Help.. Back Fat?

I need a good exericse to help with my back fat... It's gotta be tightened up or GONE before the wedding.. What are some good, quick, easy exercise that target just that area that I can throw in after kickboxing..


  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    BUMP...I am interested in the answer too :D
  • saintsteffers1
    I've heard swimming the crawl is good as it uses the muscles around your back and shoulders as you lift your arms up... and the cardio workout will burn the fat!
  • saintsteffers1
    I've heard swimming the crawl is good as it uses the muscles around your back and shoulders as you lift your arms up... and the cardio workout will burn the fat!
  • ccprincess
    ccprincess Posts: 10
    I would love to know this myself! x
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    Ok, I just goggled and got this...

    3 Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat

    1. The bent over-row - In this exercise you take a dumbbell, go over to a horizontal bench, place the dumbbell on the floor to one side of the bench, kneel with one leg on the bench and support yourself with your corresponding hand. Your other leg should be straight and on the floor slightly to the rear. Grasp the dumbbell with your free hand from the floor and pull it towards your lower ribs. Return the dumbbell towards the floor until your arms is stretched. Change arms and repeat.

    2. Seated row - This is an exercise you can do at the gym. You sit at the rowing machine with your chest against the pad. Grab both levers of the rowing machine and pull them back until you feel that your elbows have passed your torso. Hold and let the level go slowly back to the starting position.

    3. Bent over row with a barbell - Stand with your knees slightly bet. Bend over with a straight back and grab a barbell with both hands. Pull the barbell with both hands until it touches your waist. Lower the barbell slowly downwards until both of your arms are extended. Repeat this 10-15 times.

    Doing these 3 exercises to get rid of back fat is a great way to tone your back muscles. Make sure to fit them into your regular routine and you will see improvement in your upper body shape in general and back in particular.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i don't really know, other than cardio, i would say try some weight lifting. i use the sit down lateral pull and the rowing machine. i pull the bar down to my chest, then behind my head. sets of 10/ - 55 lbs. my upper body is okay, my problem is the lower half. so anything machine or exercise that targets the back and shoulder muscles.
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    Ok, I just goggled and got this...

    3 Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat

    1. The bent over-row - In this exercise you take a dumbbell, go over to a horizontal bench, place the dumbbell on the floor to one side of the bench, kneel with one leg on the bench and support yourself with your corresponding hand. Your other leg should be straight and on the floor slightly to the rear. Grasp the dumbbell with your free hand from the floor and pull it towards your lower ribs. Return the dumbbell towards the floor until your arms is stretched. Change arms and repeat.

    2. Seated row - This is an exercise you can do at the gym. You sit at the rowing machine with your chest against the pad. Grab both levers of the rowing machine and pull them back until you feel that your elbows have passed your torso. Hold and let the level go slowly back to the starting position.

    3. Bent over row with a barbell - Stand with your knees slightly bet. Bend over with a straight back and grab a barbell with both hands. Pull the barbell with both hands until it touches your waist. Lower the barbell slowly downwards until both of your arms are extended. Repeat this 10-15 times.

    Doing these 3 exercises to get rid of back fat is a great way to tone your back muscles. Make sure to fit them into your regular routine and you will see improvement in your upper body shape in general and back in particular.

    that'd be great if i had access to a gym!!!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I've heard swimming the crawl is good as it uses the muscles around your back and shoulders as you lift your arms up... and the cardio workout will burn the fat!

    Yes, I agree. Swimming is excellent for the back!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Technically you can't lose fat in one targeted spot (although that would be nice!). But dumbbell rows are a good way to work your back muscles. Same with side crunches (where you twist you one side when you raise your body). You don't need weights to do dumbbell rows, a resistance band would work too.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Ok, I just goggled and got this...

    3 Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat

    1. The bent over-row - In this exercise you take a dumbbell, go over to a horizontal bench, place the dumbbell on the floor to one side of the bench, kneel with one leg on the bench and support yourself with your corresponding hand. Your other leg should be straight and on the floor slightly to the rear. Grasp the dumbbell with your free hand from the floor and pull it towards your lower ribs. Return the dumbbell towards the floor until your arms is stretched. Change arms and repeat.

    2. Seated row - This is an exercise you can do at the gym. You sit at the rowing machine with your chest against the pad. Grab both levers of the rowing machine and pull them back until you feel that your elbows have passed your torso. Hold and let the level go slowly back to the starting position.

