Weight Ins!

so my regular weigh in is always saturday mornings when i first wake up. Kinda scared tho, had a cheat day on Tuesday, chili cheese fries:/ not the best but ehh they was calling my name!. i know its unhealthy to loose weight too fast but i only have 6 more pounds to go then ill be at my goal(: but it feels like its taking FOREVER!! started at 158 now in the 110's(: any tips to do the day before weight ins to help loose those extra calories? When is your regular weigh ins? What did you start out as? congrats to everybody out there and keep pushing srong! you can do this! PLEASE feel free to add me as a friend, as im always looking for new people to help motivate me, as i try to also motivate them!:D thanks and goodluck everybody!


  • ktdeangelis
    ktdeangelis Posts: 19 Member
    Try to stay away from any foods that are high in sodium, that way you won't retain as much water. Also, try just light/moderate execising because sore muscles will also store more water. Good luck!
  • jjkale
    jjkale Posts: 18 Member
    Try using psyllium fiber 30 min before eating lunch and dinner. The Fiber helps to capture the 'bad fat' then you flush it away eventually.