1400 Calorie Limit

I'm having a hard time trying to keep my calories at 1400. I keep going over by 200 or 300 calories and having to do extra workouts to "cancel" it out at the end of the day, any sugguestions on how to balance a little better?


  • lattarulol
    lattarulol Posts: 123 Member
    People can't help if they can't see what you are eating
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Eat clean and simple, Embrace veggies and lots of workout. That's my recommendation.
  • lainaR23
    lainaR23 Posts: 11 Member
    1400 is not very many calories that is really tough not to go over when you have so few calories to eat. Are you eating any high fat salad dressings or sauces that you could cut out or switch to lower calorie options I have a really hard time staying in my allowance if I am eating stuff like that. Also if you are still feeling hungry then you could try drinking a protein shake either as a meal or a snack. I eat a scoop protein powder in apple sauce every morning and it just makes me stay fuller for the rest of the day.
    Hope this helps and good luck!
  • Thedij
    Thedij Posts: 29 Member
    I've been eating below 1400 calories since the beginning of the year and have never been hungry. Feel free to add me as a friend & then you may view my food diary to get ideas.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    open ur diary