    3. Bent over row with a barbell - Stand with your knees slightly bet. Bend over with a straight back and grab a barbell with both hands. Pull the barbell with both hands until it touches your waist. Lower the barbell slowly downwards until both of your arms are extended. Repeat this 10-15 times.

    Doing these 3 exercises to get rid of back fat is a great way to tone your back muscles. Make sure to fit them into your regular routine and you will see improvement in your upper body shape in general and back in particular.

    that'd be great if i had access to a gym!!!

    You could still do these exercises with dumbbells or bands. (You can attach the band to a door or something to do the seated rowing exercises). While these will help, the best thing you can do is a combination of strength and cardio. Cardio will help burn the fat off so you can see muscles and tighten up, while strength exercises will build the muscle and burn additional fat. :smile:
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Sadly - you can not spot reduce fat. We are genetically prone to losing weight first in some places and last in others. If you pack on muscle, that's great and will help you look more toned when you lose the fat, but, it won't get rid of the fat.

    cardio is 15%
    weight training is 15%
    an amazingly clean diet is 70%

    Eat only things with skin for the next month. i.e. Veggies, Fruit and animals. Skip the bread, dairy and treats. Skip the corn, pasta and rice (corn is a grain- surprise!) and replace it with veggies. It comes off really fast if you're clean.

    Don't eat anything out of a box or package. Nothing with more than 1 ingredient if you really want to slim down.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Like the others have said, it's almost impossible to spot reduce. But, the exercises mentioned are good. But you said you don't have access to a gym. How about purchasing some weights? They really don't cost that much and you get a lot of use out of them. I would also add that plank position works your abs/shoulders/lats as does push ups. If you can't do military style pushups, start with modified and work your way up to the real mccoy. You can do it.
  • princessorchid
    princessorchid Posts: 198 Member
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    Sadly - you can not spot reduce fat. We are genetically prone to losing weight first in some places and last in others. If you pack on muscle, that's great and will help you look more toned when you lose the fat, but, it won't get rid of the fat.

    cardio is 15%
    weight training is 15%
    an amazingly clean diet is 70%

    Eat only things with skin for the next month. i.e. Veggies, Fruit and animals. Skip the bread, dairy and treats. Skip the corn, pasta and rice (corn is a grain- surprise!) and replace it with veggies. It comes off really fast if you're clean.

    Don't eat anything out of a box or package. Nothing with more than 1 ingredient if you really want to slim down.

    I def wanna try this.. can you give me some meal ideas please... thanks :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Kacie - I do the seated row with a resistance band and I can really feel it in my shoulders and I don't have too much more back fat either, so that could be why!! :happy: Just sit with your legs straight out in front of you, feet together, and wrap a long resistance band around the balls of your feet (right above the arch of your sneaker - do wear sneakers), and hold the other end of the resistance band with your knuckles facing each other and your elbows are bent in a curved "L". Pull your arms back so that your shoulders are straight out to the sides and your arms are parallel with your body. Repeat.

    I started out with 20 but I've gotten stronger to the point where I can do 2 sets of 20 back to back with a little rest. I alternate that with doing 2 reps of 15. Another good one is the tricep extension. Sit the same way with the resistance band around the balls of your feet. Hold onto the resistance band but instead of bending your elbows, just swing your arms back in a straight line.
  • sweetoblivion314
    One of the best back exercises since you do not have access to a gym is the plain old fashioned pull up / chin up. you can buy a pull up bar or find a tree branch that will support your weight. It works your core, biceps and most of your back. The other great exercise is a dead lift. You don't need a barbell to do it either. Just find something really heavy, like a couch, (in strongest man competitions they use cars not weights) and start picking it up and putting it down. Use proper form though as improper dead lifts put a lot of stress on the lower back.
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    The other great exercise is a dead lift. You don't need a barbell to do it either. Just find something really heavy, like a couch, (in strongest man competitions they use cars not weights) and start picking it up and putting it down. Use proper form though as improper dead lifts put a lot of stress on the lower back.

    YES! I'm gonna start doing dead lifts all over.. I'm about to go lift our 18 wheeler parked outside!!! LOL
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I got rid of mine the old fashioned way...I lowered my overall body fat percentage from 40% to 22%. Poof!! Gone. : )

    Seriously, to get rid of it, you simply have to lower your overall body fat percentage. Do cardio, do strength training, and eat as CLEAN as you can!