
mostein Posts: 200 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Now I have a question about spinning. I know I need to get a HRM to know for sure but I logged in 35 minutes of spinning on here and it only said it burns 225 calories. That seems a bit low from what I have heard about spinning. Could others tell me what they burn while spinning?


  • I did 52 minutes and burned 362 according to my heart rate monitor. My average heart rate was 79 percent of my max and my maximum heart rate was 104 percent of my max. So, I worked incredibly hard. I never burn as many calories as some of the numbers I hear in the room, but I am hoping it's because my heart is in good shape!!! Only 35 percent of the calories burned were from fat - whereas, when I run on the treadmill at a consistent 5.0 for one hour, I generally burn 400 calories and 50 percent of it is fat!!! I love my monitor - you won't be disappointed if you get one. Polar has a great website that you can log onto and transfer your workout data right into your home page and it keeps track of it for you - it's wonderful!
  • doodlbug
    doodlbug Posts: 21 Member
    My teacher quotes about 400-500 per hour. So the estimate might not be that far off. My hrm has said up to 1000 calories in a single spin class though, which I'm afraid was possibly a mistake.
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    I usually burn between 400 - 600 cals per hour. depending on how hard I push.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I burned 830 calories in 1 hr of spinning last week. My heart rate averages 150 bpm. I'm 5'5" 160 lbs. My teacher quotes that you can burn up to 1000.

    If I average around 140 bpm in 30 minutes, that usually equates to 400 calories.
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    Hi there,

    I burn 463 in a 45 minute class so I can imagine that 35 mins would put you at around 350's
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks everybody! I should just buy a HRM and avoid all the confusion for myself!
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