Knee Pain - Feeling Discouraged

I've been exercising almost daily for a little over a month now and for the last week I've had some pretty bad pain on the outside of my knee going down my shin. It started after doing 30 day shred for about a week so I stopped and thought I should do some low impact stuff instead so I started some yoga/pilates and it has gotten even worse. I really don't want to stop exercising because this is the most motivated I've been in years and I fear if I give up now I won't start again. I don't have any equipment to use and I don't have a gym membership at the moment. Anyone have suggestions on how to get a good workout without hurting my knee?


  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Pain on the outside of the knee could indicate an issue with the IT band. I would start by massaging the IT band daily with a foam roller and eventually (like weeks) it will get looser.
  • hammomh
    hammomh Posts: 43 Member
    I'd say you need to rest, don't want to cause more injury which means even more recovery time.

    If you do want to keep going though, I used to get knee pain from running, I have found I can still run if I wear a compression bandage, but I do take it easy when it is sore.

    I find they work really well for me.

    Could you try walking? But avoid hills (for me that makes my knee sore)

    Also swimming, that is one of the lowest impacts you will come across, if it hurts your knee swimming then perhaps not usuing your legs much and swimming using mostly your arms

    If the pain doesn't go away though, you should go and get it checked out, make sure there is nothing serious wrong.
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    *usual caveats, I am not a doctor, etc

    Maybe try strengthening the muscles that work with your knee--I had knee surgery a couple of months ago and now my PT and I are doing exercises that strengthen my quads and... glutes? side glutes? basically all the muscles in my thigh. (see above about not a doctor) Takes pressure off of everything in the knee. Some of the ones I'm doing:

    -front leg raise: lie on your back, straight-leg lift the leg in question, 2 reps of 15 lifts
    -side leg raise: lie on your good side, put your leg a few inches behind you so it's not in line with your bottom leg and lift straight up, not necessarily high just straight--2 reps of 15
  • janettles
    janettles Posts: 69 Member
    I got knee pain from doing the machines at a local gym. It was very discouraging. Somehow I found T-Tapp exercises, which are very rehabilitative, and they helped my knee pain quite a bit.

    Here is a link to the main website:

    On the main website and on YouTube, you can find some videos so that you can try before you buy.
    Best of Luck! I hope you are feeling better soon.