Do you eat a snack before the gym?



  • qbrvp
    qbrvp Posts: 7 Member
    I normally have something light like greek yogurt, a small bowl of fruit or, a shake but something with fiber so that I can have a good work out. I find that when I don't have anything even like a small snack bar I feel drained and want to quit early.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I work out in the morning, so I just have green tea, train fasted, then I feast.

    Nothing like a break-feast.
  • SAMC1989
    SAMC1989 Posts: 32
    Most of my work outs are fasted but i work out two evenings a week so wanted to know whther to or not, im gonna push my 2nd meal later to 3.30, like i just have and not snack :)
  • ssypult
    ssypult Posts: 1
    You should absolutely eat before the gym. If there was ever a time to enjoy a carb in the day - It's before an intense workout. The only wasy fat is burnt is when repairing muscle fibers. Fat generally isn't burnt during your workut, but usually 24-48 hours after your workout. So workign and building muscle equals your greatest fat loss. This is why men typically drop fat faster than women.

    Think of it like this: You do a hard, and heavy leg day at the gym. You may be sore for 2 or 3 days. If you are eating clean the next couple days, your body will burn pure body fat to repair these muscles along with the protein in your blood stream. This is because it takes time to break down fat cells, and th 24-48 hours after the workout gives your body time.

    In order to work your legs to the max at the gym to make them sore, you need a good source of carbs in youir bloodstream so enough ATP can be produced throughout your whole workout. If you don't eat before the gym, then you are actually hindering how hard you work your muscles and subsequently not burning fat to your body's full potential. I'd eat some carbs with breakfast, pre-work out, and post-workout.

    Here's another reason: Wokring out is actually catabolic (muscle-destroying). Without carbs in your bloodstream as a source of fuel (ATP production) then your body will actually breakdown muscle as fuel. Also, YOUR BODY BREAKSDOWN MUSCLE FASTER THAN FAT CELLS AS A FUEL SOURCE!!!

    The only time I would maybe have coffee and no food before a workout is in the morning doing a 30 minute walk - like walking my dog.

    I actually know people that do not eat before the gym, workout pretty hard but get light-headed or are exhausted the whole time, and then they step on the scale after every workout and can't believe they are the same weight as yesterday. They are crazy! I weigh in once a week - always on Wednesday. I let my clothes and mirror be my judge though.