first 3 days down 5 lbs from clean eating

After my first 3 days of eating clean and drinking only water I've lost 5 lbs. Is that healthy. I have heard losing too fast isn't healthy


  • austinmclark
    austinmclark Posts: 40 Member
    When I first started dieting (not even clean eating, I haven't done that at all), I dropped 19 pounds in a week and a half. So yes it is normal, as long as you aren't starving yourself. Bigger people have a lot more to lose so they lose it fast. I was 310 at my start.
  • brobles38
    brobles38 Posts: 45
    I definitely didn't starve myself.
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    Your weight fluctuates everyday. I can weigh: 157 on Monday and 161 on Tuesday. I only weigh myself once a week.
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I cut wheat out of my diet and I went from 185.6 on Thursday and this morning (Saturday) I am 181.8!!! I fully expect this is to slow WAY down but it is a nice boost to my hard work!
  • brobles38
    brobles38 Posts: 45
    Your weight fluctuates everyday. I can weigh: 157 on Monday and 161 on Tuesday. I only weigh myself once a week.
    very true
  • PeauxPeaux
    PeauxPeaux Posts: 71 Member
    Absolutely -- a lot of it is upping your water and lowering your salt. RIgth at the beginning it perfectly normal to have a big drop. After the frst couple of weeks, it should level out.
  • FindingFit127
    FindingFit127 Posts: 69 Member
    i was wondering the same thing! i have just start logging and exercising again and i lost 4 lbs in 2 days.. i was wondering if it was just water weight or actual fat. either way it has motivated me to keep it up and i already feel more energetic and alittle thinner! :)
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    It's 90% water weight. This will also happen if you cut back carbs way back.
  • belleunos
    belleunos Posts: 13
    Clean eating has made all of the difference for me. I watched the documentary Hungry for Change, bought there book/recipe book and started cooking. I'm loving almost every recipe. I juice most days for one meal. I dropped 5 Ibs in 1 week then dropped back to 2-3 Ibs per week and have been maintaining that for a couple of months overall. I feel so much better, I'm sleeping less, I'm more focused, I have more energy for my workouts. I can't imagine going back. I don't want to eat the "diet foods" anymore. I have a diet, it's called what I eat to live. So in answer to your question, no I don't think that was dangerous, it was just your body cleaning out.
  • GitaMe
    GitaMe Posts: 14 Member

    Congrats on a fantastic first week :-) I think what you are experiencing is a combination of water loss, calorie reduction, and a positive reaction to the digestive enzymes from your "cleaner" food in take. As you know, one of the major points of clean eating is reducing (if not eliminating) carbs from breads, sugars, white pastas etc, and replacing them with more natural sources of carbohydrates (fruits, veggies, oats etc). That simple switch alone will show you results and is worth adopting for long term health (not just weight loss). This is also one of the key reasons why Atkins, the Zone, the Sugar Busters dieters see a huge reduction in the earlier days.

    I have been eating this way for a while and even subscribe to Clean Eating magazine. You should definitely check it out for ideas and recipes for delicious foods that will help you maintain a clean eating lifestyle. The magazine gave me the recipe for a braise that I still use today and is one of my favorite methods for preparing a hearty, delicious and CLEAN meal. I also learned to use a spiralizer to make "Zucchini Pasta" :-) Let me know if you would like the recipe. I would be happy to upload it for you. My boyfriend is 6' foot 4 - 270 Lb - Brazilian JuJitsu guy... and he LOVES the braises so it is not "girly man" food :-)

    Great job and I really hope you adopt the clean eating lifestyle :-)