Exercise at home for beginners with 100lbs to lose?

Hi, I'm carrying so much extra weight that it feels uncomfortable to do vigorous exercise or work out in front of other people. Has anyone got recommendations for simple but effective exercises that I can do at home - I especially used to like (many years ago so hence can't remember now) ones that you can just do repeats of and build up the amount of time that you do.. I am very unfit and really need to tone up all areas, especially my tummy & arms.

Also, if anyone knows a really basic book with clear illustrations that they can recommend that would be great - thanks for any suggestions.


  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    go to www.hasfit.com you will find loads and loads of exercises that you can follow?

    You can put into the search bar on the website which exercises or areas you would like to tone or work out?
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member
    go to www.hasfit.com you will find loads and loads of exercises that you can follow?

    You can put into the search bar on the website which exercises or areas you would like to tone or work out?

    Thanks - I really appreciate the recommendation - I will take a look now. :)
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member

    Thanks - much appreciated - taking a look in a sec ....
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Have you considered trying water based fitness classes? If I give you the example of my gym aqua classes, it's rare to see someone who doesn't have 50 - 150 lbs to lose. The slimmest person in the pool is my friend who, not only is unable to do conventional exercise due to a chronic knee injury, she was 65 lb overweight before she started making changes.

    Sometimes, being stuck inside isn't as nice as going out and doing something fun and good for you. Especially as staying inside, hidden away for fear of other people is why you're thinking about choosing that type of exercise.

    It's not as scary as you think it is exercising in public.
  • I had the same mentality going in. I have over 100 lbs as well. The thing is, I went to the YMCA last week, and nervous as hell, but the fear was in myself and it was totally not worth the stress. Nobody stared at me. Nobody was whispering or laughing. Some said hello, and some didn't seem to realize I was in the same room, but you know what? I spent 2 1/2 hours there and I felt like a million bucks when I got home. (And I spent a good part of it in a swim suit, so no, I wasn't walking/working out in baggy clothes, I was totally exposed).

    Give yourself and everyone else a chance. It's not as horrible as your mind makes it. <3
  • wldrose75
    wldrose75 Posts: 128
    I found a second hand stationary bike for next to nothing. Thing is probably 25 years old. I put a new seat on it and WD-40ed the chain, and it could go another 25 years. I started out doing 5-10 min at about 10 mph. I'm now doing 30 min at 15 mph. Just start a movie or tv show and peddle away. Its amazing how many calories I can burn in 30 min, and I don't have to worry about having a crash on a real bike. LOL
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member
    Have you considered trying water based fitness classes? If I give you the example of my gym aqua classes, it's rare to see someone who doesn't have 50 - 150 lbs to lose. The slimmest person in the pool is my friend who, not only is unable to do conventional exercise due to a chronic knee injury, she was 65 lb overweight before she started making changes.

    Sometimes, being stuck inside isn't as nice as going out and doing something fun and good for you. Especially as staying inside, hidden away for fear of other people is why you're thinking about choosing that type of exercise.

    It's not as scary as you think it is exercising in public.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I have tried it in the past. Our local swimming pool is designed so that you have to walk past a glass window with people on the other side having coffee in order to get to the pool. I did give it a go, but I just felt far too exposed and uncomfortable.
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member
    I found a second hand stationary bike for next to nothing. Thing is probably 25 years old. I put a new seat on it and WD-40ed the chain, and it could go another 25 years. I started out doing 5-10 min at about 10 mph. I'm now doing 30 min at 15 mph. Just start a movie or tv show and peddle away. Its amazing how many calories I can burn in 30 min, and I don't have to worry about having a crash on a real bike. LOL

    I was actually looking at second hand exercise bikes on Ebay last night. I'm just about to move home, so was going to wait before I get one but it sounds like it could be a really good idea.
  • ChunkiChica
    ChunkiChica Posts: 150
    I started over 80 pounds overweight, and would NOT go to the gym. I go to a small private gym now, but I worked my way up to it. I started exercising with Zumba DVDs in my basement. I could do about 15 minutes a couple times a week. They have Zumba GOLD for older individuals, and doing that for 15-20 minutes a couple times a week may be a good start for you. Try it out!
  • trin8ty75
    trin8ty75 Posts: 60 Member
    I'd recommend Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member

    Thanks for the link - I will check it out.

    So far I've checked out HASfit and found that the workouts are too quick for me at the moment - but the exercises in the muscle group section seem much better for where I am at because there's less to remember and it seems more clearly explained. I've just learnt one simple exercise to keep doing for my abs so I'm a happy bunny. If I can learn just a few more things like that then I can start doing them each day.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Have you considered trying water based fitness classes? If I give you the example of my gym aqua classes, it's rare to see someone who doesn't have 50 - 150 lbs to lose. The slimmest person in the pool is my friend who, not only is unable to do conventional exercise due to a chronic knee injury, she was 65 lb overweight before she started making changes.

    Sometimes, being stuck inside isn't as nice as going out and doing something fun and good for you. Especially as staying inside, hidden away for fear of other people is why you're thinking about choosing that type of exercise.

