1st week of insanity and 1st week i havent lost a lb ?

Started insanity this week and its the first week out 4 months that i havent lost a single lb . Weight has stayed the same . I know that its probably due to new workout program and water retention but what i wanted to know is , should i rest today ( after working out 5 days straight burning lots of cals ) so the muscles can repair ? Or do another day of insanity . Pretty bummed cuz im used to seeing the scale go down and i know we have plateaus but this is because of insanity . So should i rest my bones today and tomorrow ?


  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Aren't you following the calendar?
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    No i'm doing 3-4 days a week , with gym work ( weights )
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    You get a rest day on the 6th day anyway so I would follow the programme as it states.

    I only lost 2lb the first month of Insanity but my progress pics show big changes.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    People spend months and years eating too much crap and expect results in one week.

    Come on, are you serious?
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    R u having a laugh ? I am adding insanity to my workout regime for variety ... i am not and i repeat ... i am not wanting to follow the schedule ... i have seen others do the same . I just want to know if i should rest today , after doing a lot this week and it not budging the scales . Just advice . Eating junk ? I have been working out and losing for 4 months now , no junk . So ur comment is as stupid as you !
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    We can reverse years of damage to our bodies by deciding to raise our standards for ourselves, then living differently. Old wounds heal, injuries repair, and the whole system improves with just a few changes in what we put into our bodies and how we move them.
  • bexblonde
    bexblonde Posts: 80
    I've done 2 weeks of Insanity and have lost no weight, but going by measurements I've already lost 2 inches around my waist and my love handles have disappeared. So I'm not too worried about the scales, I'm building muscle and losing inches which is the important thing. Make sure you take your measurements before you do each fit test so you can see how many inches you've lost.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Can i just say that there are lot of people that do insanity ' part time ' . Im not expecting to see results from insanity .... ur getting confused .... im just saying that i have always lost something each week and the week i added insanity , i havent . lol my god .
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Yeah , ive just taken them as i didnt take them for fit test . Good thing is i have lost 3 inches since the start of april x
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    From what I understand you should have a rest day once a week whatever kind of programme you do.

    By rest I don't mean totally sedentary but some walking is probably enough.

    Oh and apparently you should weigh the morning after your rest day as the water retained in your muscles will have had time to dissipate.
  • AnneU93
    AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member
    I think you pretty much answered yourself here: should i rest today ( after working out 5 days straight burning lots of cals ) <so the muscles can repair ?> so since you already know why you take rest days I am just going to say; yes, take a rest day :happy:

    Good job on doing the insanity program and sticking to doing it :) I would love to do it, just so expensive and difficult to get it when you live outside the U.S.

    I am looking forward to seeing your insanity success story. By the way I have noticed that in many of the insanity success stories people don't really lose anything in the first 30 day, but then they start eating more and lose a good amount between day 30 and day 60. Also since it is a strength program it is important that you body gets carbs, in case you don't eat that much - I haven't looked at your diary. Just what I studied and seen myself.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    Im in the uk and downloaded it on internet :) i weigh in the morning also . Ye your right . I usually take one rest day a week anyway but thats usually on sataday but going to rest today and do light exercise tomorrow . Calves are killing me . Ye i answered my own question . Other people were getting confused , so wasnt clear x
  • kregerems
    kregerems Posts: 100 Member
    Follow the program. I noticed when I started Insanity I gained weight as well, however I figured out it was muscle mass I was building. I'm now on my 2nd go around 2nd week and the stamina I've gained is great. I've also noticed that I look thinner.