Where's the protein

Hey i was wondering if anyone had suggestions for low calorie protein meals and or snacks.. .
Other than protein shakes.
I'm having difficulty getting my protein levels up.
How important is hitting your macros to you?
What percentage of protein, carbs, sugar and fat do you aim for? And based on what?

P. S. Feel free to add me as a friend, i love snooping diaries and getting food ideas!! :) also the extra motivation is awesome!


  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    Lean meats, fish, and egg whites are my go to sources of proteins that are lower on calories because they contain little to no fat. I looked at your diary but don't see anything wrong with the amount you're getting. As a general rule for building muscle about ~0.7 to 1g per lb of lean body mass. You'll need more once your bodyfat% is in the single digits.

    I usually figure my macros at ~1g/lb of protein, 0-150g of carbs (depending on rest day or not), and 50g of fat minimum. I don't measure sugar because added sugars rarely exist in my diet, but if I did I would measure it at around 40-50g of added sugars per day from information provided by the ADA. I don't count naturally occurring sugars.

    My numbers are based on how my body responds and what I've read that I agree with. 1g/lb of protein based on what it takes to build muscle (goal dependent), this is a well-studied figure. For carbs I don't really care if I'm short or high because I don't eat processed foods, hardly any grains, and majority of them I do get are from beans, veges, fruit, or dairy. My fat is a minimum of 50g on workout days because any lower any my libido goes to hell. On rest days I don't set an upper limit, but I like to increase my minimum to 70g.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Snoop my shiz out
  • HollyWalle
    HollyWalle Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the ideas!!

    I've been trying to be more aware of my intake, before I was basically getting next to nothing in protein.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Jerky, boiled eggs, Kashi cereal, lean lunchmeat and egg white omlettes....
  • GKoz004
    GKoz004 Posts: 87
    Meals: Chicken, fish, eggs, beans, tuna, salmon, Silk soymilk, certain breads and cereals

    Snacks: Cheese (Babybel has delicious cheese! Or Sargento cheese sticks!), hardboiled eggs, Cliff Bars (they're not "healthy", but they're tasty and have protein, good for on the go), nuts, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, peanut butter

    As far as hitting macros, I only recently heard about IIFYM and the importance of getting enough of each nutrient. I try to do 40carbs/30protein/30fat, but I'd rather do 100% carbs haha I love fruit and candy. It's a bummer that living off of chocolate cake and ice cream isn't going to get me to my goal.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    Aside from meats, obviously ... I eat tons of boiled eggs, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese. For example, I'm sure this varies by brand but the cottage cheese I eat has 14g of protein in 1/2 cup at only 120 calories & Chobani's plain greek yogurt has 18g of protein. Fish is a fantastic option too.