
I dont know what to do. Getting so discouraged. Really been watching what Im eating and exercising at least 1 hr a day sometimes more...I freaking dont know what Im doing wrong...I started first on the cleansing 3 day diet by Dr Oz...lost 4.8lbs 2 days later Ive gain 2 and I put myself on a 1200 calorie diet but with my exercise Im trying to eat according to my exercise please tell me what Im doing wrong please...Im just so upset and noone understands...Im 47 yrs old and its so hard...Debbie


  • Etienne54
    Etienne54 Posts: 88 Member
    The 1200 diet is not meant for everyone. Depending on your physique, you might need to eat more than that.

    You should open up your Food diary so everyone can have a look and help you out.
  • heartacheme
    heartacheme Posts: 9 Member
    how do i open it?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Nooooooooooooooo..... please don't abuse your body with any of Dr. Oz's scams of the day. Eat right and exercise. 1200 is super low - you may be under-eating.
  • branohockey
    branohockey Posts: 60 Member
    How long have you been doing this? How long has it been since a loss? Do you weigh evey day? What types of foods are you eating? I agree that opening your diary will help. Do you 'eat back' your exercise calories? Do you wear a heart rate monitor or rely on MFP's estimations? Do you acually measure with measuring cups or use a food scale when recording your food? Do you drink water, soda, coffee, tea?

    There are a thousand and 1 different variables that play into your success. What works for me may or may not work for you, but you simply must keep plugging along. Sometimes you just hit a plateau.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Firstly, completely forget Dr. Oz's advice. Ignore any gimmick products and fad diets. Forget the ridiculous 1200 calorie number.

    Calculate your TDEE, then subtract 20% from that number. That is the amount you should be eating for sustainable weightloss. Start an exercise program that includes cardio and heavy weight lifting. Eat back 80% of your exercise calories. Your body will slowly, but surely, transform into something more beautiful.
  • heartacheme
    heartacheme Posts: 9 Member
    Wow I thought he was the man haha...Nah Id never watched him before...But there was a program on about thyroid and almost 4 yrs ago I lost 54lbs trust me I need to...and just in the last few months (winter) I gained 10 back and I really dont want to be over wt..also I lost enough to just be right under my recommended wt Im over...just makes me sick . but what im doing isnt working I need help...Also have tried eating more and the more I eat the more I gain..Ugh..I just dont know...also I did lose 4.8 on the oz cleansing thing but after you do it they dont tell you what to do so you just gain it back ....I will say Ive tried to eat some of the things on the diet though like....Kale, spinach, different salad stuff carrots, cucumber, ect nothing bad..coconut water, almond milk, ground flaxseed, omega 3 foods, and Im measuring everything...totally changed my eating habits...any food suggestions are welcome. I also realize what works for 1 person doesnt necessarily work for everyone else.
  • heartacheme
    heartacheme Posts: 9 Member
    Been watching and logging what i eat for 1,325 days....I lost when i did the 3 day cleansing but as i said i am gaining again...i don't weigh daily but close to it...I try to be wise on what i eat how much i eat and when i eat...that was a mouth full haha...but i don/t know I did open my diary ...don't wear any monitors of any kind...i just started my fitness pal...I don't know what eat back means???? I do measure with cups , teaspoons scales..only things i drink just changed this and its only been a week coffee, green tea, and water that/s all before all i drank was coffee and water..a lot of coffee, now I only have a few cups a day about a a killer..and I wont give up I cant but if you take a look and see something I could eat or not eat Id appreciate your opinion...and Thanks for your comment.
  • heartacheme
    heartacheme Posts: 9 Member
    I opened up my diary so if you see something I can do different I really appreciate your advice thanks again for your comment.
  • heartacheme
    heartacheme Posts: 9 Member
    Ok I know ya'll are all busy but I weighted again today and yes gained another pound....So depressed someone please give me suggestions I understand what works for one might not work for another but getting so upset...Also if I did it right I opened up my food diary...
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    First step: Forget Dr. Oz junk.
    Second step: look up "In Place of a Roadmap." I'm sure someone has/will post the link at some point since I don't have it ATM.
    Third step: Relax, don't weigh daily if you panic over normal fluctuations, get a food scale, and give it some time.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You are still undereating. And your weight msy fluctuate a bit from day to day, this is normal.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    If weighing every day is going to make you crazy, don't do it. I've ranged across 5lbs this week based on how hydrated I am, how much sodium I've had, what kind of workouts I've been doing, if I've had alcohol... You're not gaining fat that quickly, so don't stress out over it. Also, the weight you lost on the Dr. Oz cleanse was mostly water weight; the increase you saw after that was your body normalizing again.

    Eat more calories, and try to be patient. You didn't put the weight on in a week; it's not going to come off in a week.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Firstly, completely forget Dr. Oz's advice. Ignore any gimmick products and fad diets. Forget the ridiculous 1200 calorie number.

    Calculate your TDEE, then subtract 20% from that number. That is the amount you should be eating for sustainable weightloss. Start an exercise program that includes cardio and heavy weight lifting. Eat back 80% of your exercise calories. Your body will slowly, but surely, transform into something more beautiful.


    Start here with the information in the link above. Find a reasonable calorie goal and some exercise you like and can stick to. Be patient, forget the fads, and give it time.
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    Firstly, completely forget Dr. Oz's advice. Ignore any gimmick products and fad diets. Forget the ridiculous 1200 calorie number.