    It's not as scary as you think it is exercising in public.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I have tried it in the past. Our local swimming pool is designed so that you have to walk past a glass window with people on the other side having coffee in order to get to the pool. I did give it a go, but I just felt far too exposed and uncomfortable.

    Mine too.

    The only person who cares about this is you. Not meant in a mean way at all, but NOBODY CARES. Most won't even register that somebody walked past the window - I for one have a fairly vacant stare when I'm at the point of needing coffee after working out. If I'm lucky, I might just notice if Dwayne Johnson walked past stark naked and did a sexy like dance right the other side of the mirror to me, but I really wouldn't count on it. Anyone in the pool area is just wallpaper. Just like they are when you're exercising, you're thinking about anything other than what the person on the treadmill in front of you looks like.

    I know it's hard to accept that you aren't the only person in the world with varicose veins, cellulite and a fair bit of weight to shift, but there are loads of people like it. So many that it's normal to see people that size in the gym and pool.

    Don't discount something so good and safe for people with weight that could damage joints exercising at home without expert supervision or just the support that water gives you, because you're making your own obstacles there.

    I can't emphasise how much I am not being nasty to you here.
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member
    I started over 80 pounds overweight, and would NOT go to the gym. I go to a small private gym now, but I worked my way up to it. I started exercising with Zumba DVDs in my basement. I could do about 15 minutes a couple times a week. They have Zumba GOLD for older individuals, and doing that for 15-20 minutes a couple times a week may be a good start for you. Try it out!

    Thanks for the recommendation - I think I might try something like that in the future when I've lost more weight.
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member
    I'd recommend Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds

    Thanks for this - I've heard that her DVD's are good in the past but never got one as I was a bit wary that it would sit on my cupboard. But I might see if there's a youtube clip and consider it for the future.
  • normatus
    normatus Posts: 27 Member
    I'd recommend Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds

    Love Her!
  • Goin4goal
    Goin4goal Posts: 129 Member
    I'm doing Leslie Sansone 5-day walking plan. You can choose which day you want to do ranging from 1 mile to 5 mile workout. Its alot of walking in place, leg kicks, knee lifts, etc. I was very winded the first time I did it, now I'm doing the 2 mile walk. Its alot of fun and I'm toning up. You might want to give this dvd a try.
  • diliveslife
    diliveslife Posts: 42 Member
    I was there too. Right now just get moving. Cardio is your best activity because that is what will get you results on the scale which helps keep you motivated. Of course if you like weights adding those too is great.

    Do you feel comfortable walking around your neighborhood? Or can you afford something like a used treadmill or stationary bike on craigslist? I lost 80 pounds before too, when I was 13 but was embarrassed to go out- so my parents bought me the "cardio glide" which was popular back then on infomercials etc- and that's what I did to lose the weight combined with diet of course. Anything that will get you a good sweat going.

    This time around I just went to the gym and started walk/jogging on the treadmill. Mostly walking at first on a slight incline and going fast enough/high enough to cause a sweat and keep sweating for 20+minutes. My ankles and back would hurt, but you just have to keep the end in mind and realize it gets easier, your body gets stronger, lighter- keep your thoughts positive and powerful. I can do a full marathon now! Your thoughts can really help you. Just think of getting a burn for 30 minutes a day- even if you don't feel like it commit that to yourself. Build from there.

    Don't be discouraged to go to a gym though. There are a lot of larger people there and gyms are for people to get healthy. Not just a place for fit people.
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member
    Have you considered trying water based fitness classes? If I give you the example of my gym aqua classes, it's rare to see someone who doesn't have 50 - 150 lbs to lose. The slimmest person in the pool is my friend who, not only is unable to do conventional exercise due to a chronic knee injury, she was 65 lb overweight before she started making changes.

    Sometimes, being stuck inside isn't as nice as going out and doing something fun and good for you. Especially as staying inside, hidden away for fear of other people is why you're thinking about choosing that type of exercise.

    It's not as scary as you think it is exercising in public.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I have tried it in the past. Our local swimming pool is designed so that you have to walk past a glass window with people on the other side having coffee in order to get to the pool. I did give it a go, but I just felt far too exposed and uncomfortable.

    Mine too.

    The only person who cares about this is you. Not meant in a mean way at all, but NOBODY CARES. Most won't even register that somebody walked past the window - I for one have a fairly vacant stare when I'm at the point of needing coffee after working out. If I'm lucky, I might just notice if Dwayne Johnson walked past stark naked and did a sexy like dance right the other side of the mirror to me, but I really wouldn't count on it. Anyone in the pool area is just wallpaper. Just like they are when you're exercising, you're thinking about anything other than what the person on the treadmill in front of you looks like.

    I know it's hard to accept that you aren't the only person in the world with varicose veins, cellulite and a fair bit of weight to shift, but there are loads of people like it. So many that it's normal to see people that size in the gym and pool.

    Don't discount something so good and safe for people with weight that could damage joints exercising at home without expert supervision or just the support that water gives you, because you're making your own obstacles there.

    I can't emphasise how much I am not being nasty to you here.

    I appreciate that you're trying to encourage me, but I guess I'm just not ready for it at the moment. Perhaps in the future I might go, but right now I just want to make friends with my body in my own time. I just don't feel that keen on doing it, but I am motivated to work out at home.