Lose 5lbs+ in April!!! YES WE CAN (closed group)



  • misspatrice562
    misspatrice562 Posts: 192 Member
    Name/ real name: Misspatrice562/ Patrice

    Goal weight on April 30:: 225

    4/1: 233.4

    4/8: 231.0

    4/15: 225.4

    4/22: 226.2 (darn water retention! lol)

  • krenelynch
    krenelynch Posts: 21 Member
    Name/real name: krenelynch/kelly

    Goal weight on April 30: 105

    4/1 111.8

    4/8 112.2 (oops!! wrong direction)


    4/22 109.6
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Name/ real name: servilia

    Goal weight on April 30: 160

    4/1: 167.8

    4/8: 167

    4/15: 166.8

    4/22: 163.8

  • loranch
    loranch Posts: 94 Member
    Name/ real name: Laurie

    Goal weight on April 30:: 178

    4/1: 181

    4/8: away with no access to a scale. Sorry will weigh next week!

    4/15: 173 not accurate because I was sick last week

    4/22: 179.6

  • Name: lindaclarke11/Linda

    Goal Weight on April 30: 240

    4/1: 245.8

    4/8: 244.2

    4/15: 242.5

    4/22: 242.2 (miniscule loss this week but better than nothing!)

  • Isis2123
    Isis2123 Posts: 36
    Goal weight on April 30: 139 or less

    4/1: 142

    4/8: 140

    4/15: 143....

    4/22: 143

  • Loui62
    Loui62 Posts: 8 Member
    Name/ real name: Loui62/Louise

    Goal weight on April 30:: 151.6

    4/1: 159.6

    4/8: 158.0

    4/15: 156.0

    4/22: 154.8

  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Name/ real name: Liese

    Goal weight on April 30: 147 or less

    4/1: 151

    4/8: 148.5

    4/15:150.4 ( bleah!)

    4/22: 148.6

  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    Not having much luck!

    Name/ real name: Schann7/ Shann

    Goal weight on April 30:: 125lbs

    4/1: 130lbs

    4/8: 131lbs

    4/15: 132lbs

    4/22: 132lbs

  • Name/ real name: staceycanada/Stacey

    Goal weight on April 30: 162

    4/1: 167

    4/8: 167

    4/15: 169

    4/22: 171


    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    I'm not sure why when I wasn't trying super hard the weight was pouring off but now when I commit to 5lbs I put that on instead.
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    Name/ real name: ChristinaR720

    Goal weight on April 30: 129 (only going for 4 lbs this month - getting harder to lose!)

    4/1: 132.2

    4/8: Belinda - I'll be out of town and I don't think I'll have access to a scale for this weigh-in! I'll see what I can do, though!

    4/15: 133.2 (ate complete junk while on vacation for a week!)

    4/22: 133.2 (increased my calorie goals)

  • reerazzle
    reerazzle Posts: 81 Member
    I am very excited to be in this group! Thanks for doing this.

    Name/ real name: reerazzle/ Ree

    Goal weight on April 30:: 173


    4/8: 181--Gain of 2.2 lbs

    4/15: 178- loss of 3lbs ( Net loss .8lbs)

    4/22: 177.5-(Net loss 1.3 lbs)

  • free8gent
    free8gent Posts: 61 Member
    Name/ real name: free8gent

    Goal weight on April 30: 148 or less

    4/1: 155

    4/8: 156.1 (1.1lb gain - hoping this is due to water retention as I restarted working out and P90X during the past week)

    4/15: 154.8

    4/22: 152.5 (yay! - net loss 2.5lbs)

  • lmichelleg
    lmichelleg Posts: 136 Member
    Name/ real name: lmichelle

    Goal weight on April 30:: 138

    4/1: 142.4

    4/8: 140.9

    4/15: 139.6

    4/22: 139.3

  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Name/ real name: Josie

    Goal weight on April 30: 146

    4/1: 151.4 (actual weigh in 4/3)

    4/8: 150 (actual weigh in 4/9)

    4/15: 151.8 (actual weigh in 4/17) -- I DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS GOING UP!!!

    4/22: 152 :explode: :explode: :explode: - BEYOND FRUSTRATED AT THIS POINT...

  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    Name/ real name: Shandi_B / Lj

    Goal weight on April 30:: 225

    4/1: 230.6

    4/8: 232.9

    4/15: 229

    4/22: 228.1

  • airant
    airant Posts: 146 Member
    Name/ real name: Airan Torres

    Goal weight on April 30:: 124

    4/1: 129.6

    4/8: 128.0

    4/15: 128.0 (not loss)

    4/22: 127.5

  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    narak_lol / Karan

    Goal weight on April 30: 127

    4/2: 132

    4/8: 131 (scale finally moved YAY!!)

    4/15: 130 (delighted! )

    4/22: 129.8 (I'm considering if I now belong to the 120 group haha)

  • cnewlin86
    cnewlin86 Posts: 87
    Name/ real name: cnewlin86/Casey

    Goal weight on April 30:: 158.6

    4/1: 163.6

    4/8: 161.2

    4/15: 160.2

    4/22: 158.6

  • cjc1961
    cjc1961 Posts: 31
    Name/ real name: cjc1961/Cheryl

    Goal weight on April 30:: 165

    4/1: 169

    4/8: 168.5

    4/15: 168

    4/22: 167.5