    Calculate your TDEE, then subtract 20% from that number. That is the amount you should be eating for sustainable weightloss. Start an exercise program that includes cardio and heavy weight lifting. Eat back 80% of your exercise calories. Your body will slowly, but surely, transform into something more beautiful.


    Start here with the information in the link above. Find a reasonable calorie goal and some exercise you like and can stick to. Be patient, forget the fads, and give it time.

    ^^This. You might also want to check out this link:
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    I did the Dr. oz thing too to jump start healthy eating (NO its not a gimmick or anything, it is smoothies you make yourself from fruits, veggies, protein etc) - you lose water weight, so you didn't "gain back 2lbs", your weight is just normalizing, that 4.8lb loss wasn't an actual fat lose. Be patient. And eating back means eating back the calories you burned exercising.
  • If you want a true and healthy drink to detox your body and make you feel a lot better my drink of choice and the best I've ever had is awesome. I've taken it for a few months now a drink a day. It can help you loose weight if your eating well and doing some form of exercise. I love LOVE LOVE this drink. Go to walmart and get these ingrediants. get the cheap water bottles I think its 36 in a case for under 5 bucks.A water bottle for mixing and these few items and you will notice a difference in a day or so. this is a per drink recipe. 1) bottle of water 2) 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinager (work your way up to 2 tbs) 3) 2 tbs of lemon juice (fresh squeezed or real lemon juice bottles) 4) 1 teaspoon of cinnomin 5) a dash of cayenne 6) one packet of the truvia suger alternative(its actually an herb called stevia and sweeter then sugar) You will have to keep mixing the drink because the cinnomin will separate but it tastes really really good. Helps fight fat, detoxes your body from the processed junk we so love to eat and helps you maintain a healthy colon. Last but not least it can also help reverse minor cases of diebeties.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    If you want a true and healthy drink to detox your body and make you feel a lot better my drink of choice and the best I've ever had is awesome. I've taken it for a few months now a drink a day. It can help you loose weight if your eating well and doing some form of exercise. I love LOVE LOVE this drink. Go to walmart and get these ingrediants. get the cheap water bottles I think its 36 in a case for under 5 bucks.A water bottle for mixing and these few items and you will notice a difference in a day or so. this is a per drink recipe. 1) bottle of water 2) 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinager (work your way up to 2 tbs) 3) 2 tbs of lemon juice (fresh squeezed or real lemon juice bottles) 4) 1 teaspoon of cinnomin 5) a dash of cayenne 6) one packet of the truvia suger alternative(its actually an herb called stevia and sweeter then sugar) You will have to keep mixing the drink because the cinnomin will separate but it tastes really really good. Helps fight fat, detoxes your body from the processed junk we so love to eat and helps you maintain a healthy colon. Last but not least it can also help reverse minor cases of diebeties.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Firstly, completely forget Dr. Oz's advice. Ignore any gimmick products and fad diets. Forget the ridiculous 1200 calorie number.

    Calculate your TDEE, then subtract 20% from that number. That is the amount you should be eating for sustainable weightloss. Start an exercise program that includes cardio and heavy weight lifting. Eat back 80% of your exercise calories. Your body will slowly, but surely, transform into something more beautiful.

    Follow this.

    You lost water weight with the Dr. Oz thing. It comes right back as soon as you eat normally. Get a food scale. Weigh everything you eat. Log accurately. And follow the link above to figure out how many calories to eat. Stop weighing so often if it's going to drive you crazy, and be patient.
  • heartacheme
    heartacheme Posts: 9 Member
    Ok I'm still a little upset just seems like I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel but I will not give up I can't..I did my TDEE and I totally wasn't eating enough according to that. Now a few more questions. Should I try to eat the most calories earlier in the day or mid day or does it matter. I think you can see I eat alot of salad type foods and its very hard to get all the calories in I need...One last question of course when I exercise I'm suppose to eat more what happens if I'm done eating for the day and then I exercise it will through the whole thing out of wack..I just want to do this the right way....I'm not sure do I need to make sure to eat all the calories to equal what I've exercise ...I just don't understand...grrr...thanks for helping me though
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Ok I'm still a little upset just seems like I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel but I will not give up I can't..I did my TDEE and I totally wasn't eating enough according to that. Now a few more questions. Should I try to eat the most calories earlier in the day or mid day or does it matter. I think you can see I eat alot of salad type foods and its very hard to get all the calories in I need...One last question of course when I exercise I'm suppose to eat more what happens if I'm done eating for the day and then I exercise it will through the whole thing out of wack..I just want to do this the right way....I'm not sure do I need to make sure to eat all the calories to equal what I've exercise ...I just don't understand...grrr...thanks for helping me though

    It takes a little time - look at my ticker. I didn't take that off in a month. You can do this.

    It doesn't really matter when you eat them from a weight loss perspective. Find a pattern that works for you. I experimented a bit, and found that for me, four, roughly equal meals works best. Other people may like to eat a big breakfast or dinner, or avoid eating late. You can do what works for you tomanage your hunger and feel healthy and strong.

    One challenge many people face is overdoing the diet food. Simple salads are great because they fill you up on few calories, but if you eat too many foods like that, you feel full but don't get adequate nutrition. Balance out the salads with other foods that add more calories and help meet your protein, fat, and carb goals.

    You don't have to immediately eat back the exercise calories, or even eat them back every day. Look to even out over time. If you're a little under today and a little over tomorrow, that's OK. Note that some exercises in the MFP database seem to overestimate calorie burn, so some people only eat back something like 75%. You can experiment and learn over time. What will mess up your metabolism is chronic, extended undereating. And you just don't need to do that to lose weight.