another note, I am on my second week of no weight loss. Last week I didn't mind remaining the same because of Aunt Flo, but I expected to be back on track this week. My official weigh in is tomorrow, but this morning I had a sneak peek and no change. So unless something happens between now and in the morning, I am expecting to stay the same or go up. I hate that. This is the first time since Jan that I have not had a loss in 2 weeks. I get what you are going through!