Any wheel chair bound people?

I have a dear, dear friend who is in a wheel chair, due to a car accident that happened over 10 years ago. She is wanting to lose a few lbs and isn't sure what to do to accomplish it. She is paralyzed from the waist down. She is 36 and a mother of 2.

She pushes her chair around everywhere...all day long. How would she log that as exercise? Say when she goes to the mall, the store, the zoo....where she would push more than normal? Hoping someone knows someone in a wheel chair so I can connect them together or get some ideas for her to do to better her health. She wasn't able to find it in the data base here, hence my post now.



  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Why not try to find an online calculator which can roughly calculate calories burned? And you mentioned she is paralyzed from the waist down...Hit the weights and do upper body work? I see some people in chairs also wheel around the track and compete in races
  • meepberry
    meepberry Posts: 22 Member
    my husband is a partial t10 paraplegic. he focuses on doing weights, rowing, and swimming.