Helpful tips?

I was wondering if anyone can give me any tips on healthy living. I am trying to lose 1 stone and I am following the 5:2 eating plan. On the 2 days each week, I have 500 calories each day and 4 days, I stick very rigidly to my 1200 calories each day and on 1 day a week, I allow myself to have a few treats but never go above 1800 calories on that one day.

Everyday, no matter what calories intake day it is, I eat little and often - spread evenly throughout the day.

As for fitness, I do get to the gym but not frequently (family commitments) but usually once a week. But nearly every night when I am not at gym, I am out jogging with my son or we go out on our bikes for 6/7 mile cycles. I do a minimum of 80 squats everyday and have introduced some ab crunches everyday now too, only 30 though. I also do an hour of yoga once a week.

But I am not losing any weight at all. I fluctuate by a pound up then down, but never anymore. I am not very underweight at all and I am at the top end of my "healthy" BMI.

Sorry for the long post, but does anyone have any ideas? :smile:


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    You are eating very low on what are supposed to be your 5 normal eating days.
    When you say you stick to 1200 on 4 of them do you mean you are not eating back exercise calories either?
    Really hope that's not the case as you seem to have a very active lifestyle.

    Most people on 5:2 that are seeking to lose weight eat at their TDEE on the 5 normal days so that the weekly calorie deficit comes from the 2 days at 500 calories only.

    Are you very petite?
    Have you worked out your BMR or TDEE?

    By the way there are a couple of groups on here for people following 5:2 lifestyle.
  • I'm not petite at all, I am medium build, 5"5'. I count back calories on the cycles and jogs but dont bother counting the calories for any squats/crunches or the yoga. I don't feel that I am all that active. Although my cycles are quite long, they are not hard-going as it's with my 6-year old son - so need to keep a steady pace - same for the jogs. Which are never further than 1mile at a time (again for my son).

    MFP - gave me the 1200 calories each day total when I created my account and have stuck to that since.

    Yeah, my bmr is 1972.

    Sorry if I have posted it in the wrong place, although I have used the app for a long time for food diary - I have never used the community section of it before.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    In my opinion you need to eat far more on your non-fasting days. 1200 that MFP gave you was to create a deficit across the whole week. By also dropping to 500 on two days you are creating a huge weekly deficit which is unlikely to be healthy for someone already in the healthy BMI range.

    Your BMR number looks very high to me - are you sure that's not your TDEE? Here's a useful calculator you can plug your stats into -

    Remember that the 5:2 fasting style is supposed to be 2 days at 500 cals and 5 days eating NORMALLY.

    The groups are useful for sharing tips and experience, the general forums will often attract very negative comments from people ignorant of the 5:2 regime.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i agree with the other poster, you need to eat a LOT more on your non fast days.
  • Sorry, yeah I didnt write that out properly (at work and shouldnt be online)! BMR is 1530 and TDEE is 2100.

    Cool, thanks for giving me those links.

    Well that's a helpful tip, I wasn't expecting - but I will eat some more now! Fabby - happy Friday or what.

    Thanks again :smile: