Have determination but lack ideas, support & motivation

Hey guys. My names Rosie. I'm 5,2", 23 years old and looking to shed around 15kgs and lose some inches. I don't wish to be skinny, (I love my curves!) but I do want to get to a uk size 10-12.
Looking for some friends, (preferably from uk) who can help keep me motivated and vice versa. I log everything that I eat in myfitnesspal and am currently doing a Metabolic Effect workout 3 times a week at the gym. Had a break from calorie counting after losing around 10kgs in 3 months, for a wedding, but now I'm back and hoping to lose a little more weight (and inches) again. I lack motivation and find that I need a good reason to keep me wanting to lose weight and look good. Just wishing I looked better isn't enough. Last time I had the wedding coming up so I knew I needed to get ym butt in to action, and this time I'm using summer, and the fact that my gym membership is going to expire soon, as an excuse.
Also looking for some ideas for food and would love to share some of mine. I do love my sweet stuff and can normally find healthier substitutes for sweet dishes but I would love to see what other peoples diets are like. My diet isn't perfect so looking to learn and improve it.
Hope to make some friends soon :) Thank yooou and good luck to you all!


  • aux1rachll
    aux1rachll Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there!
    My name is Rachel and although I do not live in the UK, I used to live in England a few years ago. I lived in Harrogate for seven years if you have any idea where that is. I struggle with motivation as well and I find that I crave certain things ALL THE TIME (such as chips, cookies, McDonalds, and enormous amounts of peanut butter). I find that what gives me motivation is seeing myself fit into old clothes I used to enjoy wearing. I often times hang up a pair of jeans, or swimsuit in my bathroom so I see it every morning before I start the day and say, "Ok, I can do this." I also weigh myself everyday because I hear it gives you more motivation to eat healthily and work out. One other thing I do is say to myself before I eat something, "a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips". It's a little something my dad used to say and I picked it up along the way. Also- DO NOT FORGET THE POWER OF WATER. It actually does fill you up and it is soooooooooooo good for your body; your hair, nails, skin, etc.
    It sometimes feels like there are two parts of me: one that wants to be healthy and fit and the other that wants to sabotage my goals and just veg out on the couch and eat tubs of ice cream. I wonder if I'm alone in feeling like this. Do you have any helpful pointers for me, perhaps?
    Sorry if this wasn't very helpful but it's just a few little things that I do.
    Add me on myfitnesspal if you like. My username is: aux1rachll
    xox from America!
  • rizzy898
    rizzy898 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Rachel. I tend to eat very often but less. Starting this new pattern was mega hard but after a week or so I was used to it and after that I couldn't handle eating very much at a time. For example, I would have 2 toasts, 2 eggs and beans with a cup of tea for breakfast. Now I get full up with a toast, an egg and a drink. It fills me for about 2-3 hours until im feeling hungry again. This is great as eating big portions or starving myself for hours between meals isnt good (not just for me but for anyone) so I do aim to eat a little something every 3 hours. I do try to avoid carbs after 7.
    I used to drink lots of water but I don't seem to like the taste of it anymore. I hate flavoured water even more. My diet isn't too bad. I just need to get myself to drink more than one glass a day. I seem to drink a lot of tea instead.
    I have a few helpful pointers. I have set myself a goal. If I lose 7lbs then I will treat myself to a new dress for the summer. I'm trying to save some money at the moment so by the time I get to my 7lb goal, I will have saved some money and a little extra for a dress too. If I lose a stone then I will treat myself to another. This is good for me as I need some for the summer anyway so this way I'm pushing myself to lose weight and I'm managing to buy dresses at the same time.
    I also have some photos of myself that I hate. Maybe I look really fat in one. Or I have a very visible double chin in another. This pushes me to work harder in losing weight because I know I don't want to go back to that.
    I have lots of food tips too and would be happy to hear any of u. I have sent u a friends request so hope to have a proper conversation with u soon. x