Introducing myself

Hi everyone!

My name is Catherine and I am a 27 year old Aussie who has gained a few kilos.. I managed to get down to a lovely 54 kilos and a BMI of 22 only to tear my ACL and need a knee op the actual week I got to goal weight - being an emotional eater and no longer being able to exercise to the same intensity that was keeping my snack attacks under control lead to a 25ish kilo weight gain over the last 4 years. I have been able to exercise at high intensity for ages now but exercise lost its sparkle and calorie counting did as well.

Yesterday was my birthday and it has made me realise that I really dont want to spend anymore time beating myself up about how I look and feel - I want to feel fit and healthy and proud of my body again, so I have decided to commit to eating around 1200 calories a day, a few gym classes a week and doing C25K again! And I am so excited - I can't wait to get back to 54 kilos and being able to runk 5kms without stopping.

I am going to start using these forums frequently for support and feel free to add me as a friend anyone!


  • SophieGoldsbury
    Hi there!

    I had knee surgery on Monday and my birthday was on Sunday (had ligament repair and osteotomy) so I can relate in that respect!

    Right now I am so motivated but my movement is restricted due to the pain so it is frustrating. When I had the initial injury 6 months ago I put on a good bit of weight due to comfort eating.

    Happy Birthday for yesterday! :-)
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, Friend request sent. I am also one of those statistics who lost weight and gained it back but now I am on a true lifestyle change. I am on here to keep myself motivated and give support.