The Zumba Crew w/o 7-5

iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all of my Zumba peeps! We are in another week....everyone feel free to check in with you are doing, in and out of zumba!

I've been a little off kilter this last week. I attended my classes but I have been feeling a bit under the weather. My diet has also sucked! But here is to a new week to get things back on track!


  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Just got my HRM today, can't wait to take it to class with me tonight!!!!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi amigas,

    Just taggin the thread to find it later.
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    Hey my Zumba peeps!!!!
    5 Days till my Certification!!!!!!!! Super excited, then 12 days to teach my very first class!!!!!!!! It's awesome and I'm super excited!!! :bigsmile: (Cant you tell) lol.
  • Hey everyone! I absolutely love zumba! I first tried it when I was in college and was totally hooked. I just haven't found anyone around that actually knows what they are doing. I went to one at my gym and the instructor/class was an absolute joke. It was like doing cheerleading dances (no offense to anyone). I can't wait until I get my DVDs in the mail.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ditto can be SO hard to find a good class, but so worth going when you do find one! The DVDs are working for me too.

    Pam, I am SO thrilled for you...I can't WAIT to hear how your cert and classes go! You better video your classes as they get going so that we can zumba with you!
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    After being away for a week and a half for vacation, had my first zumba class back last night! It went awesome :) My friend and I may be leading a few classes while our instructor goes on maternity leave. I guess the person she was supposed to have bailed on a few of the classes, so we're gonna give it a shot! I'm nervous, but it should be fun :)
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Hey everyone! I absolutely love zumba! I first tried it when I was in college and was totally hooked. I just haven't found anyone around that actually knows what they are doing. I went to one at my gym and the instructor/class was an absolute joke. It was like doing cheerleading dances (no offense to anyone). I can't wait until I get my DVDs in the mail.

    Have you checked for other instructors?
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I'm SO EXCITED for zumba tonight! I haven't been since last Wednesday. It's been in the 90s with humidity here in the Northeast so exercising at all hasn't been an option.

    I normally LOVE my instructor and generally love all the routines/songs. The latest mix has been a little on the boring side. This could be related to the heatwave also.

    My question for all you zumbians is this: Aside from talking to her about it (it's a donation to charity based class, I just wouldn't feel right complaining about anything) what do you think I could do to make the most of it?
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    I sure will!!!!!! Thank you Thank you!!!!!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Gaaah! I have to vent about my Weds. night teacher. She's at my gym, so I don't have to pay for the class. If I'd registered at a studio for her class, I would quit and ask for my money back.

    She talks to us as if we're four, and last night, she had us do salsa steps to a cumbia rhythm. (it doesn't work, there's no clave to dance to.) Blergh. I don't know how to approach her with constructive criticism, because I feel like I would just have a list a mile long. "stop facing the makes it hard to know if we're on our left or our right. your choreography is terrible, and I'm tired of having portions of songs that we just stand there because you didn't put a transition in. your dancing is too stiff. please stop talking to us as if we're in first grade....blahblahblahbety blah." Not good.

    I actually talked to management about her...and they said "there is a shortage of Zumba teachers in this town." I want to keep going to the class, so that the gym sees there's interest in having Zumba, but I really want them to be able to find a better teacher. Reason number 583 to get certified.

    Ah well, better class today!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey everyone! I didn't have my Zumba class this week because of the holiday weekend (and it's on Mondays). I'm looking forward to getting back in gear with it next Monday night. I was showing my relatives some of the steps, they thought it was pretty cool. There are a few Zumbathon weekends coming up in my area, I might investigate doing one of them. They're 2 hours each and look fun.
  • I have checked on and there aren't any around here unless I drive a hour or two. :( So I'm just going to hit the dvds when I get them.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yay! I just tried another new teacher who turned out to be awesome.

    Still looking into getting certified either in August or September. I figure I'll just get certified to teach and see what happens. If nothing else, I'll be extra smart in class.:tongue:
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    I agree that finding a good instructor is SO hard! I've been to over 4 gyms in 2 different states, and have only found 2 instructors that I really like. I just wore my HRM to class tonight for the first time, and was SO excited to see that I burned 520 calories in 53 minutes! That's amazing!
  • I just saw the commercial for Zumba last night for the first time. I told my husband that is what I want for my birthday. I didn't know gyms teach it as a class. I will definately be checking on that. Love ya'lls comments and suggestions. I will definately try an instructor before I sign a gym contract just for that class.
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Love Zumba, going there tomorrow! Miss it and finally going back to my gym to do it cause at home its not as much fun :grumble: So hooorrrayyyyyyyyyy :bigsmile:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Helen - definitely try out a class! They are soo much fun! It might even be worth it to practice a little with the dvds so that you get a feel for the steps, and then attend a class. It is such an awesome workout, and after getting the hang of the routines (which can take several classes) it is the most fun you will ever have exercising!
  • Helen - definitely try out a class! They are soo much fun! It might even be worth it to practice a little with the dvds so that you get a feel for the steps, and then attend a class. It is such an awesome workout, and after getting the hang of the routines (which can take several classes) it is the most fun you will ever have exercising!

    Thats a good idea....I think I will do that....Thanks! I do love to dance and I think I will stay more motivated if I do something fun instead of just hopping on a treadmill or something. I get so bored on those!...and after a week have to fight myself just to get to the gym. No outdoor exercising for me during this heat wave with a ridiculous humidity level. 91 degrees w/ 89% humidity is todays forcast. :noway:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Alright Pam, we wanna hear your certification story!!!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ok everyone, it is Monday again, and time to start a new thread. Come on over and join me on The Zumba Crew w/o 7-12
    DJFMN Posts: 7
    Hi I bought the Zumba DVD's because of the posts that I read from the Zumba crew. I am new to the forum. The package arrived last Saturday and I started on Monday. It is so much fun. Initially I felt as though I had 2 left feet but after doing the Zumba basic DVD for 3 days I got the hang of it and really started enjoying doing it. It has got to be the best form of exercise I have ever done. I do not feel as though I am exercising at all but boy do I sweat. I am loving it. I cannot wait to see some results in the future. I will definitely continue using these DVD's and hopefully I will see the results. I am looking to lose about 10 lbs and tone up. Hoping that Zumba will do this for me.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yeah DJFMN!! I am so glad you enjoy it! It really is so much more fun that 'regular' exercise, which makes it so much easier to stick with!
    I start a new thread for us Zumba-holics every Monday, So the one going right now is called "The Zumba Crew w/o 7-12" and another new one will start this coming Monday, Feel free to chime in any time, and welcome!
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    Hey Zumba crew... I am an instructor and of course I LOVE Zumba! Keep up the good work. Sounds like y'all are having fun while burning those calories.
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