Powering through feeling weak?


Just wondering, do you guys ever have those days when you can't seem to work out as much as you want, or it hurts more than usual, or you end up injuring yourself and feel like you can't go on? :/
I've only been working out for about a year, and in the past I've just let myself leave it, but I'm getting sick of that. I mean, it doesn't happen often, but when it does it's depressing *sigh*
Should you really take a break, or should you push yourself more? If you should push yourself more, then does anyone have any tips for motivating yourself when you seriously feel like you can't do it/like you're going to die?

Thanks :)


  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you injure yourself, stop. If you're just unmotivated, push through it.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    If your sore or feel sick. dont do it...

    sometimes I feel like ill throw up but i never do and i know its because im going so hard so i just push through it. i say itll be over soon. mind over matter, my body isnt hurting so im not going to quit on it unless it quits on me.

    if im physically weak then i dont. your body needs rest and rest is just as important, if not more important than working out.

    my ultimate motto is "i will beat her" talking about myself and usually ill get it together and say no im not staying this way i will beat her. i am going to be better