Lost and dont know where to start

Hi. I am Clare. A 5'5 woman. I weigh 195. This is just beyond ridiculous for me. I can't stand being this big. I just don't know where to start. I enjoy my junk food. And I am always tired and don't want to work out. I have 2 small children and work in fast food. I just can't seem to keep my motivation. I am an emotional eater. And I am a very emotional person (yes, I know, fantastic, right!). And I will admit to being rather lazy. I want too change this, I just don't know how. This is very upsetting. Not to mention depressing. :(


  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    MFP is a good start. Keep a track of your eating habits. You will eventually cut down the sizes and the frequency. Start slow, start small. Just hang on. You can start with a 5 min walk and increase the time gradually. See if that works.

    We all have our weaknesses. That's OK. Take is slow. One day at a time.
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    Hi Clare.

    You have already made a start - you are here - so that is one thing you don't have to worry about! Now, how to continue... you don't sound like you are 100% in the right head space to be honest, already you are putting yourself down & highlighting the obstacles; you need to sit down & think about what you really want, and I'm not talking about "I want to be skinny", I'm talking about a REAL list about the REAL things that means something to you, like;

    I want to set a healthy example to my kids.
    I want to have enough energy to do anything I want.
    I don't want to increase my risk of disease.
    I want to feel strong, emotionally & physically.... etc.

    Think about how it will feel to achieve those goals. Think about how it would feel to be that person, and then, be that person. Have you ever heard the saying "Fake it until you make it"? That applies here. You can't wait until you are thin & fit to think like a thin & fit person, you need to start now. Start by making the choices you ALREADY KNOW you need to make. It will be hard, but that's why I want you to get in the right place first, mentally & emotionally, you really have to know what you want, and know that you want it way, way more than you want to stay where you are right now.

    Best of luck to you. x
  • amakkun
    amakkun Posts: 5
    MFP is a great place to start. It's amazing how much writing down and keeping track of what you eat will do for you. Just start writing down what you eat everyday and then figure out what you can do to change it. Even the littlest changes will make a difference. If you notice you are drinking soft drinks all the time, maybe change it to one soft drink a day. Instead of eating fast food every day, eat it every other day. If you eat at work, bring your own lunch a few times a week. It doesn't sound like much, but if you keep slowly adjusting your eating habits, it won't be long until you start seeing the results you want.

    Just don't be too hard on yourself. Weight loss is a problem for a lot of people. That's why things like MFP exist, to help all those struggling to get on the right path.
  • I am in the same boat, Claire. Only I am older than you are. I am 5/5 and weight between 200-205. (It goes up and down because I retain water.) I used to be a lot more active, but as my weight started creeping up, I started slowing down. I'm tired and it's NOT pleasant to exercise. I'm uncomfortable in my body. I quit smoking using a forum like this eight years ago, and it worked really WELL, so I'm hoping this will work too. I have to do something! Good to meet you all, and good luck, everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • I am in the same boat, Claire. Only I am older than you are. I am 5/5 and weight between 200-205. (It goes up and down because I retain water.) I used to be a lot more active, but as my weight started creeping up, I started slowing down. I'm tired and it's NOT pleasant to exercise. I'm uncomfortable in my body. I quit smoking using a forum like this eight years ago, and it worked really WELL, so I'm hoping this will work too. I have to do something! Good to meet you all, and good luck, everyone!:flowerforyou:
    If you don't learn from your mistake, you've wasted a perfectly good disaster. (My good friend Cliff C.)
  • keriberi9
    keriberi9 Posts: 159 Member
    You can do it! I am 5'5", and started at around 232, now I'm at 180 and still going. I also have two small children. I do not exercise other than walking pushing my kids in a stroller. Writing down what I eat on mfp seriously changed me and my perception of food! I am also currently nursing my baby so I started slowly, but the weight has come off consistently since I started this in August! Consistency is the key. Log every bite! Log your exercise if you do some and eat back some of those calories too. I like to use the "Map My Run" app to keep track of my walks with my kids and then log them here. You can do it!!!
  • Thank you everyone. I am working on getting my head in the right place and your comments have helped :)
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Getting in a good place mentally with this is a great place to start as it IS a very emotional journey. Start with logging and eliminating the junk food. Over time your tastes will change---I'm a former junk food junkie, and I have not eaten fast food in years. You can do this!