Scared to stand on the scale!!!



  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I also joined on Sunday and I'm scared to death I haven't lost any weight. Guess we both have to just bite the bullet.:smile:
    I know!! Thanks!!!:wink:
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    1x a month so far has worked better for me - less stress on my mind on a daily/weekly basis. :)
  • kalea_kane
    The scale is a mere, imperfect tool to help assess a trend. It you got on the scale 4 different time in a day each time you'd likely weigh something different. The number on the scale WILL fluctuate.. And the closer and closer you get to GW the less it will move, down... Fluctuations, stalling out/plateauing are all totally normal.
    Dont let the scale scare you. Whether you get on the scale or not, you will still weight whatever it is you weigh that particular day and time. The difference will be if you know that number or not. I say get on the scale. Knowledge is power. The number on the scale can help you assess if what you're doing is supporting or impeding your goal to loose fat (not just weight).
    I recall over the past holiday deciding i was going to just eat what i wanted for thee special occasion events over 4 days. I weighed myself the morning before event number one. I kept on my same weighing schedule of twice per week. After my 4th day i contemplated not getting on the scale as I KNEW i had put on a few pounds. But, i decided it was important to see how my body handled certain situations such as this and how long it would take me to lose anything i may have gained. I got on the scale totally prepared to see a 3-4 pound weight gain... Instead it was 10 pounds!, yes TEN in 4 days! I got on and off the scale several times thinking something had to be wrong.. It wasn't, it was right. Oddly, my clothes still fit and despite feeling a bit bloated i looked and felt the same.
    The next day i returned to my healthier eating and working out. I got back on the scale another 4 days later.. And guess what? Te entire 10 pounds was gone... GONE... All of it, not even a 1/10 of a pound was hanging around.
    That was a great learning experience for me. It helped me not freak out about small scale fluctuations, helped me learn how my body responds to over eating and how quickly my body will regulate itself once i return back to my healthier lifestyle..
    I hope you remember your scale and the number on it is just ONE number ... It does not define you, confine you or determine if you are a success or a failure... Good luck!

    You have totally inspired me! Thank you! :)